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Hot flushed cheeks, bloating, hirsutism

I had posted recently about Lycopodium but probably wasnt the right remedy. I tried a lot of remedies over the years with no success...
I wonder if there are some chronic states that simply dont respond anymore to homeopathy?
My symptoms are flushed red cheeks (like really really hot and red), this gets triggered mainly in winter by temperature changes (sun, sauna, warm heated room), or alcohol, or too much coffee. In summer its often MUCH better. I suspect a histamine issue. It also gets worse from eating gluten or dairy.
I am severely intolerant to gluten and dairy. I can get suicidally depressed when i eat it. My joints ache and i get extremely bloated and belly ache.
I have avoided gluten and dairy for 20 years now. Still i get bloating here and there. My joints (knees) hurt, sometimes more, sometimes less.
As a child I was severely constipated, depressed, kinda autistic, very fearful.
I also was diagnosed with PCOS in my twenties when my cycle was very irregular and i had lots of cysts on my ovaries. My cycles are relatively regular now. My main symtpom here is strong facial hirsutism.
My thyroid is always a bit hypo. I am generally low energy. Even when my face is flushed hot, my hands and feet can be ice cold.
I am very introverted, like solitude and quiet. I can get irritated by noise (loud music, people sneezing, yawning, motorbikes etc). Puffy face.
I am 42 years old, female.
I prefer dry warm climate, dry food. No cravings really.
I tried many remedies (with practicioners mainly) in the past, like Lac Fel, Lac Hum, Lac Can (issues with mother, and not breastfed), Nat Mur, many of the Mag, Chocolate, Lithium, Baryta, Helleborus Nig, Oxytocin, Antimon crud, Arist Cl, Ambra, Calc Carb, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Elaps, Staphysagria, Folliculinum, Syphillinum, Thuja. I have Thyreoidea and ACTH here but cannot remember if I took them, i think I took the ACTH.
Anyhow, nothing resolved my issues. My health did improve over the years but I also did other things over the past 20 years, like herbs, lifestyle and diet changes, supplements, heavy metal detox. But I never healed completely and I think a lot is from gut issues, as well as maybe nervous system (vagus nerve) from childhood trauma (emotional neglect)?
Anyway, if anybody wants to give it another go, I would be so grateful
  wannabehealthy on 2025-02-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

anuj srivastava last month
Thank you so much!
Yes I was contemplating and investigating the bowel nosodes but found it hard to chose. In the past a practicioner had given me Morgan Pure once, with no effect, and i think it was badly chosen.
I was thinking about Gaertner, Morgan Bach or maybe even Dysentry (as I also have heart issues, palpitations for the past 2-3 years)...
I am not sure emaciation is my topic, nor hyperactivity, regarding the Gaertner...
Anxiety, especially socially, timidity, nervous tension, sensitive to criticism, yes.
Maybe the bowel nosodes are the missing key for me. I will investigate more and come back to you
wannabehealthy last month
you have taken a lots of medicine in a repeated form. By taking this way, body becomes a factory of artificial diseases and disease is not found in pathalogy checkup or MRI because in repeated form all medicines proved in body permanently . you have to unproving the medicine.
Aryans last month
Where does it say i took them in repeated form? I usually do classic homeopathy as a one dose. Those remedies were taken over many years. I am not proving anything. My symptoms remained the same as before i ever started homeopathy
wannabehealthy last month

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