The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Remedies for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?
My husband was diagnosed with COPD-Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease- and has been scheduled for a breathing capacity test for next week.He smoked several packs of cigarettes a day for over 25 years before stopping in 1996, after he had heart bypass surgery and has not smoked again since. However, we live in an area (Nevada) with poor air quality and this has only aggravated the situation.
My husband wants to be able to pass the breathing capacity test next week and to improve and/or reverse his condition, without the use of allopathic medicines, inhalers or extreme conventional treatments.
He is already on a number of allopathic meds for high blood pressure and heart now, but they have horrible side-effects His physician at the VA is against alternative remedies and refuses to listen to my husband's desire to try treatments other than allopathic medications, so he cannot properly advise him about what homeopathic remedy he can take.
He has a bronchial cough coming from chest, upon rising from a sitting or lying position on some occasions, with sputum that is white and foamy, with an occasional tinge of yellow and he has breathing difficulty with physical exertion. What can he take between now and next week that will help with his breathing and how often does he need to continue to take it before he sees a difference?
Is there anything he should not be eating or drinking while taking a particular homeopathic remedy? Also, how long a period of time should elapse between eating and drinking something before he takes a remedy?
Thank you for any advice you can recommend.
(His profile is below)
1. Name-
2. Age--
3. Sex-
4. Married/Unmarried -
5. weight-
205 pounds
6. Height-
5 ft,. 8 inches tall
7. country-
United States
8. climate-
hot, dry, arid
9. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3
a. walks choppily, balance unsteady, unable to walk or stand a long time, cannot
walk or stand without support, feels like he will fall over, cramps in legs,calves and feet, stiffness
b. impotence and low libido due to side effects of prescription medications
c. speech broken
d. Shortness of breath when talking or upon physical exertion, runs out of air
quickly and feels as though there is not enough air getting into his lungs
e. Nasal passages blocked and swollen
10. Diabetic or non Diabetic-
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt-
12. Thirst-
Will daily drink 2-4 cups hibiscus tea a day, will drink flavored bottled water
13. Tongue-
14. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
With medicine (both prescription and herbal) As low as 129 over 81
Is never without medication
15. What exactly is happening
Besides other symptoms described in #9, he has experienced shortness of breath and coughing upon rising from a sitting position or doing mild physical exertion, plugged sinus passages as well, feels like he is running out of air sometimes when talking
16. How do you feel ?
He feels disgusted with health situation, frustrated due to erectile
dysfunction,frustrated by financial circumstances and is frustrated by living conditions in the apartment complex he lives in, angry,apprehensive, anxious, impatient, feels as if he has no control over circumstances
17. How does this affect you ?
Affects him by making him angry and unable to resolve issues, makes him feel pessimistic, suspicious of others,afraid to reach out to other people, hard time trusting people, difficulty making friends because of insecurity and fear of trust, social anxiety
18. How does it feel like ?
Described in #16
19. What comes to your mind
20. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
His experience as a soldier during the war in Vietnam
21. How did that feel like ?
Felt like the world was going crazy, felt as if he had no control over anything, felt resentment for being there, angry, lonely, fighting to survive
22. What sensation did you experience in that situation ?
Physical pain, mental and emotional anguish
23. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
When speaking, sometimes gestures with hands turned downward, as if pushing
something down or gestures with hands forward, as if trying to push someone
or something away
24. current medicine you are taking-
Prescription medicines:Zocor, metroprolol, lasix, isosorbide dinatrate,
Claritin, aspirin-
Herbal remedies: hibiscus tea, CoQ10, lecithin, potassium supplements, Multi-vitamin and mineral complex, saw palmetto
25. family back ground
Family has history of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression
26. qualification of patient-
27. Nature of working-
Before going out on disability, he taught school and prior to that was in management and sales, was a captain in the military, used to doing work where he was in authoritative positions
28. desire and aversion of food
Desires highly seasoned food like Italian and Asian foods,desires chocolate, sodas,, vegetables, meat-particularly poultry, seafood and, on occasion bacon-
Dislikes cheese, sour or bitter foods, lamb, will eat, bread but does not really like bread all that much
29. Mind-behavior:and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior:
irritability, lacking energy, impatient, always focused on problems, hypervigilant, paranoid, skeptical,distrustful, negative, is perfectionist, critical of self and others, feel apprehensive about talking due to fearing speech is not clear, difficulty making friends, difficulty
socializing with others, social anxiety, fearful of being taken advantage of, fearful of letting guard down
30. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
blessme44 on 2006-08-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Really doubt that homeopathy will work in this case where he is on so many allopathic meds.
But it MAY help if you use occasional doses of Natrum Mur 10M.
But it MAY help if you use occasional doses of Natrum Mur 10M.
walkin last decade
My husband had a lung/pulmonary function test done yesterday that I described in my post above. He said, while he could inhale fairly well, his exhaling and panting were weak. It will take about two weeks for results, but he believes, from what was indicated, that they will probably prescribe an inhaler containing the allopathic medicine albuterol. I have read some very disturbing things about albuterol and its potentially dangerous side-effects.
I know Nut Mur was mentioned as a possible remedy, but are there any other homeopathic remedies he might take for COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), so that he can avoid having to go on this horrible prescription inhaler? Allopathic remedies only temporarily mask symptoms, without helping to get rid of the problem.
I want my husband to get well and so does he.
Thanks to anyone for help and recommendations!!
I know Nut Mur was mentioned as a possible remedy, but are there any other homeopathic remedies he might take for COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), so that he can avoid having to go on this horrible prescription inhaler? Allopathic remedies only temporarily mask symptoms, without helping to get rid of the problem.
I want my husband to get well and so does he.
Thanks to anyone for help and recommendations!!
blessme44 last decade
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