The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Succussing or plussing a remedy
Hi, I took Sulphur 200c about 10 years ago.i want to take it again to see if it still helps.
Is it smart to take a water dose and pluss, or succuss the remedy before taking?
Ive heard this method will slightly change the potency enough that you will have a different remedy
thank you for any clarity on this topic
brianMP on 2025-01-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You took that so long ago it will not matter if you do one dose dry or liquid.
See how that goes , if you need more doses then it’s good to try the water doses bc it does change the vibration a bit.
See how that goes , if you need more doses then it’s good to try the water doses bc it does change the vibration a bit.
♡ simone717 last week
Please dont take sulphur in water dose. It will aggravate the symmptoms and make body dry and heaviness of head.
Aryans 2 days ago
why would this be any different in water or dry? I already took the wet dose. there was aggravations but they went away within 2 hours
brianMP 2 days ago
It’s not a problem. Water doses are more gentle and they change the vibration of the remedy slightly to make the body respond better.
♡ simone717 2 days ago
yeah thats what ive read as well.
I took the dose last night, felt kinda good for about 1 hour, then about 2 hours of aggravation and anxiety. Now I feel fine. Im hoping the remedy will act within a week (sulphur 200c). I really hate waiting
I took the dose last night, felt kinda good for about 1 hour, then about 2 hours of aggravation and anxiety. Now I feel fine. Im hoping the remedy will act within a week (sulphur 200c). I really hate waiting
brianMP 2 days ago
I also hope the dose wasnt too much. sulphur 30c I had no aggravation, but no change in physical symptoms so I decided to go up one more potency level.
brianMP 2 days ago
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