The ABC Homeopathy Forum
drainage causing coughing and sleep apnea
My husband has had what he has been told by drs for over 50 yrs dust mite, mold, mildew allergies. He has was diagnosed with sleep apnea as well and had the operation which removes tonsils, uvula (thingy that hangs in the back of the throat), and fatty tissue in throat removed. This was approx. 6 yrs ago. Helped for a while but he sleep has episodes maybe 2X a week where he wakes up and thinks he has a piece of glass or obstruction down his throat and tries to spit it out. Sometimes he does not remember the episodes. I believe it is related to the drainage that he gets when he lays down at night (he gets it more at night but does have it through the day as well but not as bad). He says it feels like it is mucous or thickness in the back of the nose/throat that he continually tries to hawk out. It is constant (and very gross). He blows his nose continually - to the point his nose is sore and ends up with ingrown hairs. The drainage is so bad he cannot sleep at night - continually hawks. In the morning he coughs so much and cannot breathe because I think it pools in his lungs. He throws up sometimes because he coughs so hard. This is causing now depression and anxiety in him. He is deprived of sleep. The drs keep giving him claritin, no allergy shots. We've tried air cleaners but they don't really work. What homeopathic remedies might assist with his issue. I tried using the ABC Homepathy diagnosis but seems there are too many remedies that I cannot choose from because they all seem to treat something different. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.4luvofk9s on 2006-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I believe that your husband can be helped by 3 remedies.
Tuberculinum 200 -- 2 doses taken 2 months apart. 1 dose immediately and the other 2 months later.
Nat Sulph 6c in the wet dose 1 teaspoonful daily
Arnica 30c in the wet dose 1 teaspoonful twice daily.
Please report response weekly or more often.
Tuberculinum 200 -- 2 doses taken 2 months apart. 1 dose immediately and the other 2 months later.
Nat Sulph 6c in the wet dose 1 teaspoonful daily
Arnica 30c in the wet dose 1 teaspoonful twice daily.
Please report response weekly or more often.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you Joe, when you say wet dose - is this the pellets in the water bottle that I have been reading about in past posts? and or the Tuberculinum 200 - is this dry or wet?
Again Thanks
Again Thanks
4luvofk9s last decade
My apologies. I should have specified that the Tuberculinum 200 must be given in the pellets or dry dose. 4 pellets constitutes a dose.
I have observed that any remedy in the 200c potency given as a prophylactic does not work in the wet dose and this includes Tuberculinum, Bacillinum and Influenzinum. They will only help in the dry dose.
I have observed that any remedy in the 200c potency given as a prophylactic does not work in the wet dose and this includes Tuberculinum, Bacillinum and Influenzinum. They will only help in the dry dose.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
thanks so much! We will give this a try - if it works even a little it will be a miracle - but I am optimistic.
4luvofk9s last decade
Hi Joe De Livera,
I was not able to get the Tuberculinum and was only able to get the Nat Sulph 30C. Can I start my husband on the Arnica 30c and what about modifying the wet dose for the Nat Sulph 30C. Is this possible? I will have to order the Tuberculinum 200.
I was not able to get the Tuberculinum and was only able to get the Nat Sulph 30C. Can I start my husband on the Arnica 30c and what about modifying the wet dose for the Nat Sulph 30C. Is this possible? I will have to order the Tuberculinum 200.
4luvofk9s last decade
Please do not use the Nat Sulph 30c as it can exacerbate his condition. You must get the 6c and use it precisely as indicated.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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