The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dr. Anuj Urgent - Guinea pig with brain trauma
Hi Mr. Anuj,Our guinea pig was attacked by a Mongoose on the neck resulting in blood loss. She was almost unconscious so I gave her Carbo Vegetalis directly on the ears and she got better within 3 minutes.
I also gave Arnica C30 and Ledum C30 to manage the wound.
Today I noticed her eye on the LEFT side changing as well as well as dried blood from her left nostril. This suggests brain trauma.
He must have thrown her on the floor or shaken her very strongly.
Please advise what I can give her to reverse the neurological damage.
I am giving her Meloxidyl daily to reduce inflammation and antibiotic to prevent infection.
She eats little but I am able to give her water and food with a bit of patience.
mercyann on 2025-03-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ anuj srivastava 23 hours ago
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