The ABC Homeopathy Forum
black freckles on face and nose
Hi:For the past ten years, black freckles or spots have started to appear on my Mothers cheeks and nose. She also has wrenkles on her forehead.
1. Name Rubina Javed
2. Age 51 years
3. Sex female
4. Married/Unmarried married
5. weight 62 KG
6. Height 155 cm
7. country Pakistan
8. climate semi arid
9. List of your complain:
a. Black colored spots on some points on cheeks and recently on nose
b. Wrinkles on the forehead
10. Since how long you are suffering for each complain problem (a) for ten years (b) 10 years
11. Diabetic or non Diabetic Non-diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt sweet and salt both
13. Thirst greater thirst then normal
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) 146 sys & 88 dia. Pulse=63/min (without medicine)
16. What exactly is happening ? For the past ten years, black spots like freckles have appeared on my face. Also at the same time wrinkles have appeared on face possibly due to aging.
17. How do you feel ? bothered
18. How does this affect you ? not much
25. current medicine you are taking : For blood pressure I am taking Ascard-75 tablets and Mepresor 100. Use SPECTRA BAN 28 (sunblock) when going out in extreme heat.
26. family back ground Other sisters, also in 50s suffer from same problem
27. qualification of patient Graduate, does not do job
28. Nature of working: work very hard. Especially house chores.
29. desire or like and dislike of food: Like more vegetables but eat all types of food.
My mother is suffering from this disease before she got problems with her blood pressure. She is especially bothered about the dark spots (freckles maybe) on her cheeks and nose. Her facial color is fair so they become prominent.
Muhammad Taimur on 2006-09-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try the following prescription
1. thuja 200 daily one dose
2. hydrocotyle A Q 10 drops thrice in a day
dr.deoshlok sharma
1. thuja 200 daily one dose
2. hydrocotyle A Q 10 drops thrice in a day
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
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