The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Cat has bloody urine
Hi, my 13-year-old male cat has had blood in his urine for months now. I took him to the vet at first sign of blood and they did urinalysis and determined a severe bacterial infection. We got a strong double dose of Clavamox(forgive this and subsequent spellings please) and after a few days the urine seemed to get better but he became allergic to the medicine and severe diarreah and loss of appetite followed. He was later switched to Baytril (2 doses), which didn't work. after more urinalysis and cultures he was given Clyndomiacin (2 doses), which again, didn't work, followed by Cipro (2 doses). After so much antibiotic treatment we gave him a rest for 2 weeks and tried a different vet. The vet did a very expensive ultrasound to determine that the cat had no cancer, no cysts in the kidneys or the bladder, no stones, crystals, etc. The ultrasound only showed that the bladder walls were very inflamed and prescribed Cosequin (which might supposedly help his bladder) and some anti-anxiety pill so he'd not strain his bladder so much.In the beginning of the treatment the urine seemed more clear, but towards the end it got worse. It now almost looks like pure blood.
He definitely urinates a looooot more and he goes EVERYWHERE but his litter.
I'm going to see a vet tomorrow again, but I've seen them so many times that I don't expect to hear anything new (but pay a hefty sum for it). I'm so lost and worried. Please help!
P.S.: He had a problem with crystals before (but they were ruled out this time) and has been on a special diet for at least 8 years.
boginia2 on 2006-09-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give her Arnica 200c,three doses one hour apart and then wait for 7 days.Hope she will be well soon.
sajjadakram635 last decade
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