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Personality disorder - borderline , Chaotic - Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
Personality disorder - borderline , ChaoticBorderline personality disorder is a condition characterized by impulsive actions, mood instability, and chaotic relationships.
Personality disorders are chronic patterns of behavior that impair relationships and work. The cause of borderline personality disorder (BPD) is unknown. People with BPD are impulsive in areas that have a potential for self-harm, such as drug use, drinking, and other risk-taking behaviors.
Risk factors for BPD include abandonment issues in childhood or adolescence, sexual abuse, disrupted family life, and poor communication within the family. This personality disorder tends to occur more often in women and among hospitalized psychiatric patients.
Relationships with others are intense and unstable, swinging wildly from love to hate and back again. People with BPD will engage in frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.
BPD patients may also have uncertainties about their identity or self-image. They tend to see things in terms of extremes, either all good or all bad. Such people also typically view themselves as victims of circumstance and take little responsibility for themselves or their problems.
Other symptoms include:
Frequent displays of inappropriate anger
Recurrent acts of crisis such as wrist cutting, overdosing, or self-mutilation
Feelings of emptiness and boredom
Intolerance of being alone
Impulsiveness with money, substance abuse, sexual relationships, binge eating, or shoplifting
Signs and tests
Personality disorders are diagnosed based on psychological evaluation and the history and severity of the symptoms in following format.
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Married/Unmarried
5. weight
6. Height .
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3
10. Diabetic or non Diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt
12. Thirst
13. Tongue
14. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
15. What exactly is happening ?
16. How do you feel ?
17. How does this affect you ?
18. How does it feel like ?
19. What comes to your mind ?
20. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
21. How did that feel like ?
22. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
23. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
24. current medicine you are taking
25. family back ground
26. qualification of patient
27. Nature of working
28. desire and aversion of food
29. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. Any confidential and private matter to be discuss by email.
30. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
♥ deoshlok on 2006-06-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Dr. Deoshlok Sharma,
i'd like to have your point of view about my condition and maybe advice me an homeopathic remedy.
my name is sebastien.
I'm 32 year old male diagnosed 'borderline'; i was in recovery and still believe i will be again but since about 6 months i get worse and worse; have the feeling i have to start everything again from the beginning; i'm more a 'quiet' borderline i.e. a lot of the hate and contempt is toward myself; i once again feel like a helpless child ( a victim, which i was) and at the same time guilty of having relapsed though i had all the tools to definitly recover from borderline personality dissorder. I blame myself for having relapsed...
Well, i hope you will have time to answer my mail as i do believe in alternative medecines and therapies.
yours faithfully
i'd like to have your point of view about my condition and maybe advice me an homeopathic remedy.
my name is sebastien.
I'm 32 year old male diagnosed 'borderline'; i was in recovery and still believe i will be again but since about 6 months i get worse and worse; have the feeling i have to start everything again from the beginning; i'm more a 'quiet' borderline i.e. a lot of the hate and contempt is toward myself; i once again feel like a helpless child ( a victim, which i was) and at the same time guilty of having relapsed though i had all the tools to definitly recover from borderline personality dissorder. I blame myself for having relapsed...
Well, i hope you will have time to answer my mail as i do believe in alternative medecines and therapies.
yours faithfully
emoseb last decade
Hi Dr. Sharma
I have BPD, and i need help.
1. Name : Imran
2. Age : 31
3. Sex : Male
4. Married
5. weight 190 Lb.
6. Height :5'10"
7. country :USA
8. climate : Mostly cold.
# List of your complain (mental)
1. Anger
2. Jealous
3. Rude(with family only)
4. anxious and irritated most of the time
5. become nervous
6. Restlessness and very impatience
7. Eat a lot and then get frustration over eating.
8. Cant handle criticism
9. No motivation and lazy
10. non Diabetic
11. Desire sweets
12. Thirst : normal
13. Tongue : normal
14. Current BP (Normal 85/130))
Sleeping pattern: Normal
15. What exactly is happening ?
Difficulty to Control Emotions.
16. How do you feel ?
Depressed, Angry, Anxiety, Agoraphobic.
17. How does this affect you ?
Stay home mostly, dont like to interact with people except a few friends.
18. How does it feel like ?
Burning in pain(Emotional, So strong that i explode although i try to control)
19. What comes to your mind ?
When angry hit , shout, completely crazy.
20. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
I hit my wife, when angry and she pushes my button.
21. How did that feel like ?
exploding in pain, Ear becomes hot, sweat, tear in eye, pressure in chest.
22. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
Hate, Rage, anger, "I dont care" and finally frustration.
23. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
hand fist, aggressiveness
24. current medicine you are taking
25. family back ground
Yes, anger, short temper and jealous (Father), Agoraphobic(Mother) , Angry and unhappy with life(Sisters)
26. qualification of patient
27. Nature of working
Study in computer science, Drives Taxi (part time)
28. desire and aversion of food
Eating disorder, eat a lot to subdue the anger of frustration, Stress.
29. Mind-behavior,
anger(yes, a lot)
irritability(yes, a lot),
hurry(yes, a lot),
impatient(yes, a lot)
Negative view on life
public speaking(not a lot have fear to speak on public or in front of audience)
Think Black or White(Either a person all good or totally bad
Get angry and jealous over very small issues
30. Aggravation (I did not understand)& Amelioration (I did not understand)
Please help me
I have BPD, and i need help.
1. Name : Imran
2. Age : 31
3. Sex : Male
4. Married
5. weight 190 Lb.
6. Height :5'10"
7. country :USA
8. climate : Mostly cold.
# List of your complain (mental)
1. Anger
2. Jealous
3. Rude(with family only)
4. anxious and irritated most of the time
5. become nervous
6. Restlessness and very impatience
7. Eat a lot and then get frustration over eating.
8. Cant handle criticism
9. No motivation and lazy
10. non Diabetic
11. Desire sweets
12. Thirst : normal
13. Tongue : normal
14. Current BP (Normal 85/130))
Sleeping pattern: Normal
15. What exactly is happening ?
Difficulty to Control Emotions.
16. How do you feel ?
Depressed, Angry, Anxiety, Agoraphobic.
17. How does this affect you ?
Stay home mostly, dont like to interact with people except a few friends.
18. How does it feel like ?
Burning in pain(Emotional, So strong that i explode although i try to control)
19. What comes to your mind ?
When angry hit , shout, completely crazy.
20. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
I hit my wife, when angry and she pushes my button.
21. How did that feel like ?
exploding in pain, Ear becomes hot, sweat, tear in eye, pressure in chest.
22. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
Hate, Rage, anger, "I dont care" and finally frustration.
23. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
hand fist, aggressiveness
24. current medicine you are taking
25. family back ground
Yes, anger, short temper and jealous (Father), Agoraphobic(Mother) , Angry and unhappy with life(Sisters)
26. qualification of patient
27. Nature of working
Study in computer science, Drives Taxi (part time)
28. desire and aversion of food
Eating disorder, eat a lot to subdue the anger of frustration, Stress.
29. Mind-behavior,
anger(yes, a lot)
irritability(yes, a lot),
hurry(yes, a lot),
impatient(yes, a lot)
Negative view on life
public speaking(not a lot have fear to speak on public or in front of audience)
Think Black or White(Either a person all good or totally bad
Get angry and jealous over very small issues
30. Aggravation (I did not understand)& Amelioration (I did not understand)
Please help me
drgreen203 9 years ago
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