The ABC Homeopathy Forum
antidepressants and NOOOO sex drive
hi i have a bad chemical imbalance which makes me feel very crazy and fearful and have panic attacks.....i take lexapro 30 mg per day and clonopin 1 mg per day and i feel much better and never get all those bad feelings or panic attacks anymore.....the problem is i have NOOOOOO sex drive at all and i used to have a VERY high sex drive and i was able to have an orgasm 4-5 times a day....i know i should be happy but i feel like i am not human anymore and i miss the wonderful feeling of having an orgasm.....any advice anyone? thank youjwalz120002002 on 2006-08-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You cant have it both ways.
Try dumping the pharmaceuticals and taking Lycopodium 1M for 3 sucessive days in a week and 4 times a month ---12 in all.
Wait a further month to judge results.
Try dumping the pharmaceuticals and taking Lycopodium 1M for 3 sucessive days in a week and 4 times a month ---12 in all.
Wait a further month to judge results.
walkin last decade
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