The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Baryta Carb for Hair Loss
Dear doc.'sU people here are doin a gr8 job by suggesting remedies for diseases to which one believes there's no cure.
Few months back i met a homeopath during a journey. He suggested Baryta Carb 30 for hair loss and thining of hair at the crown.
I recently tried taking the medicine for one week and the results are visible.
Now can you people please guide me with the dosage with which i should continue.
Primarily i was told to take it thrice a day in water.....
Thanking u in advance
saxenanishith on 2006-08-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I have never prescribed Baryta Carb for hair loss and am logging in on this thread to be kept advised of future posts.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks Sajjad but i want to know the period for which this treatment should be taken. I was suggested to take the medicine for a weeks time
saxenanishith last decade
Baryta carb is slow in action.Use it continuously for atleast 6 months.It will give you lot of benefit.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Dear Doctor,
I've very thin hair on the crown of my head, my hair is losing very fast. Will Baryta Carb 30 help regrow hair on my scalp? If so how many times and how many tablets a day should be taken and for how long? Thanks in advance.
I've very thin hair on the crown of my head, my hair is losing very fast. Will Baryta Carb 30 help regrow hair on my scalp? If so how many times and how many tablets a day should be taken and for how long? Thanks in advance.
hair_loss_00 last decade
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