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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Very Depressed due to acne ,acne scars & darkened skin

I am a 21 year old unmarried male.I ask homeopathic doctors to go thru this posting patiently and recommend a treatment.
I have been suffering from acne for the past 4 years.Though my acne has subsided considerably, it pops up every now and then causing great embarrasment.
One of the biggest problems that I had to face during the past four years has been the appearance of dark patches on my skin.I had extremely clear skin before 4 years.Acne during teens is understandable but the very visible darkening of my facial skin in a symmetric pattern on certain areas is really baffling.As I told I had extremely clear and sufficiently fair skin before 4 years.When I was 17 I had to shift from my native place Kerala which is a humid place to Maharashtra which is not so humid and significantly different in climatic conditions.The first signs of darkness appeared around my eyes like a batman mask.The darkness surrounded my eyes and tapered down to my cheekbones.The climate during that time was extremely cold.I have a feeling that it was my usage of cosmetics like facewash etc. that really dried up my skin and contributed to the worsening of my skin condition.I had no acne at that time.Slowly, without me gettig a chance to notice the darkening has affected my chin(fully darkened),my forehead(2 sides with a gap in between),on the upper part of my nose and lips.I consulted an allopathic doctor when I was 18 and he could do nothing to relieve my problem.This was the time when I started to develop acne.I continued using products such as facewashes, scrubs, facepacks etc. with the hope that my skin would look better.The acne worsened and I used to touch it which left behind marks.When I was 19 I consulted a homeopathic doctor who treated me for a year.The acne came down gradually and without me noticing it the darkening also became negligible.The darkness surrounding my eyes nearly disappeared during the treatment.I cannot remember the medications that I was under but he used to give me mother tincture i presume which I had to mix with water and have twice a day(10 drops each time).He gave me four bottles of different medicine to consume after a stipulated interval(4 hrs,2 pellets if i can remember correctly).I can also remember him giving me Kali brom.Sometimes he used to give me a white powder on a small piece of paper in the clinic itself.I had quit using all cosmetic products except soap.By the end of my engineering I had the darkness reduced to huge extent. I do not quite know if the dark patches problem was due to hormonal imbalance or other factors but my homeo doctor told me that it is a hormonal problem. Then I quit the treatment and proceeded to a skin clinic to get rid of acne scars.I had around 3 glycolic peels and a microdermabrasion done during this period.During the treatment the allopathic doctor advised Minoz-50 and clinagel to gain control over my acne.I quit the treatment midway coz it was very expensive.I continued having th tablets and face gel.I had a nearly acne free 6 months even after I quit using the medication.The climate was cold at the time.This March I got a job and had to go to ahmedabad which is extremely hot and dry. I started getting breakouts once again.Though they were not very severe it dented my confidence and I started hating myself and my image on the mirror.This April I had to come to chennai which is hot and humid but still the acne keeps on coming after an interval of time(2 weeks).I have also developed blackheads and they just do not come out from my skin and develop into pimples

My present condition is as follows:
Acne scarring:light brown to black marks on cheeks,small to medium big pits on cheeks.Right cheek is more affected than left.Scarring has resulted in uneven skin
especially on right cheek.face Appears really bad on rear view mirror of vehicle.

Acne:Blackheads on a small area between the nose and cheek.
Face becomes very oily with time esp. after night's sleep
esp. area around nose.
pimples are pink in colour and become large with time and have puss coming out and leaves behind a black mark.
Pimles developed on my back(during or before homeo treatment i can't be sure) leaving behind chicken pox like marks.

Darkness: Dark circle under the eyes ,light dark patch on right cheek bone(same problem as before or darkened area due to healed pimples i do not know)
dark layer of skin on lips which can be scraped of but reappear quickly,discoloration of skin on forehead(brown in color),chin is dark compared to overall complexion

Overall skin condition:
Poor,dull,oily,complexion is a shadow of what it used to be

Pls recommend a way to regain my original skin complexion,get rid of the acne,blackheads,acne scars,discoloration and make my skin as beautiful as it was before because i am dying a 100 deaths everyday(hiding from mirrors,not going for a social get together,scared of photographs,not looking to other people's face while speaking) and i hve developed really low self esteem and this is affecting my professional life to a large extent.
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease help me out.
  jack_84 on 2006-06-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The reason why your skin sucks is because of stress. Regardless of what you may have heard from docters, internet research, etc... How do I know? Because I used to have the exact same problem. Until about a month ago I was feeling extremely depressed about this condition. How long? Seven years. For seven years I suffered with acne, I have some scarring, but it's not that bad, It can be removed because I am white and still young I'm a good canidate for surgery. I assume you have a darker complection due to the fact all the cities that you have named here are in India, so natrually I assume you're Indian, This is not good for you, those with a darker complection can't get scar treatments, you can research this on google. You might be asking yourself how I rided myself of stress, simple, I just stopped caring, I let it all go. Sense I've been more relaxed my skin is clearing up nicely, and it's no longer oily. Give it a try.
selim last decade
What the previous gentlemen stated is correct. The additional stress on your body from stressing does not help.
I am struggling to overcome harsh self-conscious judgment of my own situation and it can be quite difficult, but I will try to do this for my own long-term health. The acne appearing on my face is a sign from my body trying to tell me that something is not working correctly. I came across a website recently and you may find this very helpful, especially if you are unfamiliar with going through a colon and liver cleanse.
Ok the forum does not allow me to post external URLs. Let me show you how to find the website.
Go to the world wide web dot natural-acne-solution dot com.
This website also discusses how stress indirectly causes acne.
Or go to google and do an exact search for: natural-acne-solution and it's under the heading...'I Cured My Adult Ance - And so Can YOU.'

Don't worry, there is hope. It may take some time, but try following the suggestions from the website shown above. If the products suggested are two expensive...search online for something comparable, but more affordable, e.g. world wide web dot luckyvitamin dot com.

Best of luck in your journey of life.
tennislover07 last decade

There is only one thing on the earth which beautifies the human being or makes you look fair and beautifull and that is “Chicory” or (kaasni).

Imam Reza Alahis Salam The 8th Successor to Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), mentioning the advantages and effects of chicory says: “the treatment of over a thousand diseases is found in chicory“.

Imam Jaffar-e-Sadiq Alahis Salam The 6th Successor to Holy Prophet (peace be uopn him) said, “Chicory is the best vegetable and none of the leaves of chicory is there, which has not been showered by the paradise water drops, it causes the brith of a beautifull baby boy“.

It changes your dark colour within days and you will be amazed to see the miraculous difference, works like magic on your skin, i have experienced it many times with 100% results and i claim to say that once you use it for your dark skin you will forget everthing, you dont need any external application if you use it, try this miracle cure, there are many ways to use it, take a tea spoonful powder of whole chicory plant everyday, use its fresh leaves frequently or if you cant find it, you can use its extract (Taraxacum Q) available at all homeopathic stores throughout the world, take 30 drops of this extract in a glass of water everyday and dont exceed the recommeded dose. taraxacum is the extract of whole plant of wild chicory, i have revealed a secret for your fair and pink skin, try it and enjoy your beauty.

Dr Syed Zaair Husain Rizvi
Dr Zaair Husain last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Tue, 21 Feb 2012 18:41:15 GMT]
simone717 last decade

is thi the right medicine pls tell
nida1 8 years ago
hi dr zaair hussain,

i want to ask is this the right medicine you are talking about?
nida1 8 years ago
hi dr zaair hussain,

i want to ask is this the right medicine you are talking about?
nida1 8 years ago
Hello sir,

I followed you from ABC homeopathy..is this the medicine you are talking about becaue i am confue if its (Taraxacum Q) or (Taraxacum O)????
nida1 8 years ago

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