The ABC Homeopathy Forum
2 issues as result of childbirth torticollis and prolaps
I have a 8 week old daughter who has torticollis. Our homeopath has prescribed Lycopodium. I am having a hard time getting a straight answer on how often to medicate her . Homeopath has said once a week or once a day and just one drop. We have found that 30c works best. The good affects last about 4 hours I feel she may need it more often. What is your recommendation?I have a prolapsed uterus I found the remedy sepia on this web cite but found nothing about strength or length of time to take it.
thank you, Edythe
Edythe on 2006-08-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try Fraxinum Americana for prolapse of uterus. if is very dependabal durgs in homoeopathy use Q or 3x three times in a day will give you very good result.
dr.deoshlok sharma
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
While the Frax Am is good for prolapse it is unlikely to have any effect on the torticollis.
Is the chin drawn straight down , or does it bear to the right or left?.
Is the chin drawn straight down , or does it bear to the right or left?.
walkin last decade
her tight SCM is on the right . Her chin turns to the left . she has been taking lycopodium irregulary as i cant cet a straight answer on dosage.I have elected to give her one drop once a day
Edythe last decade
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