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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Seeking remedies for sudden hair loss & itchy/burning scalp

45 yr old female - not taking any medications and have not experienced any menopausal symptoms as of yet. Normal weight. Bloodwork normal (checked for thyroid, iron, liver, electrolytes). I have not eaten red meat or poultry for over 20 yrs, but eat fish and dairy)

I'm wondering whether or not this is related to occassional dyeing of my hair that I may have developed an allergic reaction to - but I also have other physical symptoms that seem to have happened around the same time.

Rapid hair loss within 1 month
definitely not genetic

Hair loss is becoming most noticeable in the front & sides but is definitely sparse throughout my whole head. Not noticeable to others yet b/c hair is very thick so doctors don't seem to believe me when I tell them I think I've lost 1/4 - 1/3 of my hair in less than 2 months.

Alternating bouts of severe itching and burning - pins and needles tingling - sore scalp -hair is difficult to comb - no noticable dandruff - scalp looks normal

Suddenly can only tolerate natural and unscented or naturally scented shampoos/conditioners. Most hair products burn my scalp.

Very sensitive to light, cigarette smoke, perfumed skin and haircare products.

Have had mild rosacea and psoriasis on various parts of my body for the past several years. It comes and goes.

Periods are very regular but around the same time that the hair loss started I have had severe lower back cramps that also affects my legs (I've had lower back cramps from my period all of my life but they have become more severe)

Also digestive problems lately with similar lower back cramping and urgency of bowel movements (brother has colitus)

For about a month my stool was very dark but not red

I have had a lot of stress in the past 2 yrs and also
friends have all gradually left the area and I do not have any family here either. My contact with friends and family is through phone/e-mail.

Sex drive seems to be very strong. No lover at the moment. Sexual energy released through masturbation.

I would really apprecitate any insights and recommendations for remedies.
  luxed on 2006-09-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thank you for all the detail please take the following prescription.
1. Take first one dose of Platina 10M early in the morning empty stomach

2. From the next day start arsenic alb 30C three times in a day with 3. Nat Phos 6x 4 tab three times ina day and 4. Hydrocotyle A Q 10 drops in 1/2 cup of water and these prescription continue for a month and write me.

For the above medicine you have to take 4 above medicine for cure of your disease.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Thank you very much for your reply.
Can you please clarify for me -

Is the Platina 10M to be taken only one time or to be taken every morning?

Thank you
luxed last decade
Well...I am wondering if I should be doing this rememdy instead of finding out about the one with the arnica. I too have a very itchy scalp no dandruff or anything weird. My hair (scalp) hurts especially when I remove a pony tail or hair clip. Sometimes it feels like I have bruises but nothing I can really pinpoint. My hair has gotten really thin, but as with you, the doctor doesn't really take notice, and neither do others, but I know that I have lost 1/2 of my hair, and the doctor tells me this is normal and they haven't figured out yet what to do about hairloss. I would really like some feed back. I have made a post, but got no response.
lululovesu last decade
I also am a 44 year old woman and have recetly experienced the same symtoms of hair loss, burning, itchy almost painful scalp. I can't wear a pony tail anymore and feel I have lost at least a third of my hair, though my husband tells me it's not noticable. I've seen a few differect doctors and no one can figure it out. It's driving me crazy! Have you had any luck in finding out what is causing this hair loss yet? Has your condition improved at all?
plshelp last decade
has anyone found soulitoins to this issue. I am having the same problems.

Thanks so much
xfan10 last decade
has anyone found solutions to this issue. I am having the same problems.

Thanks so much
xfan10 last decade

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