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Technical Difficulties with Posting 1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Forum Technical Difficulties


We seem to be having a couple of technical gremlins. We'll sort them out shortly, but in the mean time, please bare with us and we would be very grateful for any feedback that helps us fix it!


There seems to be some posts that repeat and repeat. Can anyone shed any light on this? Are you actually tring to repost, or is it just doing it all by itself?


Astra2012 reported seeing this error:

Warning: strpos(): Empty delimiter. in /home/abchomeo/public_html/popreply.php on line 158

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/abchomeo/public_html/popreply.php:158) in /home/abchomeo/public_html/popreply.php on line 121

Has anyone else seen this or other errors? Once again, any help would be appreciated!
  moderator on 2004-09-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
it is from pressing post more than once--due to the seemingly delay in posting...

remedy--push post once..allow a moment -then push refresh at tool bar (before deleting post)--observe if post occured --and it most times will be..then x out (cancel) post reply box (do not push post again).
John Stanton last decade
Hello moderator
I kept posting the same message since its posting was never acknowledged (unlike that of the other thread at the same time) after first cutting all the
(they showed up anyway right after posting it.

So actually for us the best way is to ignore it (and all headache is yours).
Astra2012 last decade
Yes.I too had the same problem.I too got this empty delimiter warning,and kept pressing the I Agree Button after editing my post,Reformatting etc.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
There seems to be problem in viewing topic "Ankolysing Spondalitis- Remedies?" posted by me as there are only two views--i.e. from me only.
Logical last decade
Thanks for your input everyone. Eventually, we will make it impossible to submit more than once.

It seems the 'empty delimiter' warning might be from people who have somehow got a blank username. Could everyone with a blank username please log off and log in again.

Logical, I'm not sure that there is a problem with the "Ankolysing Spondalitis- Remedies?" post, please keep an eye on it and let me know if there are.

Thank You
moderator last decade
Dear Simon,

ABC forum was hit by a Virus/hacker once ....if I recall correctly.

Cyberkids are manufacturing viruses and hacking sites at the same speed as pop corn is sold in movie theatres during the inter-mission.

...do be careful. We value your site and your effort.

best regards,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear moderator

The problem is continuing.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dear moderator

This is what I have observed.

If I hit the POST REPLY link. A reply window pops up. Now if I visit some other web page on the parent window, and post reply with some other web page open on the parent window, the pop-up window hangs (does not die). But the reply actually gets posted.

This may confuse the forum user into thinking that the reply has not been successfully posted.
puneet last decade
Hi all,

Pankaj, since then, security has been beefed up and backups are now taken very regularly. The error is on our side.

This is an intended feature, so you can easily view other sites which might be useful in your reply, but I see your point how this can be confusing. We will work on putting a thank you for your post page after the reply has been sent.
moderator last decade
Incidently, I've been trying to double post but haven't managed it.
moderator last decade
Incidently, I've been trying to double post but haven't managed it.
moderator last decade
Incidently, I've been trying to double post but haven't managed it.
moderator last decade
Oh the irony... I now understand the problem.
moderator last decade
It looks like getting two wifes at one marriage function !
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I mean "wives" not "wifes".
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Simon,

This reminds me, can we have a SPELL CHECK built into the "Reply Box" ??

I felt a need for it for quite some time.

Thanks and regards

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
A spell check? Hmmm...

I think it would frustrate more people than it would help.
moderator last decade
If not spell check,at least an edit button?
bandarbabu2000 last decade
An "optional" spell check !

Not a "mandatory" one!

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Moderator,

This is changing the upper case to lower case on its own!!!!

Your webmaster needs to find a solution.

Pankaj Varma

[moved by moderator, and a comment: this happens if you try to post in mostly capital letters - that way we avoid people seeming like they are shouting when really all they've done is hit the caps lock key by mistake.

We avoid people shouting too, which is also nice!]
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thanks for the "SHOUT" !!

Warm and hot regards,

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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