The ABC Homeopathy Forum
spleen problem
Dear Joe,My uncle has following symptoms
chilly and fridged food aggravates the problem...fain-air/cold air sensitivity, chronic persistant flu, sting pain under left ribs, stomach flatulance and insomnia. Please advice. thanks. Maria
Barrister on 2006-09-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If there is rumbling in the stomach use Podophyllyn 30c twice a day for 7 days and then STOP nad wait 3 weeks to judge result.
walkin last decade
Ceanothus 3X
The homeopathic med for spleenic infections. (enlarged spleen)
Pain all up the left side starting from below the left ribs.
There is back ache, diahorria, constant urge to urinate....(some associated symptoms).
Best / Pankaj Varma
The homeopathic med for spleenic infections. (enlarged spleen)
Pain all up the left side starting from below the left ribs.
There is back ache, diahorria, constant urge to urinate....(some associated symptoms).
Best / Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
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