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Dementia - Treatment by Dr. Deoshlok Sharma Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Currently RTMS treatment is enter in to the medical field you can continue the homoeopathic medicine as well as you can advise to take 1 hr RTMS treatment on head at lying position for long period like 1-2 year.. for detail about RTMS you can visit www.healtron.com

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
deoshlok 9 years ago
My mother suffers from Vascular Dementia since last two year. She has started forgetting names of all her children and now having washroom problem. She has just become too agitated and aggressive. She has been taking dementio and few other drugs for last two years. Can you suggest any treatment for her.
shishah 8 years ago
Hello Sir,

My father is 70 years old, he is suffering with dementia for the last 2 years,presently we are using English medicine Donamem(10mg) daily once as per Consultant doctor, last 2 weeks before he is able to identify toilets and go by own but now he is unable to identify toilets and talking on his own etc., not sleeping well, all other health conditions are fine, could you please suggest homeopathic medicine to my father to recover from memory loss and dementia.

Thanks & Regards
Srikanth Pendem
spendem 8 years ago

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