The ABC Homeopathy Forum
blue baby congenital heart desease
my baby who is 3mos old was diagnosed to have tetralogy of fallot wherein the valves going to lungs is narrow causing my baby to be cyanotic. aside from this, he has single atria and single ventricle. we've consulted 2 doctors, one hears a murmur sound and the other doesn' baby looks healthy
( 12lbs. ) except for the constant bluish color on his fingernails and often times on his lips when crying.
1 doctor told me that he'll undergo 3 surgery. however, i've heard cases wherein their children doesn't take any operations and medicines but had managed managed to live for 13 to 30 yrs.
is it true that the valve could possible grow and 2 atria and ventricles developed as the child grows? is surgery really needed to be done giving that i've been hearing small chances of survival on this. can my baby just take some medications and not surgery?
please help me. am very confused and wouldn't like my baby to undergo heart operations.
thanks and god bless...
:) melanie
melvinj13 on 2004-09-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hello Melanie,
Actually all that drs can do are surgeries and drugs. What do they plan to do in the surgery? They will not cure your baby, will they?
And the experience of the surgery will be horrible.
Please get in touch with people who went through similar problems and CHOSE NATURAL WAYS.
Actually all that drs can do are surgeries and drugs. What do they plan to do in the surgery? They will not cure your baby, will they?
And the experience of the surgery will be horrible.
Please get in touch with people who went through similar problems and CHOSE NATURAL WAYS.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
that's a relief. any natural methods you happen to know? for those who had been through the same problem, kindly continue to give me inspirations and hope. i have faith that my baby will grow and live a normal life....
melvinj13 2 decades ago
Please do not be blind to cases where babies have had operations and gone on to develop normally, I'm sure you would rather your little one lead a full and active life, not one cut short in childhood. I don't know the full case but I am sure the doctor's know what they are doing. Homeopathy can be used to aid your little son in a speedy recovery from any operations.
My brother had a congenital spinal defect when he was born, he was expected never to walk. He underwent 3 operations between the ages of 1 and 6, walked steadily by the time he was 4 and is now 25 years old and leading a very happy career as an able bodied Chef!
My brother had a congenital spinal defect when he was born, he was expected never to walk. He underwent 3 operations between the ages of 1 and 6, walked steadily by the time he was 4 and is now 25 years old and leading a very happy career as an able bodied Chef!
bunbun 2 decades ago
Melanie, I strongly suggest you listen to bunbun's advice. Astra2012, who the hell do you think you are to offer such ludicrous advice as that? Natural remedies for Fallot's tetralogy? You are either sadly deluded or seriously irresponsible.
pellucida 2 decades ago
pellucida-I stated my opinion-and who the hell do YOU think you are to call me irresponsible and deluded for that???
I could call you few names too - but would it make sense?
We could exchange little "compliments" like that but it really is just a waste of time and it wouldn't help Melanie one bit. And sorry, her baby is a main character of this thread-not you (but of course you are welcome to start one devoted exclusively to you).
Melanie-I believe you have to go to yet another dr, and yet another-until you find a dr who is competent, compassionate AND you like him. Doctors ARE NOT always right! College class clowns and idiots who were never prepared but somehow made it through med school are also called "doctors". I met quite a few of them.
Keep searching for people who went through the same problem. read about HYPERBARIC OXYGEN treatment-I believe it might be beneficial.
Your baby probably had MRI right? Which dr interpreted the pictures (surgeon?cardiologist? pediatrician?)
Do both drs agree with that diagnosis?
I'd also advise you to go to the experienced homeopath.
(this needs too close management to be the online case).
I could call you few names too - but would it make sense?
We could exchange little "compliments" like that but it really is just a waste of time and it wouldn't help Melanie one bit. And sorry, her baby is a main character of this thread-not you (but of course you are welcome to start one devoted exclusively to you).
Melanie-I believe you have to go to yet another dr, and yet another-until you find a dr who is competent, compassionate AND you like him. Doctors ARE NOT always right! College class clowns and idiots who were never prepared but somehow made it through med school are also called "doctors". I met quite a few of them.
Keep searching for people who went through the same problem. read about HYPERBARIC OXYGEN treatment-I believe it might be beneficial.
Your baby probably had MRI right? Which dr interpreted the pictures (surgeon?cardiologist? pediatrician?)
Do both drs agree with that diagnosis?
I'd also advise you to go to the experienced homeopath.
(this needs too close management to be the online case).
Astra2012 2 decades ago
i have talked to a lot of people who has the same case as mine. some took the risk of heart surgeries
and others dont... some managed to survived on either case while some died during operations and without
taking any... the oldest survival that i've get along with was on his 30++ years, has a successful career
and a family of his own...he hasn't gone thru medications and any surgeries although he was advised by doctor to have one when he's still a baby...
the one thing that confuses me more is that how come my doctor says that there are no alternative medications
except surgeries while the others i've known are given medications as substitutes.
also, i doubt if there's really total recovery after operations since the ones i've known are taking antibiotics
for life. from the way i've seen it, there are more complications after surgeries. and yes, i'll be consulting
with as many doctors as possible...
thanks to you all.. god bless..
:) melanie
and others dont... some managed to survived on either case while some died during operations and without
taking any... the oldest survival that i've get along with was on his 30++ years, has a successful career
and a family of his own...he hasn't gone thru medications and any surgeries although he was advised by doctor to have one when he's still a baby...
the one thing that confuses me more is that how come my doctor says that there are no alternative medications
except surgeries while the others i've known are given medications as substitutes.
also, i doubt if there's really total recovery after operations since the ones i've known are taking antibiotics
for life. from the way i've seen it, there are more complications after surgeries. and yes, i'll be consulting
with as many doctors as possible...
thanks to you all.. god bless..
:) melanie
melvinj13 2 decades ago
hello Melanie
Please don't let anybody pressure you into doing anything you don't feel like doing. NOBODY wants for your baby better than you do.
I personally believe in natural therapies-plus common sense.
Wish you and your baby the best.
PS. My heart is very good but when it is cold my fingernails turn blue.
(just to cheer you up maybe).
Please don't let anybody pressure you into doing anything you don't feel like doing. NOBODY wants for your baby better than you do.
I personally believe in natural therapies-plus common sense.
Wish you and your baby the best.
PS. My heart is very good but when it is cold my fingernails turn blue.
(just to cheer you up maybe).
Astra2012 2 decades ago
my baby has undergone BTS operation last week and will have another one after 2 yrs. thank god he recovered fast..
aside from single atrium; single ventricle; malposed pulmonary arteri; and pulmonary stenosis; they also found out that he has a single coronary arteri.
the surgeon said that he'll undergo one last fontan surgery.. am i on the right path given the conditions i posted?
i just wanted to be sure because i heard others taking BTS then glen shunt before fontan whereas my baby has only 2 (BTS then fontan).
:) melanie
my baby has undergone BTS operation last week and will have another one after 2 yrs. thank god he recovered fast..
aside from single atrium; single ventricle; malposed pulmonary arteri; and pulmonary stenosis; they also found out that he has a single coronary arteri.
the surgeon said that he'll undergo one last fontan surgery.. am i on the right path given the conditions i posted?
i just wanted to be sure because i heard others taking BTS then glen shunt before fontan whereas my baby has only 2 (BTS then fontan).
:) melanie
melvinj13 2 decades ago
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