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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Finally Acne Free

So many threads on this site end up unresolved. Either the patient is cured and doesn't report this, or possibbly they get fed up and leave. Not sure.

My wife and myself have been taking Arnica 30 in the wet dose as perscribed by Joe De Livera for almost a month now. Im 31 yrs old and have suffered from Acne on my forehead since puberty. This is the first time in 18 yrs that I can say I am 100% acne free. Im not sure if this will last forever or not, but I am hopefull. I am totally thankfull for this site and for all of you how selflessly take the time to help us with our problems in life.
My wife who has mild anxiety issues has much to be thankfull for as well. She finds herself at much more peace with using this same remedy. Her complexion is wonderfull as well.

Thanks Joe!

  Jay 15 on 2006-07-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is so very rarely that anyone decides to spend a few minutes in at least reporting the success or otherwise of any remedy suggested by the resident prescribers on this forum.

I am indeed glad that you chose to spend a few minutes in doing so and hope that others too will do so in the future.

I would recommend that you and your wife use Arnica 6c in the wet dose every night as it will make a big difference in your future lives. In your case your acne may return in a few weeks without the Arnica.

You may have observed that you sleep very deeply after the last dose at night. I believe that this deep sleep promotes the repair of the body tissues which are not always done fully without the additional benefit of the Arnica.

I can offer myself as an example where at age 76 I still have a BP of 120/80 pulse 65 which I am convinced I owe to my daily dose of Arnica which I have taken for 11 years every night.
Joe De Livera last decade
I sleep better with the Arnica. My wife does not. She still dreams like crazy.

Joe, I think that for now we will stick with the 30ch for at least a couple of months and then think about a 6ch from then on. Right now Im enjoying my new complexion and dont want to mess around with it right now. Also Ive heard mentioned on here many times that Arnica 30 can help a receading hairline.

We are both suprisingly pleased with this remedy. Now if only you had a remedy to make me 6 feet tall, handsome, and a billionaire.lol.

Thanks again,
Jay 15 last decade
As long as you both are happy with Arnica 30c you are cleared to keep with this potency for the moment.

I note your wife does not sleep as deeply as you and you also mentioned that she dreams 'like crazy'. If what you mean to convey is that she sleeps and dreams, this is quite acceptable. If however she only has fitful sleep you can also use Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after dinner and the Arnica half hour later just before sleep. This may help her to sleep better.

Type Hair Loss into the Search Forums window on the left side of this page and read my advice to arrest hair loss and regrow hair. All you add is Arnica Q mixed in Coconut or Olive oil 1 : 4 solution and massage it into the scalp daily. Also use only Johnsons baby shampoo for your hair. This also helps.
Joe De Livera last decade
Joe, I have no idea what this Arnica Q is. I called two homepathic offices in my area and neither of them know what this is. Can you please explain this.
Also about the Coconut oil, at room temperature is it not in a solid state? Last year I was fooled into taking a tablespoon of Virgin Coconut oil daily for my complexion and I had break outs worse than ever. It was a horribly month long experiment. I think Id try the Olive Oil with the Arnica.

We use all Natural hygiene products.
Jay 15 last decade
Arnica Q is the plant extract of Arnica Montana or Leopard's bane. You won't be able to obtain it in USA. You can buy Leopard's Bane Plant from some big nursery and make the juice of it.
girilal last decade
To Jay

It is strange that one cannot get Arnica Q which is also known as Arnica Mother Tincture in the US. It is available in the SE Asia freely and is very efffective in promoting the growth of hair.

If coconut oil solidifies at room temperature, you can also use Olive Oil which may not. You are best advised not to take coconut oil internally as it can cause loose motions.

However if you cannot get the Arnica Q you can still get some benefit by just using the regimen that you are now using for your acne and you should observe that the loss of hair will be arrested and new growth will be observed in about a month.
Joe De Livera last decade
I am in Canada, but I think this is still not accessible to me.

Arnica Q sounds to be the pure and most potent source. If I can not find it can I not make up a solution with Arnica 10M in it or am I way off the mark with this?

At the store where I get homeopathic medicine they make up the remedies using a 'Stock Bottle' which is a liquid. I wonder If this is the Mother Tincture as you put it. I will ask.
Jay 15 last decade
If you are keen to get Arnica Q you can follow Girilal's idea of making it yourself. He has suggested that you use the whole plant but as far as I am aware the remedy Arnica Q is made with the flower of the Arnica.

Get a flower and keep it immersed in Ethanol (Vodka will do) for 2 weeks. This is Arnica Q.

Arnica 10M is the potentized Arnica which is perhaps the equivalent of a Billion Billionth potency of the Q.

The stock bottle is the potentized solution in Ethanol which the pharmacy drips into the bottle of pellets to activate them.
Joe De Livera last decade
I will locate the plant and then inquire for specific details.
Jay 15 last decade
I found Arnica Extract at a herb shop in Toronto Ontario. Ordered it.
Jay 15 last decade
Wonderful news that homeopathy is working for some!!

Question about Arnica 30c and other supplements I take on a daily basis. Currently I take Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E and have been advised by my homeopathic doctor there should be not contradiction with taking Arnici along with these.

Also, she recommend to take arnica 30c for up to a week... many posts here talk of taking it continually. I will check in with her opinion and post back on that.

One last thing, I too am having a difficult time finding Arnica Q (aka Mother tincture).

Thanks in advance!
sagebrush last decade
Sagebrush, if you are in Canada or US I can send you the link to the website where I ordered it from.
Jay 15 last decade
Hi Jay, yes I am in Canada too... although far, far away from TO. Wonder if you can post web pages on this forum?? I currently don't have my email address set viewing.

sagebrush last decade
shoot me an email
Jay 15 last decade
To Sagebrush

You may like to know that I have not taken any Drugs for the last 25 years except when I was in surgery 3 years ago which I was on antibiotics for 3 weeks.

I do not use any vitamins, minerals or other supplements and only take Arnica 6c every night as I have done for 11 years. At age 76 many have disbelieved me as my skin and appearance leads them to believe that I am 20 years younger !

I am aware that it is the national habit in the US to take a whole boxful of vitamins etc daily. I believe that the harm that they would be doing in the body may be a reason for the 65% Obesity GERD and other ailments that follow the lifestyle and food intake which predispose them to these problems which I believe are self inflicted.

My recommendation is that you stop taking all tablets and only use Arnica 6c in the wet dose for just a week and report your response after that time.

Please read the instructions to make Arnica Q above.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you Joe for your suggestion.

I have a wonderful naturopathic doctor who has recommended VB6 & VitE for me for a number of other reasons.

I value that Arnica has worked wonders for others and will run these ideas by my doctor first and post back her thoughts on dropping all for Arnica.

I can tell you at this point she does not feel the other supplements will contradict with one another.

All the best, SB
sagebrush last decade
Just sent off an email... thanks! SB
sagebrush last decade
I realized that I had not indicated in my last post that the food that one eats at home which is normally balanced, contains all the essential vitamins and minerals and other supplements that the body needs. There is no need to supplement it as all these additional pills are only leached out in the urine or feces or are breathed out.

All I request you to do is to stop taking all pills for a week and see how the Arnica alone replaces them.
Joe De Livera last decade
Sure Joe, it doesn't hurt to give it a shot.

sagebrush last decade
Does Arnica 30 also help with hair loss? what if I want to take it in pallets/tab instead of wet dose?
Malik_khan last decade
Arnica 30c wet dose really helped with my hair loss but for some reason, after two week it started aggravating my acne problem, so i stopped it. I started again after my acne got better. The same problem, my acne started getting worse. But, I definetely noted significant improvement in my hairloss problem when i was taking the remedy.
In homeopathy, less is good/better so, use Arnica 30c in wet dose first. Then after 2 weeks or after you notice some improvement start taking Arnica 6c wet dose.
Talat last decade
where did you buy the Arnica 30c wet dose?
MontanaLace last decade
To Montana

You cannot BUY Arnica 30c in the Wet Dose. You must make it according to the instructions copied below.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle which can be used as a dose.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hello doctor I am 22 year old male and I am suffering from acne for last one year.I'd used doxycycline,azithramycin,accutane,amoxilin.and I also used homeopathic sulphur of 30 potency.but it helped me little bit.My acne disappeared for 3-4 months.but now they are again worsening my face.and my face became full of acne and red patches. And due to taking lot of antibiotics and accutane I also start loosing my hair.and I've become partially bald.so doctor please help me and suggest any medicine which help in acne and red patches.please help me..........
rahul48 last decade
I shall copy my default therapy for Acne below and this is equally applicable to PREVENT the formation of Stys which can harden into Chalazions.

The remedy that has helped many is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily orally, and also applied directly on the lesions on the face or on the eyelids as often as is possible, to keep the lesions damp.

It is essential that the patient takes ONE dose of the Arnica 6c nightly just before bed for at least 6 months after the problem has been resolved as there is every chance that the lesions will return during this period, otherwise.

The use of a spray device in which the medicated water can be stored and can be sprayed on the acne lesions or the eyelids without directly touching them is best.

You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack aka Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

Please post your response to the Arnica therapy in a week.
Joe De Livera last decade

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