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Arnica Montana:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Arnica Montana 30

As I read through the posts I see that a Wet Dose is recommended for Urinary Retention. However, on the dosage instructions it says to take 5 granules three times daily. I have been doing this. Am I overdosing?? and is the Wet dose better?? Thanks
  Ftonna on 2006-06-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am pleased to note that you have purchased Arnica 30 which I presume is now available commercially as a packed remedy for Urine Retention.

You may like to know that I was the first to notice and record this unusual use for this remedy which I consider should qualify for the title of a Polycrest as it can be used for curing so many ailments and diseases which are not listed in the current Homeopathic literature.

I first used Arnica 30c in the dry dose in 1996 to help with my urine flow as I discovered that it was superior to the other remedies like Conium and Sabal Serrulata that I was taking for this purpose after I discovered that I was sensitive to Hytrin which my Uro had prescribed to keep the waterworks open. I have used it daily ever since but had to undergo surgery for my Prostate 3 years ago. I am perfectly well at age 76 today but continue to take just one dose of Arnica 6c nightly.

In anwer to your question as to dosage you are advised to insert 3 pellets of the remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water which you will succuss (shake hard) prior to sipping a teasoonful which is a dose thrice daily.
This dosage can be lengthened to twice daily after the first 2 weeks.

You should observe considerable relief with urine flow within an hour after the first dose.
Joe De Livera last decade
In my personal experience dissolving pellets in water is much more effective than using them dry under the tongue

It is also must more cost effective.
Pat2006 last decade
Thanks Joe and Pat 2006 for your answers. I have had success with Arnica 30C. However, I will switch over to the Wet Dose effective today. My next appointment with my doc is July 19th I will report back my progress, since my doc has the equipment to mearsure flow and urin retention. Once again Thank you.
Ftonna last decade
As promised I am reporting back. I had my appointment with my Uro and everything is well. My urine flow is very good and I am not retaining urin anymore and my next appointment is in January 07. Thanks to everyone that answered this request, and good luck to all readers who are suffering from urin retention.
Ftonna last decade
To Ftonna

I was alerted to your post by a friend as I did not receive the usual email alert that is sent to others when you posted on July 21.
I am indeed glad to note that your Uro had confirmed that your problem with urine retention has been improved and has been classified as 'very good' and that you are not retaining urine which I presume was the result of the after Arnica therapy that I prescribed a few weeks ago. You are advised to take this remedy for life as this will hopefully help to keep your prostate relaxed which was the real reason for your ailment.

It is interesting to record here that my prescription of Arnica for this ailment was not based on the method adopted by the classical school who have often criticized the manner in which I prescribe remedies which some members have termed 'Joepathy'. The point I wish to make here is that it is not the terminology or the method used that counts in healing a patient. It is obviously the remedy that is used and has succeeded in helping the patient that is paramount.

I often wonder what reason can be adduced by those who make a habit of criticizing me instead of helping patients with their own remedies. I hope that they will read this post and if they feel so inclined, answer my query.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Mr Joe Liviera

I am currently taking this remedy in the wet dose 5ml morning and night for mild acne.
it has been 2 weeks now and the acne is getting worse/severe acne and is not improving at all.
I was hoping by now or next week I will move to the 6c wet dose.
I do not want to stop the arnica Q wet dose.
i just want to know whether this is a normal reaction? if so for how long will it continue?
Will I ever see an improvement.
Why does this remedy produce this reaction?

My acne is a mix of the sebacious cysts and the smaller outbreaks on the skin.
I have not been picking on my face.
I am a 30 yr old female.

I thank you in anticipation of your response.
mpilo123 last decade
I am copying my post on your other thread.

Stop taking Arnica Q immediately From Joe De Livera on 2006-07-28
To Mpilo

I have just read your post and if I understand you correctly you are now taking 5ml twice daily of Arnica Q.

Please STOP taking this dangerous dose of Arnica Q which as you probably know is the Mother Tincture which I did not prescribe to you.

The reason that you have discovered aggravation of your acne is because the dose and the potency that you have taken is far above the normal dosage that can be taken and can even have dangerous results as you have already discovered.

Please confirm that you have STOPPED the Arnica Q immediately you see this post
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Mr Joe Liviera

My wife is suffering from type II diabetes. What do you mean by Spring water. Is it available in Pakistan, Lahore.
Now a days she is feeling iching in h both legs. While scratching small redish spot appears with some water. you may call them as blister. please tell some remedy.

akh826 last decade
Arnica 30c will help your wife's Diabetes. This should be taken in the wet dose which I believe you would have read in my many posts on how you make it.

Spring water is what is sold in supermarkets and is usually sourced from deep bore wells or springs. This water is usualy purer than tap water and does not contain Chlorine.

The Arnica should help to cure the rash on her legs and you can expect some improvement in about 3 days.

Please note that she must be on her regular drugs for her diabetes which you can supplement with Arnica 30c and Cinnamon powder 1/4 teaspoonful taken twice daily.

She must be careful with her rash or blisters as they can in the case of a diabetic turn out to be a major problem to cure especially if her BS level is high.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thak you for your prompt reply
is ther any difference between Arnica 30 and Arnica 30C. I have Arnica 30 of Masood Pharmacy which is popular in Lahore.
akh826 last decade
Arnica 30 and Arnica 30c is the same potency.
Joe De Livera last decade
I know a boy from Ireland (15) diagnosed with severe urine retention. He actually couldn't pee at all and finally told his parents. I am sure lots of urine backed up into his body. There have been no concrete answers and they are at their wits end. He is very depressed and his bladder has totally shut down, he must use a cath. to urintate. They are considering surgery as a last resort.

I just happened upon your website and happened upon the Arnica post. I have this exact item (Arnica Montana 30) Can he use this and what information (more details) do you need from him?
I think time is running out for him and the socialized medical system is very slow.
ForShane last decade
I have not had a response as yet for my Irish friend who has severe urine retention and whether wet dose as described to Ftonna in this forum could work for him.

He has just had surgery for an appendix removal, his appendix was wrapped around his bladder and bowels but they said this was not the cause of his urine retention.

They have diagnosed him with Fowlers Syndrome, a disease found in women.
Please someone respond. I happen to have Arnica Montana 30 pellets good till 2011. I would love to send them to him but hope to get a response from the helpful Joe Liviera.
Thank you
ForShane last decade

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