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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Magic, unseen creatures and diseases.

Once it was popular belief in europe and around that all the diseases are caused by magic and unseen creatures. Being M.D from USA, I did not ever believe anything like that ever untill that day, when an Indian persom, Charag Din came to my clinc. I saw his reports that showed that he was carrying cancer. I tried to convice him to get admitted in American Cancer centre, New York. He said 'no'I will have to go to pakistan to get the treatment'. I told him that he will never come back in that case. He said he will come, cured, to meet his grand children. He walked away from my clinic with his son and daughter. After six months he came to my clinic and said that he had magic effects on him. He got these effects removed from a mystic person, who later on gave some dosages of herbal medicine, and those were enough to cure him. I took him to laboratory to take his blood samples. The samples showed pure blood.

I want to take your opinion, do you think magic can cause diseases and can cure them?

Once I did not believe in homeopathy, later on some events convinced me to its efficacy, now I am biggest fan of homepathy, though I am a allopah. Same way, may be I was wrong not to believe magic and its effects!?
  Advisor on 2006-06-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The biggest enemy of truth is a closed mind.

Post we were curing cancer a century ago !!
Why ddo we lways look for the latest and ignore our great heritage ??? .

'If improvement is to be brought about as in other branches of knowledge, we must diverge from 'the beaten tracks, the probability being that the truth is to be found in unexpected directions. But not only is any divergence from ordinary views likely to meet with opposition, owing to the preconceived opinions of mankind, but it has to encounter a much more serious opposition should it at all run counter to existing commercial interests':
Dr R T Cooper 'Cancer and Cancer Symptoms'
Basic to health and healing is the non-scientific concept of vitality. It is a quality that cannot, at the moment be-quantified. It is the essence of the homeopathy of Hahnemann and his system of miasmatics, for, if there were not a vitality working in accord with Hering's Law ...
[1] Hering's Law of Cure ~
I Symptoms move from center to circumference of body.
2 Symptoms travel from above downwards.
3 Symptoms travel from more vital to less vital organs,
4 Symptoms disappear in the reverse order of their onset, those that appeared first being the last to disappear.
These observers have also noted the reappearance, of conditions, which affected a person in past life. Which have lain dormant either because of the body's defenses being unable to deal with them or through inappropriate suppressive treatment having been administered, even the ill effects of accidents, which occurred years ago.
... Then it would not be possible for symptoms, or vents for internal ills, to be forced to the surface-for relief. Also, lacking an internal dynamic exercising an outward thrusting pressure there would be no superficial, surface symptoms to suppress, but only a passive inert state similar to death.
The point of this small work is to gather together some thoughts of the great minds of homeopathy and to examine them and their relation to latent or potential illness or disease in the individual. One would also like to point towards possibilities for early recognition, of latent illness that is stirring and preparing to rise to the surface. This would allow a preventative aspect to holistic and homeopathic therapy.
The object of therapy is to cure gently and thoroughly without the use of crude drugs, antibiotics, and antimicrobials etc or surgical intervention. This statement applies to chronic, hereditary constitutional illness. Where surgeons repair a shattered body one can only - stand in awed admiration and offer assistance to deal with shock and support rapid healing; while confirming that surgery should be confined to this field where it excels. In support of this view one would like to quote a few of our great minds on the subject.
(Kent P842 Lectures) 'As a medicine to prevent abortion it is one of the first to consider because the symptoms we know are such as come during abortion, and it is most useful after the membranes have ruptured, or the ovum passed, or when the placenta is about to be expelled. It establishes the normal activities of the uterus so that it will expel whatever is left behind of these membranes. The curetting is never necessary with the homeopathic remedy. It suggests that there is something defective about the woman's organs.'
(Kent P127 Lectures) ' You do not need to run for the surgeon for every case of appendicitis if you know Bryonia, Rhus tox. Belladonna, Arnica and similar remedies. The homeopathic remedy will cure these cases, and, if you know it, you need never run after the surgeon in appendicitis except in recurrent a tacks. If you do not know your remedies, you will succumb to the prevailing notion that it is necessary to open the abdomen and remove the appendix. It is only deplorable ignorance that causes appendicitis to be surrendered to the knife.'
(Kent P226 Lectures)-' 'Now the surgeons nearly all advocate that if there is a fistulous opening around the anus it must be operated upon. Homeopathy cures such cases. I have not operated on one for twenty years. The remedy that is indicated for the patient will cure the patient, and the fistula. Above all things, they should not be operated on. To close up that fistulous opening, and thus neglect the patient, is a very dangerous thing to do.'
(Kent P279 Lectures) 'And if you hear that somebody has tried this and tried that without success, remember that somebody has only demonstrated his own failure. Homeopathy is capable of demonstrating itself in all intelligent hands.'
(Kent P338 Lectures) 'Nowadays we hear so much about this meddlesome midwifery, this curetting, and doing this and that and the other thing, that it makes a homeopathic physician disgusted. Just as if those parts were not made by Nature, and unable to take care of themselves.'
(Kent P185 Lectures) 'That is the worst sort of practice, guessing at a remedy; yet there are children having enlarged tonsils that appear to us without any symptom whatever to select a remedy by, The symptoms to prescribe on are such as represent the patient, not the glands; not the changed tissue. We must always regret that the surgeon must come in, for in cutting off anything it may be done to the constitutional detriment of the patient.'
(Kent P290 Lectures) 'Affections of the bones of the nose. That is, the catarrhs go on so long, and they are so deep-seated, that the bones of the nose and the cartilage of the nose are infiltrated, and they break down. Then operators cut out bone, remove cartilage, and perform operations too numerous to mention. And everyone must have the same operation. But in order for him to be cured he must even after that go to an homeopathic physician '. He should first be cured and then if there is anything to be removed let him be operated on.'
(Kent P168 Lectures) 'Homeopathy teaches that the patient should be treated and the patient only, after which the organs and tissues become normal. The whole duty of the physician is to restore health to the patient. We have the nose specialists with their local applications. These things will only bring on bone disease, and tubercular troubles. They stop the discharge from the nose, and of course nature must have a vent somewhere and so she establishes a discharge in the chest. The trouble progresses from the mucous membranes into the lung, into the parenchyma of the lungs, and is often of a tubercular character and then these men tell you the bacilli have come. This is spurious science. Clean, healthy tissues are the only safeguard.'
(Allen P122 Chronic Miasms) 'Stasis is sure to appear in some part of the organism, which is often incurable unless the eruptive disease can again be produced. A sycotic of three processes suppression in my experience usually results in one a gleety discharge or catarrhal condition of some mucous surface, a localised 'Secondary inflammation of some form or other, such as metritis, salpingitis, appendicitis, or inflammation of the prostate, rectum or of some other organ. Not infrequently this form is manifest in congestion of the meninges, medulla or some other part of the brain, often inducing many aberrations of the mind such as acute or subacute mania even to true insanity.'
(Allen P203 Chronic Miasms) 'Often the things that were very agreeable and palatable to them, become repugnant and they take a great dislike to them. For instance, the tobacco user he suddenly takes a dislike to his pipe or his accustomed chew and for a time it is impossible for him to use it or to even touch it. After this condition passes away, which is usually in a short time, he resumes his old habits again with renewed vigor and relish. We see in these things, disturbances of psora: all toxic drugs become sooner or later prime disturbers of psora or the chronic miasms in general, but particularly psora.'
(Allen PI0I Chronic Miasms) 'On the other hand, when the growth was removed by surgical measures it often became recurrent, or some new development succeeded it, frequently of a nervous or mental nature, that was difficult to remove, if not incurable.'
(Allen P .I00 Chronic Miasms) 'But, you say, how do you know that a miasm is behind or at the root of all abnormal growths we know, in the first place, that this subject received a careful study from Hahnemann himself for twelve years. After that most earnest thought, careful analysis and experiments he saw that the miasm lay not only at the basis of abnormal growths but that they fathered all disease outside of chemical and mechanical irritation. In the second place, when the law of cure was applied, basing the prescription on the totality of the prominent and most dependent miasmatic symptoms, the abnormal growth no longer developed and immediately began to diminish and finally disappeared. This occurred when the highest potencies were given and when all chemical action was lost, or destroyed, in preparing the remedy by the process of potentization.'
(Allen P98 Chronic Miasms) 'Simple external expressions, as papular eruptions, warts and such like, the system is through these simple mediums eliminating from itself all that is necessary of the effects of miasmatic poison. Should the unskilled physician who is not acquainted with this law governing miasmatics, suppress these conditions, some other eliminating avenues or points must be created, as the miasm is still in that organism with the same strength and power of action.
The same stress is there, the same dynamos; therefore, when we suppress its manifestations do we simply change its nature? No, its action or its manner of working in the organism, and the same miasmatic force is directed along other lines and against other points or parts in that organism, which is along lines of heredity. New phenomena, or new symptoms to develop. The more profound the suppression the greater and deeper the new manifestation or new process.'
(Allen P24 Chronic Miasms) 'What you see there is not the disease but the eliminative process. It comes out at that point; it is but the waste gate, through which the disease escapes. The potential is the disease, and the potential (the life force) is that which is disturbed. It is a similar process which creates a tumor.'
(Allen P65 Chronic Miasms) 'Often our only hope lies in reproducing the original disease, in order to cure any secondary disease, whether it be stomach trouble, indigestion, hemorrhoids, headaches, neuralgia’s, rheumatism or constipation. Even acute expressions of disease often depend on the same thing. For instance, it has been my experience in about fifty cases of acute arthritis, following speedily after the suppression of the sycotic discharge not to be able to relieve the pain fully, or to arrest the progress of the disease, unless the suppressed discharge returned.'
(Ortega P268 Notes on The Miasms)
'Old-school medicine is plagued with these antithetical procedures, and despite the arguments and objections which have been repeated time and time again by the great masters. This medicine continues to mutilate, cut off, suppress the natural healing power, and trample on the Vix Iedicatrix Naturae learned as the fundamental Hippocratic norm of any medical procedure.
(P282) 'By the same token, if we limit ourselves to finding a medicine which covers all the similar symptoms without attempting to establish for them an order of importance, without taking into account their antecedents and, above all, their ultimate aims, we may become symptom removers' but never true homeopathic physicians.'
(P267) 'And we hasten to add that within this medicine which we so greatly criticize there have been, are and will be, magnificent and profound thinkers who have noted the same both now and in the past. We also note with shame and sorrow that homeopathy itself has many professionals who call themselves homeopaths but act in accord with this vicious, corrupt and short-sighted institutional medicine.'
So it can be seen that the great minds of our therapy are agreed that crude drugging and surgical intervention can normally be counted as suppressive and destructive. But one must appreciate that until there enough skilled homeopaths to recognise and deal with events that lead inevitably to this sort of treatment our voice will be drowned by strident commercial interests.
Our attention must be focused on education so that an increasing sector of the public are aware of the underlying concepts of health from the holistic homeopathic point of view. So there are fewer cases like one I know of, where a very bitter lady swears never to go near an orthodox allopathic physician. She considers that she has been robbed of twenty years of an all too brief life by the constant use of tranquilisers. One can only wonder which current 'wonder drug' now being enthusiastically prescribed, will, in a few years time, be recognised as a destructive agent when considered holistically, and one is appalled by the potential for harm to the central nervous system in the brain peptide research now under way.
The concept of a vital force whose energy is directed towards the survival of the individual is dealt with in other booklets of this series. As is the subject of suppression of acute symptoms that may be seen as vents granting internal relief to that vital force.
Generally speaking the vitality can only cope with a specific amount of extra stress. This can be over-balanced by trauma such as: - (1) suppression of inflammation in the ear, nose, and throat or the genito/urinary areas by antibiotics or antimicrobials (2) Serum vaccine (3) Physical trauma (4) emotional trauma.
When the internal stress is unbalanced the underlying latent miasmatic class will rise to the surface to allow the vitality to balance its energy expenditure as it is compelled to accept and control the suppressed inflammatory condition.
Quite often after the suppression of a-sycotic catarrhal/inflammatory condition the underlying latent psoric, or ulcerative condition will rise to the surface and there will be eczema, asthma, neuralgia or varicose ulcer.
As J H Allen points out, when the vitality is near defeat the three' - great seats of life are attacked; the liver, heart and brain. Where $ the miasm is ulcerative it is the brain that is often affected by suppression. First by phobias, suicidal episodes, or aggressive destructive and violent behavior patterns. Later of course physical deterioration of the brain cells happens, as in the many individual forms of Alzheimer’s Disease (or accelerated old age).
In connection with the liver, heart and brain as the great seats of vitality it is interesting to note that primitive races often ate part of the defeated enemy in order to absorb his bravery and vitality and always the organ consumed was one of these three.
It is also interesting to note that medical science, having used tranquilisers, (now acknowledged to cause actual brain cell deterioration) is busy on peptide research to put this damage right. 1hey can we not realize that the body’s best physician is its own vitality and that it evolved on a basically self-repairing schema.
One is tempted to agree with Dr Ortega when he says (P272) 'Notes on the Miasms' 'Man should submit intelligently to the rule of the universe by adequately stimulating the potential residing in the nature of each person. Helping to rid it of defects and to reincorporate it into complete normality. And when this potential is not adequate for survival, man should die with dignity, but with all of his capacities and qualities intact. True medicine will thus strive for the prototype of each individual rather than the pitiful remnant, which will only' make the human type ever more degenerate and absurd.'
It may of course be due to our society, which strives for recognition praise and wealth. In order to be seen to do his, usually very well paid job, the physician looks for immediate and dramatic results from the drugs and surgery he administers.
But as Prof. J T Kent points out this seriously detracts from the ability to serve humanity, as it has a right to expect service from this profession He says on P339 of his Lectures.
'The children that grow up under the care of the homeopathic physician wil.1 never have consumption, or Bright's disease; they are all turned into order, and they will die of old age, or be worn out properly by business cares; they will not rust out. It is the duty of the physician to watch the little ones. To save them from their inheritances and their downward tendencies is the greatest work of his life. That is worth living for. When we see these tendencies cropping out in the little ones we should never intimate that they are due to the father or the mother. It is only offensive and does no good. The physician's knowledge as to what he is doing is his own, and the greatest comfort he can get out of it is his own. He need never expect that anyone will appreciate what he has done, or what he has avoided. The physician who, desires praise and sympathy for what he has done generally has no conscience.'
Were it not for today's wonder drugs that preserve external apparent health while the interior rats one would yearn for the ancient Chinese system of medicine where the physician was only paid while his patient was well. Payment to the physician stopped when the patient was ill and only resumed when he was well again.
The microbiologists and geneticists are beavering away at the loops and spirals of the DNA/RNA and are already locating various genetically transmitted diseases that can be transmitted down the generations. Since around 1815 Hahnemann and his successors have not only been preaching this point of view, but also using their remedies to treat these miasmatic genetic tendencies.
Two of the miasmatic classes are contained in the pseudo-psora or tubercular grouping. The psoric and the ulcerative. Dinosaur bones have shown that they suffered from that disease. . Thus at least two of the miasmatic classes predate man historically. At the same time it has been shown that early prehistoric man suffered gouty states, and in the main these fall in the sycotic class. This all suggests that the system of miasmatics existed largely before man evolved. That they are at least equal to man in the flexibility and capacity to adapt. It would probably be fanciful to think that man’s flexibility and capacity to adapt is due to his continuous close association with miasmatic genetic groupings.
It also appears that where a natural disaster, a deep trauma or a chronic depression of existence occur when one of the miasms is brought to the surface. Instances of this are reported every day. In the Observer report on the Bhopal Gas Disaster 1/12/1985, a woman constantly washes her hands – a manifestation of the syphilitic miasmatic class. Kent’s repertory lists the nosodes and the syphilitic and only that remedy for that condition. I have cured cases of compulsive hand washing using that nosode.
In the most depressed areas of New York, London etc tuberculosis is on the increase. It was only controlled as long as we maintained the whole of our society above a minimal living standard. In the recent phenomena of AIDS, we find in advanced cases, the classical symptoms of hereditary tuberculosis. Weakness, excessive rapid weight loss, drenching night sweats swollen lymph glands. All meticulously detailed under the heading Tuberculin. The Nosode – included by Prof. H.C. Allen in his Materia Med of Nosodes, compiled at the Hering Medical School, Chicago.
'Vicious' and 'Degenerative' are only two of the' adjectives used by great and world famous homeopaths to describe the practice of vaccination with serum. As I have quoted extensively in other sections on miasmatics I will only say here that vaccination has been condemned since J C Burnett proposed the disease condition Vaccinosis in 1881, through such names as Hering, J H Allen, R C Allen, J H Clarke,
From J T Kent to today’s R Moskowitz and H Coulter, who detail the relationship of vaccinal poison to eczema, cancer and insanity. All well defined parts of the latent miasmatic groupings that are inherent in the human organism, being contained and controlled by the vitality. So long as personal vitality is not under assault by crude drugging suppressive surgery, or medicines.
See Coulter's book 'A Shot In The Dark' and R Moskowtiz 'The Case Against Immunisation'
The deepest and most inert of the miasmatic groupings is the psoric and it is doubtful if any human can evade it. According to those who have studied it deeply it is not only transmitted genetically it is instantly and imperceptibly transmitted by skin contacted,
Those who momentarily scratch themselves on undressing, or first getting into bed have it, but also have it well under control. If the eyes are sensitive to bright light then some disturbance of the psoric latency has taken place. The lists of such outcroppings are endless and detailed in the homeopathic repertories of the world.
As Prof. J H Allen pointed out ' we see in these things disturbances of psora. All toxic drugs become sooner or later disturbers of psora. The disturbance of course can follow not only courses of antibiotics, antimicrobials, tranquilisers but can also be roused by vaccination, and physical or emotional trauma.
Where suppression or genetic inheritance has caused both psoric and ulcerative symptoms to be active then all manifestations are serious and unpleasant. Allergies, asthma, hay fever, ulcerative cancers, hyperactivity, and other nervous problems can be roused from latent conditions.
If the condition is not too serious and the individual can afford the time then, ideally, the only necessity is to provide rest, relief from stress, and a carefully selected diet, all of which can be provided by naturopathy. This supports the reactive powers until they are restored to their previous ability to control all latent conditions and the individual is restored to good health. In conditions where the vitality is weakened and fighting a losing battle then those therapies that act at the vital energy level can restore the body to order. The two main therapies in this area are acupuncture and homeopathy.
I am not experienced in acupuncture and cannot comment authoritatively on it. But I believe that like many therapies, in the hands of a good practitioner it is highly effective and in the hands of a bad practitioner it is only of dubious worth.
To illustrate how suppression arises and also how the homeopath can be guilty of suppression it may be worth considering one of my own cases because it shows many of the facets that people like Professors Kent and the two Allen’s, (J H & H C) warn us against.
First I dealt with a woman who, due to antibiotic treatment now suffered from vaginal thrush. This condition is easily banished using Candida Alb Im. The lady was most impressed and I had acted in accord with the homeopathic principle that 'like cures like'.
However some 2-3 months later the same lady returned with Pruritis (or itch). I examined - the whole case in greater detail and followed a single dose of Bacilinum with a course of Sulfur. The first thing to reappear was the thrush, which I had homeopathically suppressed. Further courses of treatment banished a tendency to take 'colds' constant tiredness and a host of minor complaints. I quote this fault of my own to illustrate the fact that simple repertorising pointed in the first instance to many remedies and I opted to meet the client's demands and cure the condition that annoyed her.
Later, due to my own appreciation of the subtle workings of miasmatics improving I was able to use her pronounced liking for meat, gravy and potatoes to see the tubercular, grouping and the use of sulfur settled the case, although she was not an obvious 'sulfur type'.
This shows how easy it is to use homeopathy in an allopathic fashion, curing the symptom, satisfying the client and at the same time degrading the overall long-term health of the individual. As Kent so often says 'It is the patient and the patient only who is to be treated after which the organs and tissues become normal.' And in this homeopathy is holistic.
She has many of the appearances of a health and strength, but she is predisposed to every acute disease of a contagious or infectious nature that comes along. Within a few years she has gone through the whole catalogue of children's diseases. . Most of which, if properly treated by the single homeopathic remedy, come forth free from any sequelae and the general system is renovated greatly of its existing miasm; but, if improperly treated, we may have any chronic miasmatic stasis which remains with it permanently, or in time destroys the life.
'It is right here that we would impress upon the mind of the practitioner this important fact. That we must have a wider knowledge of these latent miasms in order to know when and how to select a deep acting miasmatic remedy. One that will not only remove idiosyncrasy and predisposition, but also cut short all of the history above presented with its sufferings, and dangers to the young life. As a rule, many of us only scratch upon the surface of this miasmatic soil, removing a few of the' weeds of disease, when we ought to be preparing the soil so that it will bring forth only the fruit of health and strength, and magnify life and perpetuate youth. Idiosyncrasy and predisposition are the offspring of our failures to do this thing. Many times we do give the true antimiasmatic remedy according to the law of similia, but we give the potency too low to get the full breadth and depth of its action. While it may abort the existing acute disease, it leaves as a rule, the deeper pre-existing miasmatic symptoms; therefore, the predisposition and idiosyncrasy are still there to threaten the patient with new disorders at every new cycle and turn of life.'
J T Kent Lectures P339 'The suppression of eruptions is apt to bring out mental symptoms, mental exhaustion, haplessness, despair appearing after the suppression of an eruption with zinc ointment. He was fairly well while he has had the eruption but when it disappeared his mind gave out. This is an instance of suppression and also of the power of zinc is well known to homeopathy as a remedy.
P262 'The nature of the Bufo constitution is such that it is capable of giving out symptoms similar to those produced by low forms of disease. He is not likely to live to be old; he is likely to break down at forty. She comes to her end by cancer of uterus or breast, or by imbecility. He comes to his end with low forms of disease, malignant manifestations. This medicine, therefore, goes into the very life. Children develop an unusual tendency to low forms of chronic disease; they do not possess a good healthy nature, -a good sound brain; but they are feeble, they break out with eruptions, they go into consumption. Persons of twenty-five have a tendency to break down, and when the symptoms look like those of Bufo this medicine will in a wonderful way, make that constitution all over. Such cases as these only get well by violent turmoil and by tremendous aggravations. When we approach these diseases by easy stages the patient does not get so much disorder or excitement, but is not cured so radically.’
Old diseases reappear, old gonorrhea would be brought back, and old syphilitic states come up, ulcers attack the mucous membranes, etc. Such turmoil is likely to occur when you get a deep acting remedy, such as brings all the disease out that was lurking within.'
P950 'Burnett dropped an idea, that has been confirmed many times. Patients, who have inherited phthisis, patients whose parents have died of phthisis are often of feeble vitality. They do not throw off their inherited tendencies. They are always tired. They take on sicknesses easily. They become anemic; nervous; waxy or pale. These conditions are sometimes met, when the finer symptoms agree, although Burnett evidently used this medicine in a sort of routine way for this kind of constitution which he called 'Consumptiveness.' 'Persons who had inherited phthisis, who were debilitated and anemic.
It seems from looking over the record of many cures that this remedy has been given many times for just that state on a paucity of symptoms and if the records can be believed it has many times balanced up to the constitution in that anemic state, where the inheritance has been phthisis. It is not the best 'Indication for Tuberculin. but where the symptoms agree with the inheritance, then you may have indications for the remedy. ,
If Tuberculin bovinum be given in 10m 50m and cm potencies, two doses of each potency at long intervals, all children and young people who have inherited tuberculosis may be immune from their inheritance and their resiliency will be restored. It cures most cases of adenoids and Tuberculous glands of the neck.
P398 'He dreads the necessity of having company, and it seems that the atmosphere is full of frightful and distressing things to worry him. This makes him low-spirited. The remedy seems to fit the sycotic constitution in its mental state and its generals. It seems to be fitted to those who had gonorrhea recently suppressed because after that suppression will come on this mental state with inflammation of glands.
P910 'Such things are only necessary when there is a paucity of symptoms. Where after much study it is necessary to resort to what seem the best measures, measures justifiable to a certain extent, based upon observation and upon a knowledge of the conditions underlying the constitution of the whole race. 'We know that underlying these cases with few symptoms there is a latent condition, and that it is psora, syphilis or sycosis. If it were known to be syphilis we would select the head of the class of remedies looking like syphilis. If known to be sycosis, we would select the head of the class of remedies looking like sycosis. Sulfur stands at the head of the class of remedies looking like the underlying psora. So, if the underlying constitution is known to psoric, and it is a masked case, Sulfur will open up the latent cause, and, even if it does not act on a positively curative basis, it is true that a better representation of the symptoms comes up.'
We can then move to Prof. R C Allen who compiled the 'Materia Medica Of The Nosodes' and see the same views on latency. In much the same way Dr Clarke quotes Von Grauvogl and J C Burnett on the subject of venereal disease.
'Constitutional Medicine' By Dr J H Clarke P131 'As for syphilis itself, Grauvogl believed it quite possible that this poison should arise 'de novo’ from ferments generated in the vagina . That it depended on the constitution of the individual in question which disease followed from one and the same exposure. 'From the same woman on the same day, and indeed in the very same hour, one may get a syphilitic ulcer, one a sycotic ulcer and one escape without any infection.' Somewhat parallel with this I have seen a distinct case of syphilis develops in a woman when her partner for months past never had and never developed syphilis. I have seen a very inveterate urithritis in a man whose wife suffered from leucorrhoea and with whom there was no question of other intercourse. It all depends on the susceptibility
Also H C Allen in 'Nosodes' P198
'To the ordinary mechanical, materialistic, and; atomistic heads - and there- is a vast number of such, - it seemed not only paradoxical, but childish and incredible, that according to the homeopathic medical doctrine. The administration of doses of only very minute fractions of a grain of the more powerful medicines could be of any use.
I grant that it may certainly be more convenient to regard all diseases as accumulations of gross impurities as well as active drugs as rough levers and brooms or as chemical reagents, consequently as palpable things. This may, I repeat, be more convenient than to regard those alterations of the being of living creatures (disease) as pure dynamical affections of the vital force, and medicines as pure, virtual, tone-altering powers, as they are in reality, and to set about curing according to these views.
If we do not adopt these true views, but adhere to those ordinary material ones, the curative powers of medicine must be estimated according to their bulk and the weight of their dose; and hence the scales must determine the efficacy of the dose. But in that case we must first ascertain the weight of the disease, in order to be able to reckon whether a disease weighing so many pounds could be pried out, as with a lever, by such a weight of medicine.'
In case one should think that all these views are voices from the past let us look at a recent publication 'Notes on the Miasms' By Dr Ortega of Mexico and see that he says on P103.
'The doctrine of specific microbes is a thing of the past. The same microbe-produces four different clinical patterns, THE CLINICAL MANIFESTATION OF MICROBIAL ACTION whose specificity is here being discussed is conditioned by the state of the organic terrain in which it develops.'
A little thought on this point will show those receptive to new ideas, that this is in accord with the homeopathic principle that the whole person must be treated because each individual creates his own disease (or health) states. Also it points in a direction that I have long considered to be a natural condition, i.e. that any and all substances can stand in a harmful relationship to humans.
Allergies can even cause what is food to most of us, to kill a supersensitive (see the book 'the Allergy Connection') .In the same way substances that are inert to most of us, suddenly become carcinogenic. This of course ridiculous, as individual people reacts carcinogenically to substances normally harmless to most people-. The change occurs in the person not in the substance. It all depends on the individual, as people not substances are carcinogenic.
In this connection is interesting to note what Dr Foubister says in his paper on the nosode Carsinosin in 1967. 'These children presented a remarkably similar appearance, having blue selerotics, a 'cafe au lait' complexion and numerous moles. 'In addition to the Carsinosin appearance and a tendency to insomnia there was a tendency to have inflammatory illness very early in life.
For instance Whooping cough at five months fits into this picture. If for the sake of argument we accept that there are two basic diseases, inflammation and tumor formation. Then it might not be too far fetched to regard this tendency to inflammation as a reaction against inherited tendencies.' This shows again that inherited genetic latency gives rise to inflammatory disorder, and also Dr Foubister points to the relationship between Carsinosin and Tuberculin, Medorrhinum, Lueticum thus covering all the miasmatic nosodes.
Returning once more to disasters, natural or otherwise, these are often informative as those who survive are usually stripped back to reveal those conditions which were always latent.
In this one would look at the keloid scarring of the Hiroshima survivors Consulting Dr J H Allen, who was Professor of skin diseases at Hering Medical College Chicago. In his Book 'Diseases of the Skin' under keloid he draws attention to its occurrence, 'in those tubercular patients who have deep seated nervous troubles.'
So once more we see that under the greatest stress and trauma the body is compelled to allow its latent miasmatic grouping to rise to the surface. Allen recommends Bacilinum and Fluoric Acid as the two most useful remedies in this condition.
The Bhopal disaster, which probably poisoned with Hydrogen Cyanide gas (Observer 1.12.85), reports that there were cases of loss of taste, smell and hearing, acute damage to nerve cells and increased fluid in the brain. Once again the individual has his health and vitality stripped away until those whose heritage is in the ulcerative grouping are attacked in the area of the nervous system. While those who suffer from increased brain fluid show a relation to numerous cases cured by Bacilinum or Tuberculin where the head has been enlarged due to hydrocephalous. Which brings us back to the pseudo psoric (or tubercular) miasmatic grouping.
If one wished to use tautopathy in an event like Bhopal one would expect that the homeopathic remedy hydrocyanic acid would be universally curative. Unfortunately homeopathy is not so simple. Undoubtedly, there will be a few cases where the indications included coldness, blue or gray earthy puffed features, oppressed breathing and anorexia combined with thirst, which sets up gurgling in the stomach.
These would be cured by Hydrocyanic acid, but the vast majority of cases would relate to the basic latent miasmatic grouping and would call for either the nosode or its related polycrest. Which are, as Kent points out, Natrum Muriaticum or the Calcium's for the tubercular, Sulfur for the psoric and the Mercury';s for the ulcerative. These are of course only those most strongly related to a miasmatic grouping; each has a cluster of like acting remedies and the closest match is the one that will exert the greatest curative effect.
Let us turn from disasters on an international scale to disaster on an individual scale, cancer. A recent article by R Thomas 'A Cure for Cancer Research' points out a number of causes for apprehension on the part of anyone accepting orthodox treatment for this condition,
P56/7 'But the hard, sad fact remains that in spite of the millions being collected and spend each year, cancer in its most lethal and serious forms - in the lung, breast and bowel, is no nearer being beaten today than it ever was. 'Indeed, in some cases, particularly breast cancer for example, the exact opposite is true; the scientists are actually losing the fight.
The number of deaths from breast cancer in England and Wales rose from 10,622 in 1969 to 12,672 in 1983 - an increase of a huge 19 per cent.
'Recent figures show that survival rates for young women who develop cervical cancer have fallen sharply - a new, more virulent virus is being blamed. So far from winning, in fact, the research effort is barely standing still - and the millions collected are being largely wasted. In the face of this sort of fact it seems that only Blinkered thinking would refuse to admit that the current standard cancer therapy is ineffective to say tile least.
R Thomas goes on to say 'But if comments like this make most orthodox cancer researchers start to twist uncomfortably, there is a further revelation to come guaranteed to cause almost instant heart failure. And that is the extraordinary and deliberately suppressed, discovery that many people have a better chance of recovery from cancer if they have no treatment at all than if they have any of the ‘ cut, burn or poison' remedies on offer at most hospitals today.
As long as ten years ago, Professor Hoyden B Jones of the University of California’s Medical, Physics and Physiology department told the American Cancer Society: 'My studies have shown conclusively that untreated cancer victims live up to four times longer than treated individuals. If one has cancer and opts to do nothing at all, he will live longer and feel better than if he undergoes radiation, chemotherapy or non-essential surgery.” And 'Professor Kenneth Calman head of clinical oncology at Glasgow University has admitted in his introductory booklet Living with Cancer, published last year, that 'Some form of cancer treatment, notably radiotherapy and chemotherapy may actually induce cancer.' And Dr Ian Pearce, who has spent a lifetime treating patients, agrees: 'The methods of treating cancer are feared almost as much as the disease itself.' 'It is not the cancer which kills the victim,' Professor Jones has claimed 'it is the breakdown of the person's defense mechanism which eventually causes death.'
As the famous homeopath Dr R T Cooper said in his book 'Cancer and Cancer Victims'
'If improvement is to be brought about in medicine as in other branches of knowledge, we must diverge from the beaten tracks, the probability being that the truth is to be found in unexpected directions. But not only is any difference from ordinary views likely to meet with opposition, owing to the preconceived opinions of mankind, but it ha s to encounter a much more serious opposition should it at all run counter to existing commercial interests.'
It would of course be nice if one could say that the nosode of cancer ' Carsinosin (or Scirr) could be used to cure cancer but this simplistic approach is naive. As Dr Foubister points out 'It is not, easy to find' a single case of cancer treated by Carsinosin alone, indeed it seems of doubtful value in the treatment of the disease. In fact it almost seems that the further away you get from actual cancer, as in childhood, the more useful Carsinosin is as a constitutional remedy.'
However Carsinosin can be used to treat, where appropriate, conditions that are predominantly either sycotic, ulcerative, or pseudo psoric. Foubister points to a close relationship to Tuberculin, Medorrhinum and Lueticum. This seems to imply that the cancerous condition can arise from any miasmatic background, that its treatment must individualise and that its cure is a matter of putting the health and vitality in a condition to throw the disease off.
All suppressive measures such as surgery, chemotherapy etc must be counter productive. As Prof. Allen points out, the same potential for illness remains in the body, which must establish a point of relief be it cancer, tumor, hemorrhage, diarrhea. Given the correct support and therapy the body can and will cure itself and this is the point and purpose of homeopathy.
As Kent points out the homeopathic remedy simply unblocks the body's innate ability to cure itself of almost any condition.
To the astute homeopath the signs of impending trouble are deciphered against a miasmatic background. So that the current boom in tinted glasses that indicate photophobia can be attributed to toxic drugs disturbing latent psora. This may be largely due to antibiotics. But where the subject is female and on the pill it could be taken as a warning that it is time to come off the pill,
One of Professor Allen's 'Flags of distress' is the small: smooth pearly wart usually on the left side of the face. It indicates a sycotic suppression and is the body's stress vent. Any attempt to remove it by surgery or external medicine will usually result in a deeper internal tissue growth and deterioration in general health.
Acidity, either of the blood resulting in concretions in the joints and arthritic phenomena; or of the stomach resulting in colic, heart' burn, and many bilious problems show whether hereditary or suppressed sycotic conditions exist.
Another commercial boom relates to smelly feet, condition that may follow vaccination and is curable by Thuja or follows a suppression of any kind against a background where all the miasms are equally represented. In this case the versatile tri-miasmatic, or polycrest, Silica will cure.
The unfortunate thing is that even where this diagnostic expertise is available, it is largely wasted as people turn to the alternative therapies only as a last resort. In cases where the first stirrings of trouble which could have been remedied quite easily have been maltreated and now become very difficult to cure. .
Let us consider what the definition of cancer is, and consult the medical dictionaries where it is variously describes as an uncontrolled proliferation of cellular material and that cellular material may be skin, flesh, or bone or any tissue.
Under this definition the most harmless type giving the least cause for concern is the wart. This growth that seems to come and go as it pleases has no explanation in orthodox medicine although some consider various types to be contagious.
In homeopathy the wart is recognised as a vent for a body that is battling to control a sycotic condition and one of the chief anti sycotics 'Thuja, is its prime cure. This is why eruptions of warty growths are often seen at teething times when second teeth appear.
Professor J H Allen points out ' Sycotic patients are relieved of their mental stress and disturbance by some external expression of the disease, for instance, A leucorrhea, or a gonorrheal, or catarrhal discharge of any form returned, relieves a sycotic patient. Of course this is in the secondary stage, for the tertiary stage may be relieved by an eruption of warts, or by fibrous formations or growths of any kind. I have seen mental symptoms, some of acute mania, subside in a very brief space of time by the reproduction of a suppressed discharge in a sycotic patient.
So from a homeopathic point of view we can expect the suppression of any of the above types of discharge to end in the types of mildly cancerous growth defined by Prof. Allen.
If the genetic inherited miasmatic background is pseudo psoric, as I shown up by: - quick exhaustion, 'catching every cold that is about', strong liking for meat and potatoes, fear of dogs, nose bleeds, etc, Then the tendency to warty fibroids and benign tumors will turn into the more malignant forms.
Prof. Allen say's 'Two latent miasms seldom become active at the same time. If they do we are liable to have a malignancy on our hands.' He was of course referring to normal conditions not those where intervention had produced suppression.
It would seem then that by producing a warty, fibroid growth the body relieves the internal stress set up by blocking off a sycotic discharge. If we now remove the warty fibroid then it may return after a period or it may retreat to some deeper recess of the body and become a full-blown cancer. Or it may retreat into the realms of psychotic disorder and create all types of mental phenomena as well as the accelerated senility known as Alzenheimers disease.
In the matter of the random or apparently random appearance of cancer cells in unrelated parts I feel that G Vithoulkas' and J C Burnett's suggestion should be followed up.
Briefly they consider that parts developing from cells close to each other in the early stages of development of an embryo retain an affinity even though they may end up in distant parts of the body. Because of this a cancer developing in one part of the endoderm will easily spread to another distant site in the same structure linking the linings of the middle ear, lungs and urethra.
Having said all of this one does not imply that every removal of wart or fibroid will result in cancer. Given rest, freedom from stress, healthy diet and climate and the vitality can be raised to a point where, even though the sycotic condition is loose in the body the vitality can handle it, and only when the vitality is again lowered will it break out.
Turning once more to latent states and early warning there are a number of ways of pointing to potential victims of disease. These are not exclusively the sphere of the homeopath. The richest and most fruitful field of early detection and prevention is that of energy disturbance. Just as the earth is covered in 'ley' lines so the body has energy meridians and these tell their story to the good acupuncturist.
Also many types of sensitive electrical field measures are now coming into use. The main problem here is lack of a historical background that would yield a more certain interpretation of the results. Julian Kenyon has carried out research in this field and in his article on bioenergetic medicine makes some interesting points on this diagnostic technique. One is that the energy levels used are similar to those involved in homeopathy. The other that patients put on suppressive therapy such as anti rheumatics, anti inflammatory, immune suppressants, anti depressants, steroids etc lose part of their natural self regulatory powers and therefore their ability to react to energy therapy such as acupuncture, homeopathy and vegatest techniques.
Such energy orientated techniques must have more than one investigator and Tim Smith in his article 'Investigating the energy field' uses Kirlian images to show that a woman with cancer had energy flowing outward as a constant loss from her fingertips. Also the doctors had not detected points out that on occasions the scan showed up problems which at first it was thought that these were errors, but in time it became clear that problems were being detected in the energy field before they had developed in the physical body. Some of the people Oldfield scanned were suffering from cancer.
The significant thing about all this is that it seems to offer scientific proof that, as Prof. J H Allen stated years ago, cancer and all illness is latent. It only rises to the surface if the constitution is disturbed in the ways detailed in a previous chapter. It is possible to detect these changes before the latent becomes actuality.
In the UK a hundred years ago there were at least three men curing cancer by homeopathic means and one is appalled that this base was ignored and not built on. In, one case there was a certified stomach cancer that was opened up surgically and sown up again as inoperable. This was a cure carried out by Dr R T Cooper whose methods are dealt with in the next chapter.
Why does only homeopathy ignore its own great, ineradicable and largely neglected history? Politicians have learned (only too well) from Machiavelli, playwrights from Shakespeare, musicians from Bach and artists from Canaletto and Rembrandt. Do we disbelieve the feats of cure carried out by our predecessors - do we fear that we may be called on to emulate them and lack confidence in our ability?
If we doubt these men, 'then why one asks, are two of the three books I have in my library on worldwide sale. Publishers don't publish book for, which there is no demand they have to make a profit to stay in business. People don't buy these books unless they wish to study them and use the methods and remedies described.
The books I refer to are:
(1) 'Curability of Tumors' by J C Burnett
(2) 'The Cure of Tumors' by J H Clarke
(Both of which are published and distributed from India)
(3) 'Cancer And Cancer Symptoms' by R T Cooper
I now propose to quote from the first two in order to display the patient orientated care and the originality with which homeopathy was applied to individual cases. As these books are readily available and comparatively cheap I will not quote much case history but try to show the principles applied.
Let us consider some of Burnett's remarks, directed to those who think that the symptoms and the repertory are all that is necessary to cure any illness.
I once attended a young girl, over a series of years, for repeated attacks of congestion of the brain: she flushed up hot and red; her pupils were wide open; she was restless; she tossed about and talked nonsense. This is a fair picture of poisoning by belladonna, and hence Bell was given each time and each time it cured. Finally, in one of the attacks, the belladonna failed to act, and patient died. The end showed that the various attacks had been from tubercles, and then we clearly saw why it was that the patient died; and why it was that Belladonna had cured the symptoms and yet left the disease proper behind. Belladonna as we know is not capable of producing a morbid process analogous to tuberculosis. Of the absolute truth of this I have many times satisfied myself. '
We thus find that a drug, to really cure a disease, must affect the same or similar part as the disease; it must affect it in a similar manner. To me the physician who never gets beyond the symptoms is like a reader who, in order to read, is always obliged to spell his words.'
'If the range of action of the remedy be not coincident with the disease itself a real cure does not result, no matter how many symptoms you may silence. '
To show that Burnett believed in dietary considerations as well as remedies let us look at a specific case.
Patient was a large salt eater. The mammas were rather unduly large. The physicians and surgeons at the Hospital said she should have a very nourishing diet and to take as much milk as possible! . In three months the menses were normal: the tumor was gone, and thus far has not returned. Thuja 30 Acid nit 30 and Sabina 30 were used in infrequent dose, and each given one month by itself alone and in the order named.'
'I thought to have added to the foregoing narrative that I forbade salt and milk, other than in very moderate quantities, and recommended a partial exclusion of meat from the patient's dietary, as also the ovary-irritating condiment known as pepper. “Pepper, salt, and milk are bad in cases of mammary tumors from ovarian or uterine irritation, and many of these tumors are of such origin.
In miasmatic terms Burnett obviously saw a large sycotic element as both Thuja and Sabina are heavily sycotic while Nitric Acid is ulcerative. To show how Burnett regarded surgery and his own attitude to preventative medicine.
'Composed wholly or mostly of, or growing from fibrous tissue, the tumor is called a fibroma; of bone, osteoma; of cartilage; enchondroma; of fat, lupoma - respectively steatoma; of muscle, myoma; of nerve, neuroma; of embryonic fleshy stuff, sarcoma; of glia, glioma; encapsulated. and like a bladder, cystoma and so on almost endlessly. The more 'omas' we have the more surgeons we want .To turn human suffering to account for biological research is not my ideal of medicine. ,
My ideal of medicine is rather that which tends to its own elimination i.e. the more it advances, the nearer it comes to its own destruction, and hence, preventive medicine should have the highest rank. ' One reason why tumor-curing by medicines has barely entered upon its baby life, lies in the wholesale and crude way in which the subject has been therapeutically approached; people have sought a solvent for tumor generally, but tumors are vital growths, and must be vitally approached and regarded. What comes vitally, must go vitally and therefore gently, painlessly, and comparatively slowly. --- For a tumor of the breast, the lady’s husband declined my treatment as I thought it would take two years at the very least. She was successfully operated on, and thoroughly cured of her mammary tumor; nine months later she was again thoroughly cured another tumor. By a perfectly successful operation, a few months later she was again successfully operated on for another tumor, and just as she was recovering she died.”
The nutritional aspect of tumor cure is shown in another of Burnett's examples where he quotes one of Grauvogls cases.
'It was the first he ever cured, and the subject was a pale boy of fourteen years of age, who having taken off a useless bandage, showed Grauvogl his right hand. The metacarpal bones of his ring and middle fingers, as well as those of the index and thumb, and the bones of the middle finger itself, were swelled up, forming hard oval bulging masses with even surfaces. All the joints being implicated and unrecognizable, and hence, for half a year past, immovable.
'These parts were in different places denuded of skin by ulcerous surface through which the bones were recognizable from the grating produced by a sound. The lad, a laborer, had a good deal of pain in the diseased parts, was very sleepy by day, languid and very depressed.
Surgery could- of course- do nothing but destroy the hand by exarticulating it.' Grauvogl's idea - in which I fully concur - is not that the Silica 6 itself supplied the lacking silex, but acted dynamically enabling the organism to appropriate the silex it needed from the food in the boy's stomach. Silex was not presumably wanting in the food, but the organism was unable to take it up and utilize it.
'This pathological process of cartilaginous metamorphosis of the bone is called Enchondroma, the new formation of which it consists is morphologically and chemically exactly the same as cartilage. ' The only constituent of bone, which is lacking in cartilage, is silica. In the bones of adults there are 0.003 of silica to 25,628 gram’s by weight of bone. In fact, cartilage is bone minus silex. , ' I think with Schussler that Calcium Flouride is a bone remedy and can cure bony and enchondromatous formations. For exostosis, osteoma, he recommends Calc Phos, most of which the homeopaths taught and practice long before he was born. The fact is, silica, calcarea, and flourine are homeopathic to different kinds of hard tumors, which the progress of science will certainly prove. A further point to consider here is the affect that homeopathic remedies can have on the body’s ability [or inability] to absorb items such as iron , calcium etc.
While Burnett quotes a case of bony tumor cured with Calc fluor and no other remedy he also points to many more complicated cures. You may take exception to the number of remedies used in my last case and want to know which cured the case?'
Will you get a long ladder and put it up against the side of your house, and mount it so as to get into your house by the top window. When you have safely performed the feat, write and tell me which rung of that ladder enabled you to do it.'
In difficult, chronic, complicated cases of disease you require not a remedy but a ladder (series) of remedies, not one of which can of itself effect the cure, but each of which works 'cure-wards”. They’re cumulative action eventually resulting in a cure. That is how I cure cataract, and many other chronic diseases that are currently held to be incurable.'
I often compare the course of a difficult case of disease to a game of chess in which you have king, queen, bishops, knights, rooks, and pawns; the various powers of which you must learn before you can play chess. '
To emphasise the sycotic element of tumor formation and also the techniques of using homeopathic remedies of same family let us look at the use he made of thuja, sabine and cup laws in the following.
P123/4 WARTY TUMOUR IN MOUTH: An officer in the army brought his twelve year old daughter to me on the thirteenth of November, 1886, telling me that she had something growing in her mouth. A similar growth had come a year ago, when his family surgeon excised it; in six months from the time of the operation it had grown again, making it difficult for the child to eat her food, as it caught the tongue and teeth, and then bled. This time the doctor ligatured ft off thoroughly, leaving a hole and informed the father that this time he hoped its roots were got rid of. Now it has grown again at the side of the said hole
On examining the mouth I find in its left side, just to the left of the fraenulum linguae, a warty fleshy excrescence, of the shape of a cock's comb, about a quarter of an inch broad at its base, aid nearly a quarter of an inch high. Patient has normal teeth: the tongue is coated, and she is very pale. I ordered Thuja 9, two drops in a dessert spoonful of water night and morning; to keep it bathing the growth as long as possible, and then expectorate.
As this brought the growth down to the size of a pea, treatment was discontinued. She then bit it on three successive occasions, when it again took to growing, and in January 1887, when I saw it, it was about as big as a bean, This time I ordered Sabina, just as I had previously ordered Thuja. Under the Sabina patient took on a healthy look, but a small piece of the growth still persisted
When I ordered Cypressue Lawsoniana in like manner as the Thuja and -Sabina had been used. That was in March, and I did not see her again. But I met her father in October on another matter when I enquired about the case, and he replied, 'Oh, she is quite will; the lump has been gone a long time, but the hole is still there.'
That suppression had much to do with cancer runs through Burnett's work and here he points to the suppression of eczema.
P166/7 Quite a number of cases of tumor have their starting point in silenced cutaneous discharges. This is no vague theoretical statement, but a fact of nature, which I have often verified and is clinically verifiable any day. Many cases of chronic skin disease are no more or less than chronic diffuse cancerosis. '
'This is one reason why cancer is more common now than formerly, while skin diseases are less common. The fact that Burnett clearly differentiated between remedies that have an affinity for specific organs, using them in different ways is shown in the following
P206 I said those homeopathy; organopathy and zoic medicines all helped in its cure. I do not mean that these are distinct from one another I mention them thus separately by name because many homeopaths do not admit organopathy as an integral part of homeopathy while others turn up their noses at the use of zoic medicines such as Bacilinum, Morbillinium, Variolinum etc. Whereas I maintain that organotherapy and the zoic medicines begin where the ordinary differentiation leaves off. In regard to tumor cure organopathy is very helpful indeed, and with it I often succeed.
In order to show that Burnett was a confirmed believer in the latency of tumors and the vitality's part in their cure let us make one further quote from his work.
The small tumid mass on the buttock was produced from within the patient. Being thus produced from the interior of the patient, the organism is qualitatively and potentially only to be killed from within [i.e.] in its vital self. You can no more cure the thing by burning away the excrescence than you can cure gout by cutting off the gouty toe! .
The growth is a vital product; the growing is a vital process. Proceeding in a centrifugal manner towards a fixed point on the cutaneous periphery.
That the signs of cancer parallel those of sycosis is borne out by the following:
She had been operated on for cancer of the left breast, some months previously the whole breast - a very large on - being totally ablated, and now a tumor has come again in the right breast, and the old scar has become very painful. '
“Patient was totally wrecked in her nerves could not sleep and swayed to and fro in dread and fear. Crying 'Oh Oh ' being willing and anxious to go anywhere and do anything.
'Her hurrying up and d
walkin last decade
Dear Walkin,

You have done a great service by posting this here.
To summarise all this is a great effort.

And to type it all here requires determination.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Advisor wrote:

' I want to take your opinion, do you think magic can cause diseases and can cure them? '

In the Sixth edition of ' Organon of Medicine ' , Hahnemann changed the term Vital Force to Vital Energy, probably to keep it in line with the Oriental concepts of Qi, and Prana; with which he was totally familiar.

All these years of practice have taught me that medicine is holistic. Doctors do not cure patients; we merely
help them towards homeostatic equilibrium. Nature does the rest. Treating the symptoms without rooting out the
cause is not holistic medicine. In fact, this is what we have been doing all the time in orthodox medical practice.
In reality, no drug has ever healed a person. Hippocrates stated :

' The body heals itself; the physician is only Nature's assistant. '
- Nutritional Science ( Lew )

' Synthetic anti-microbials usually drive the ' taint' or symptoms deeper in the body parts and may disappear for sometime but there is always recurrence.The symptoms are merely suppressed without removing the cause of the of the disease.

The 'disappearance' of a particular germ from the culture does not mean that the germ is dead; it only became invisible due to its transformation into an invisible form. That means the host organism is now in a cancerous state.... Today's mainstream medicine is governed by consent of opinions rather than hard scientific evidence. This is the reason why false and fraudulent teachings can survive even though the truth has been known for a long time.' - Dr. Karl Horst Poehlman,Australia

Pasteur , on his death-bed, is said to have made the heretical statement:
' The bacteria are nothing, the terrain is everything. '

Stefanatos ( 1997,228 ) tells us that the ' electromagnetic fields (EMF)emanating from bacteria,viruses and toxic substances affect cells of the body and weaken its constitution.' So the vital force is identified quite explicitly with electromagnetic fields and said to be the cause of disease. But somehow the life energies of the body are balanced by bioenergetic therapies. ' No antibiotic or drug, no matter how powerful, will save an animal or human if the vital force of healing is suppressed or lacking .' ( Stefanatos 1997, 229 ) So health or sickness is determined by who wins the battle between good and bad electromagnetic waves in the body.

Electronic and Magnetic medicine is going to be the future medicine. The average frequency of the human body during the day is between 62 and 68 cycles each second.If it drops below this rate,the immune defence system will start to shut down.

Cold symptoms appear at 58 cycles,
Flu at 57, Candida at 55, Glandular Fever at 52,
Cancer at 42 cycles each second.
Dr. Young and Bruce Tainio [ Cheny University. WA. USA]

The holistic view of healing teaches that human beings are more than just the physical body and thatemotions,thoughts,attidutes and spirituality play an essential role in healing. Rather than conform to the predominat medical view that there is one cause and one cure to disease, holism stresses that health and disease depend on a dynamic and often subtle interplay among the
physical,emotional.mental and spiritual aspects of our being, as well as our relationship to the environ­ment in which we live. Health is harmony.During the past few years, an important new field called psycho-neuroimmunology has developed. It is concerned with identifying the links between the mind, the brain, and the immune system and deter­mining how they communicate with each other.

Healing is a process, not a magical event . Healing involves a greater experience of Oneness, Wholeness and Reconnection with all aspects of your being.The physician is merely Nature 's assistant, only Mother Nature does the healing.

We are what we eat
We are what we drink
We are what we breathe
We are what we think

With regards
homeopathy last decade
Walkin very eloquently asked:

' The biggest enemy of truth is a closed mind.
Post we were curing cancer a century ago !!
Why ddo we lways look for the latest and ignore our great heritage ??? . '

Here are my answers:



With regards
homeopathy last decade
SAI BABA heals people by touching them with the hand.
There are many books and websites that vouch events ....people having experienced where SAI BABA has healed even cancer (and many other ailments) by just touching the person.

Just as JESUS was known to have done !!

best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Folks !!

My friend had throat cancer ...he went for darshan of SAI BABA.
Baba asked him ...what is the problem?

He said: Baba you are omnipresent so you already know what the doctor told me.

Baba said: fine but it is good to say it out ...that way you will be able to lighten your chest.

So my friend said: Baba the doctor diagonised throat cancer and said only three months left for you.

They were travelling together in an aeroplane...so BAba asked the air-hostess to bring a glass of water...which she did....then BABA moved his hand in air and from no where dropped grey ash (vibhuti) into the glass of water. Asked my friend to shake it and drink the mixture.....He did.
Then BABA said.....after three days go to the doctor.

My friend went to the doctor after three days...got himself checked again...the doctor said...I am amazed....can't see any thraot cancer...you are fine !!!

My friend is still alive after 20 years of that happening.
He now lives in Puttaparthi ..the home town of Sai Baba and is part of SAI Baba's administrative staff.

My friend is a well educated person and the doctor was from one of the best hospitals in India.

The SAI BAba Trust also runs hospitals in Puttaparthi and Bangalore where some of the best doctors from all over the world ...who are SAI devotees ....come and perform surgery on patients ..free of cost.

The hospital in Bangalore has the best medical equipment and facilities that are available in the world.....can see a photo in one of the websites.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
A pure mind has healing touch.
girilal last decade
Magic has the definite ability to affect emotions and mental state, and we all agree that psychological and emotional health is the root of all health problems.

Magic defintely has the ability to influence people's emotions and psychological state. The extent to which it can influence a person varies from individual to individual. For example, when two people are arguing, the person who is winning the argument will have a stronger aura while the person who is losing the argument or fight will have a weaker aura. This has been demonstrated with the use of Kirlian photography

Everyone plays a role in magic on a daily basis. It is unnecessary to go through a ritual as it is practiced by magicians or witch doctors.
parisNSA last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.