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Arnica Montana:


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Joe De Livera - can I mix Arnica 30c and 6c in the wet dose? Page 2 of 2

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I have been taking Arnica 30c wet dose for a week now, and it is hard to tell if it has had an effect on my melasma. Is it safe to continue using it long term?


SuzanneChenery last decade
I have been taking Arnica for the last 11 years nightly and I can only boast of how it has helped me in an amazing manner.

Even if it does not help your Melasma immediately you are advised to stay with Arnica for as long as you feel that it is doing you some good.
Joe De Livera last decade
May I ask you how it has helped you?
SuzanneChenery last decade
My BP is 120/80 or even lower with pulse 65 at age 77. No Diabetes which in any case will be helped by Arnica.

My skin is that of a person 30 years younger and I often have a problem to convince some people that I am really 77 years which I will be in October.

I feel very fit and do not have any aches or pain in my body which is commensurate with my advanced years.

I sleep very deeply from midnight to 6.00AM and I believe that it is this deep restful sleep that is the real reason for my dedication to Arnica which I recommend to all who meet me.
Joe De Livera last decade
I am copying 2 posts on another thread at the bottom of this page which may be of interest.

Re: Joe De Livera - wondering if you can help From white_miracle on 2006-08-21
i also wanted to add that after reading a lot of your posts, i started taking arnica 30c everyday in the wet dose form. i was having restless nights earlier and everytime i woke up, i had difficulty falling back asleep. things are different now, i sleep better and wake up refreshed. thank you so much for sharing with all of us.

Re: Joe De Livera - wondering if you can help From Joe De Livera on 2006-08-21
I do wish that others too will just listen to what I say instead of taking every opportunity of criticizing me for suggesting that Arnica can make a big difference in one's life.

It is true that this remedy has never been recommended in the classical texts but when I share my own discoveries with others especially of the classical sects, all the do is to roundly jump on on me because I am not following the rules.

This is the reason why I decided 11 years ago to be the first guinea pig for Arnica which I have taken nightly. I have proved that this is very safe in use and have many hundreds of people like you who have used it at my recommendation and have discovered that their quality of life has been improved considerably.

Please spread the word about the benefits you have derived from Arnica and you will note that in about a month that your blood pressure will slowly drop and this is important at my age of 77 when ones BP usually rises due to the blocking of the venous system and even I am surprised and of course thankful to God that I discovered Arnica which has kept my BP at 120/80 pulse 65 even today.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you for all of the information you have provided. I have low blood pressure anyway, will the Arnica cause any problems with that? I do occassionally feel faint if I don't eat regularly.
SuzanneChenery last decade
You are OK even if you have low BP. You should know by now if it interferes with it.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Joe:

I had to stop taking Arnica 30C after 3 days use (thrice daily).

Main reason of stopping this remedy was, when I went to a utility store to buy some stuff, I was standing there for minutes to recall a goods name and even thinking for minutes, I was unable to recall its name. At last I had to ask the shopkeeper that what that name was?

This is my old symtom which has been covered mostly by psorinum 1M and Lyco 30C to some extent.

It was covered by psorinum. However, after using Arnica, it re-occured.

I would like to get advise, If I should continue using Arnica (I know this is not the symtom of Arnica.

I have multiple other problems, see my posts under 'Itching' and 'Erotic Itching'. You can easily access them, if you click on my ID.

3rdly, I would like to get expert opinion on usage of Lyco 30C or higher. I have used Lyco 30C and have seen very good results. If you can advise me on using higher potency and in combination with Psorinum. Waiting for your reply.
mani_jee last decade
If as you state, Arnica does not help you, you must stay with the medication that you are already using and follow the advice of whoever has prescribed the remedies that you mentioned.

I regret that I do not have the time to devote to check your previous posts.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Suzanne
Homeopathy is very individualized and therefore you may not benefit in the way you desire. as Joe said the posters improvement may be isolated and probably is. Long term no problems as long as remdey is succussed before each use. Stop if you get any new symptoms that you cant link to anything except the remedy.
Sycotic last decade
I am going to try the arnica for eczema, thanks a lot for helping extending a hand of kindness to others Joe. I have a question though, is it Arnica Montana? Also you seem to be very knowledgable, is there a cure that you know of for these terrible tonsil stones that I have?
IceyBlue last decade
I have tried EVERYTHING to rid myself of these terrible things; can't even talk to the ladies too much cause of it.
IceyBlue last decade
Can someone please tell me how to take Arnica internally and externally for my sun spots/brown spots? I saw someone say to take Arnica 30c wet dose twice daily and someone three times daily- also, if you add the drops to a 500 ml bottle of water and you only take a few tsp. daily, what do you do with the rest? Is it good for the next day?
mapollard last decade

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