The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Please do not think Homeopathy fail to cure - Dr. Deoshlok
Your last word to the doctor may cure your diseasePatient Version Rubrics Medicine
Here I present 10 Important sentence of the patient need to study carefully before going for treatment. (what ever the disease would be, if found these sentence then it will help to cure.)
Generally we are facing lot of problem with patient some time at last movement patient predicts the symptoms.
I am presenting the symptoms with sentence. How the patients word are important to us and it will help us to select right rubrics. We are more happy if the patient present their complain in his/her way which will give us for selection of medicine in right way. Here I saw lot of needy patient of this forum are complaining only the disease name but it will not help us to cure we require some mental symptom for cure of chronic disease. If prescribed without detail then it will fail your prescription or advise to medicine to cure some times remedy may fail to cure. For treatment of any disease carefully mental symptom will tell you the medicine for example read this carefully.
1. I have been trying in my own way to carry on without medicine but now I feel it would not do without medicine.- Delusions, help calling for- Platina
2. I dont like to fall sick every now and than that is why when things go against my wishes I get angry.- Anger, contradiction from- Aurum, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Sepia
3. Doctor I must go to my work - Business Talks of Bryonia
4. Instead of relief I get aggravation from your medicine Delusions, wrong has suffered Hyoscyamus Nigar
5. Dr. before you start my treatment you can consult some one else also but make it certain that I dont loose whatever I already have in comfort etc. Fear, Betrayed of being Hyoscyamus, Lyss
6. Dr. I fear one thing i.e. pain - why? -Because it causes weakness and as a result I become poor in overall performance and functioning.- Fear Poverty of - Bryonia
7. Dr. I am sure of getting relief but I get frustrate when it reoccur time and again - Embarrassment, ailment after- Opium
8. Dr. I must tell you the truth actually I used to drink a lot. MY family members also know about it -. NAKED , wants to Hyoscyamus
9. Dr. No I am fed up with the treatment please tell me how long I have to take the mediine. How can I continue the treatment when there is no relief. - Fear Extravagance of Opium
10. What are you waiting for . Do something call some Dr. pull me out of this trouble- Delirium, crying for help Cantharis, Stramonium
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
♥ deoshlok on 2006-09-26
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