The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Question about Infant probiotics
I am currently giving my 16 month old son probiotics in the powdered state. It says to use in liquid, however, he drinks his milk fairly warm, so I would assume this might be detrimental to the live bacteria. Do you think it would work just as well to put the powder into his cereal which is made cold? It is of an oatmeal type consistency, but smoother. I mix it with water.Thanks!
luckylot1999 on 2006-10-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes that would be fine with the cereal. Better not to take with warm liquids , especially not hot- I don't know at what precise temperature live bacteria are affected detrimentally by heat, so take with cold.
carlotta last decade
I wanted to answer the same way that you can sprinkle it on food as well as in drinks and it is absolutely best to keep it cold.
I have a 17 mo old who I have on Probiotics (as well as a 3 yr old and 4.5 yr old who are on them) and have found that kirkam labs has a great chewable probiotic. They are easily snapped in half and that's what I give my 17 mo old.
It's a nice alternative to having to mix supplements all the time. LOVE chewables!
I have a 17 mo old who I have on Probiotics (as well as a 3 yr old and 4.5 yr old who are on them) and have found that kirkam labs has a great chewable probiotic. They are easily snapped in half and that's what I give my 17 mo old.
It's a nice alternative to having to mix supplements all the time. LOVE chewables!
dz198 last decade
Thanks! I'm assuming that since your 17 month old takes them, they taste good too? Where do you get them, in a store or online? I would like to consider the chewables for our next purchase.
Thanks! I'm assuming that since your 17 month old takes them, they taste good too? Where do you get them, in a store or online? I would like to consider the chewables for our next purchase.
luckylot1999 last decade
I'm assuming they taste good, lol. I have my own probiotics I take from the same company.
This site won't allow me to post a website but the company name is kirkman labs. If you take the space out between those two words and add a dot com you will get there! They've also got really great third party tested for purity EFA's in a strawberry gelcap (that I pierce and put in juice or applesauce) for kids.
This site won't allow me to post a website but the company name is kirkman labs. If you take the space out between those two words and add a dot com you will get there! They've also got really great third party tested for purity EFA's in a strawberry gelcap (that I pierce and put in juice or applesauce) for kids.
dz198 last decade
Essential Fatty Acids like Omega 3, Omega 6, DHA. Most of our diets are lacking in them and they are a key factor in brain development.
dz198 last decade
I just checked out those products, thanks. A question about the EFAs. I give my son home-ground flaxseed, daily, which also provides Omega 3 among other things. Do you think the EFAs would be necessary in addition to this? Also, have you heard anything about Grape Seed Extract (GSE)? Just curious.
luckylot1999 last decade
I know flaxseed is a good source of EFA's. Grapefruit Seed Extract is a good antifungal. It is very tart, as you can imagine but is easily hid in various juices. I have used it for my children, particularly one, to heal a leaky gut from too many antibiotics. It kills off yeast overgrowth. I also give it after large amounts of sugar (such as on holidays) to prevent an overgrowth of bad yeast in the stomach.
What are you looking to accomplish with the GSE?
What are you looking to accomplish with the GSE?
dz198 last decade
Oh nothing in particular, I was just curious about it. That is an interesting thought to use it after excessive sweets. I have no desire to buy it, but it seems there are so many supplemental products out there, it's hard to distinguish which are really the best to use on a regular basis and for what.
luckylot1999 last decade
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