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a remedy better than SUICIDE
HI EVERYONEi am 20 years old and i have had symptoms of derealization(feeling detached from reality like everything is just a dream and nothing seems real)24/7 for the past year. It has destroyed my life and now i can't even do the things that i used to do. it is holding me back from everything that i've ever wanted and now i just feel like my existence is completely useless. i'm stuck inside my house because i cant even drive anymore. i cant go out because i'm afraid that i might pass out, have a panic attack and embarrass myself.i have a serious problem and i have no idea how to fix it. i am really beggining to lose hope. along with derealization, i have occassional left sided headaches and sometimes i just feel like the muscles are tightening around my scalp or something is crawling inside.i also get stiffness on my neck but only on the left side. i get muscle twitches everywhere but my doctor says its just a sign of stress. i've done an mri, all kinds of bloodwork and other tests but everything always comes back normal. i am now seeing a psychiatrist. sometimes i feel like i'm gonna lose my mind trying to figure out what happened to me. i don't wanna give up but i feel like i'm so close to it. please help me.
redbutterfly on 2006-09-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
glad you're seeing a pro, but it may be possible to work w/ homeopathy too. MRI was a good idea (I mean, let's not overlook the obvious, right?)
remedies such as cannabis indica, anhalonium, maybe opium, and definitely arnica come to mind. there are others. you should see someone. am new on this site. maybe they have a directory.
and by the way--sometimes it's ok to 'do the drugs' (Rx) if nothing's working. ANYTHING is better than suicide.
good luck
remedies such as cannabis indica, anhalonium, maybe opium, and definitely arnica come to mind. there are others. you should see someone. am new on this site. maybe they have a directory.
and by the way--sometimes it's ok to 'do the drugs' (Rx) if nothing's working. ANYTHING is better than suicide.
good luck
RED-NP-CCH last decade
My friend,
Been there, done that, bought the factory that made the tee-shirt. I don't mean to sound flippant, I fully realize that you're suffering greatly. I mean only to reassure you that you WILL be alright.
Whatever it seems like now, you will recover. Be sure of that.
The people here are very knowledgeable. I recommend you listen to them and also see a qualified professional homoeopath who also has medical training (eg: a Bachelors degree in medicine). There are many out there.
Depending on where you live, I can recommend a top doctor for you who I can guarantee will solve your problem and gfet you out of this.
See my profile and email me and I'll send you his details.
In the meantime you should listen to John Stanton and the others.
Been there, done that, bought the factory that made the tee-shirt. I don't mean to sound flippant, I fully realize that you're suffering greatly. I mean only to reassure you that you WILL be alright.
Whatever it seems like now, you will recover. Be sure of that.
The people here are very knowledgeable. I recommend you listen to them and also see a qualified professional homoeopath who also has medical training (eg: a Bachelors degree in medicine). There are many out there.
Depending on where you live, I can recommend a top doctor for you who I can guarantee will solve your problem and gfet you out of this.
See my profile and email me and I'll send you his details.
In the meantime you should listen to John Stanton and the others.
Simonc last decade
I forgot to mention that conditions like yours are what homoeopathy is perfectly suited for. You've come to the right place.
Simonc last decade
dont worrey to much same thing happen to me 1 and half year ago same feeling i was getting first of all stope drinking any thing which has caffeine and citrus acid like lemon orange and if doctor give you anti deprassion like paxil etc take it it will help you a lot it will take time but you will be ok for homeopathic i will send you one of the best book where you can find youer symptoms and medicine send me youer email
javaaid81 last decade
First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who replied to this post. I really appreciate it a great deal. Thank you guys so much...
This is a reply to John Stanton...
Well, as far as I'm concerned I was a very healthy person physically...I have a history of childhood emotional and physical abuse from both of my parents...The derealization started at an airport after drinking a mocha freeze from starbucks first thing in the morning... I was on my way home and my husband had just been deployed to greece.(he's in the navy) i haven't had much sleep for about 3 days and wasn't eating much either.. a very intense panick attack soon followed after i got home and i haven't been able to get rid of the derealization feeling ever since.
This is a reply to John Stanton...
Well, as far as I'm concerned I was a very healthy person physically...I have a history of childhood emotional and physical abuse from both of my parents...The derealization started at an airport after drinking a mocha freeze from starbucks first thing in the morning... I was on my way home and my husband had just been deployed to greece.(he's in the navy) i haven't had much sleep for about 3 days and wasn't eating much either.. a very intense panick attack soon followed after i got home and i haven't been able to get rid of the derealization feeling ever since.
redbutterfly last decade
we got married in may 2005, he left in september 2005 after taking me to meet his parents. i knew him for about a year before we got married, and no we have never been apart before..He's been gone for a year now...
redbutterfly last decade
john stanton
there's definitely a possibility that it could be the cause... but he came to visit me last february and i still felt the same the whole time.. he was here for 3 weeks and i was more irritable than ever... do u think something might have been in my drink?? or could it be the lack of sleep and food???
there's definitely a possibility that it could be the cause... but he came to visit me last february and i still felt the same the whole time.. he was here for 3 weeks and i was more irritable than ever... do u think something might have been in my drink?? or could it be the lack of sleep and food???
redbutterfly last decade
whether something in drink--or lack of sleep and food--could be trigger--but there was a disposition for such to be triggered--and this is what needs be far as something in drink--what actually are you imlying? you feel there were signs of poisning envolved with this? all the pieces are not obvious--
♡ John Stanton last decade
well, i was thinking there could have been an ingridient that my body reacted with or it could have been poisoning.. i know that's unlikely with all the tests that i've done already but I could barely eat anything after my first panic attack.. i dropped 10 pounds in a week.. my stomach always felt full and bloated... and i had no desire to eat after just one bite no matter how good the food was... i'm ok now though when it comes to eating, but i'm still constantly losing weight, gaining some back and then losing it again... more and more i start to think this is all psychological but there are times that i think the doctors have overlooked something, and i'm really sick...but then again maybe it's normal for someone with my condition to think that way... I've been told a lot that this is all in my mind...
redbutterfly last decade
john stanton,
i think you're right about the underlying disposition.. i've definitely been through a lot in life and i guess subconsciously i was really afraid of being alone again..
i think you're right about the underlying disposition.. i've definitely been through a lot in life and i guess subconsciously i was really afraid of being alone again..
redbutterfly last decade
most like husband leaving was trigger..
concerning eating---how consistent is the desire/appetite? you mentioned losing weright and gaining back--what coinciding factors envolkved? what corelation with menses?
concerning eating---how consistent is the desire/appetite? you mentioned losing weright and gaining back--what coinciding factors envolkved? what corelation with menses?
♡ John Stanton last decade
john stanton,
well i used to eat a lot when my husband was here.. even when when i wasn't hungry i always had an appetite but now or ever since he left it's like i barely have any... i only eat when i'm really hungry...and i think it's my anxiety thats preventing me from doing anyhting... i need to learn how to deal with it and control it...i've tried lexapro already and it only seemed to have made it worse.. my psychiatrist should be prescribing me another medication when she gets back from vacation...although i'd rather not take any medication i think i'm at that point where i really have to...what do you suppose i should do? i've been starting to feel better since i found this site, reading about my condition and talking to you... It really helps to know that other people have gone through the same and is now completely recovered... I just wish my recovery will come soon enough... sometimes i think it's just me that is causing myself to be this way, and that the cure is really inside of me somehow.. what do you think???
well i used to eat a lot when my husband was here.. even when when i wasn't hungry i always had an appetite but now or ever since he left it's like i barely have any... i only eat when i'm really hungry...and i think it's my anxiety thats preventing me from doing anyhting... i need to learn how to deal with it and control it...i've tried lexapro already and it only seemed to have made it worse.. my psychiatrist should be prescribing me another medication when she gets back from vacation...although i'd rather not take any medication i think i'm at that point where i really have to...what do you suppose i should do? i've been starting to feel better since i found this site, reading about my condition and talking to you... It really helps to know that other people have gone through the same and is now completely recovered... I just wish my recovery will come soon enough... sometimes i think it's just me that is causing myself to be this way, and that the cure is really inside of me somehow.. what do you think???
redbutterfly last decade
redbutterfly, first off,for your derealization...STOP giving it power.stop dwelling on it...the longer u dwell on it the longer it will stay, just try to ignore it. as for your weight loss and weight gain, it is caused by depression and stress, Things besides homeopathy that will help is:
-learn deep breathing excercises
-eat healthy, try to cut out any sugar and caffine from ur diet.
-i know it i must be hard for u but try and excersise..when u excersise ur body releases endorphans, which make u feel good so try and stay active , even at home.
and last thing is...dont worry!, ur gonna be fine. i was in ur position, but worse a while back and homeopathy helped me greatly, so dont worry and be happy.
-learn deep breathing excercises
-eat healthy, try to cut out any sugar and caffine from ur diet.
-i know it i must be hard for u but try and excersise..when u excersise ur body releases endorphans, which make u feel good so try and stay active , even at home.
and last thing is...dont worry!, ur gonna be fine. i was in ur position, but worse a while back and homeopathy helped me greatly, so dont worry and be happy.
musicman last decade
Thank you for you great advice..Those were very good points you made.. I do think that the reason my derealization lasted this long is because i've been obssesing about it from the day it started.. I'm glad to know you recovered from it..
take care and god bless
Thank you for you great advice..Those were very good points you made.. I do think that the reason my derealization lasted this long is because i've been obssesing about it from the day it started.. I'm glad to know you recovered from it..
take care and god bless
redbutterfly last decade
john stanton,
i think my thoughts are what's creating my anxiety...i'm scared to drive because i keep thinking i'm gonna lose focus and crash..i keep checking on myself to see if i'm ok.. i keep checking on the way i breath, if i can feel my arms or legs, it's crazy... and when something hurts or my muscle twitches i think something is wrong and i need to go to the hospital, so i start to feel like i'm gonna pass out, so comes the panic attack...
i think my thoughts are what's creating my anxiety...i'm scared to drive because i keep thinking i'm gonna lose focus and crash..i keep checking on myself to see if i'm ok.. i keep checking on the way i breath, if i can feel my arms or legs, it's crazy... and when something hurts or my muscle twitches i think something is wrong and i need to go to the hospital, so i start to feel like i'm gonna pass out, so comes the panic attack...
redbutterfly last decade
busymominme last decade
busymominme, she said she had numerous tests...and if there were murcery in her blood, the doctors would of saw that.....
musicman last decade
Not necessarily. Many doctors don't even think to test for mercury (like my previous one) and blood and hair analysis can be falsely negative. But thanks for pointing that out.
busymominme last decade really sounds like u are suffering from an anxiety disorder...because all of those symptons u named up there are exactly the symptons for an anxiety sufferer...but again dont worry :)
musicman last decade
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