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NEED HELP! I am losing all my hair, age 22, type-1 diabetic male

My hair is coming out of roots. They were thick a few months ago; now they are not dense and thick and come right out of root. Not just head hair but chest and pubic hair too.

I have increased cholesterol almost 467 tryglicerides I am taking medication for that but I have t regrow my hair and I hope homeopathy have anything which doesnt requires a fortune of money and surgery. I mean I need my dense, thick hair back.
  ujjwalin on 2025-02-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
When were you diagnosed as type 1 diabetic?
Are your parents or grandparents diabetic?
Homeopathic treatments depend upon symptoms, so you have to describe your symptoms.
Mental symptoms are most important. They include everything that describe your personality. They are best described by somebody who is close to you like parents or other family members or friends.
Next in importance are general symptoms which describes your preferences for type of weather you feel comfortable or uncomfortable in.
Lastly symptoms of parts like your hair loss and any other health issues you may have.
In mental symptoms describe your likes and dislikes on company and solitude, type of food and taste (sweet, sour, salty).
High cholesterol and triglycerides are the results of eating high carbohydrates and lack of exercise.Please state what you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also mention whether you eat snacks in between meals.
Not a doc1 last week
I was diagnosed to type-1 when I was 13.
No one in my family was diabetic.
My symptoms are heat and burning sensation on scalp and all hairs are getting uprooted automatically. All hair are coming out of roots and the roots are even thinner then hair itself.
Mental symptoms are unsatisfaction in life and lack of dreams or ambitions... anxiety that everyone is getting ahead in life except me. Cant make money etc. dont have any friends. My likes are being in nature and dislikes are angery people, fights at home and stressful situations.
I have varicoceles and their homeopathic treatment is going on since 4 months and it hurts while doing phyical activity so I stopped doing and it and yes my diet is mainly carb based because I am from a poor family and they only cook onemeal for everyone which I cant change but gladly my cholestrol treatment is going good.
I need help with me getting bald at only 22... My hair were thick, black and dense.
ujjwalin last week
Did you have any vaccine immediately before you became diabetic?
Please list all the medicines you are currently taking and the reasons for their prescription.
Not a doc1 last week
I havent took any vaccine after my daignosis in 2016 but its type 1 diabetes so currently I am taking Huminsulin 30/70 and Lantus but Insulin is a hormone and doest interefere with any medicine type.

apart from this I am taking homeopathic medicine for varicocele is hemamilis mother tincture and its effective and english medicine rosaday tablets for cholestrol which my doctor gave me and I am feeling much better since I started this 3 days ago.

My hair fall started 6 months ago when I was only on insulin (I have been on insulin since last 8 years)...

I hope this helps.

Now something I suspect is may be due to varicocele depositing unpurified blood at trsticles may have been cause of production of impared DHT cells which leads to hair fall in man. I am not saying anything I am not an expert but may be...?

or may be a hormone change is causing this?

or may be I have an auto immune disease (type-1 diabetes) so may be my immune system making me bald.... I mean I am leaving these here for you to think on.
ujjwalin last week
Please take Sulphur 200 one dose preferably in the morning. Do not take after sunset. Do not eat or drink anything sour as they will antidote Sulphur.
Check your blood glucose two days after taking Sulphur.
If you feel weakness or trembling or sweating it means low blood sugar and you will need to take something sweet immediately. Keep some chocolates with you atleast for a week.
Do not take more than one dose.
Not a doc1 last week

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