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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Silicea 30x

im new here n i wanted to knw abt silicea 30X. my father accidentally bought 3 bottles of silicea 30x n i have no clue wat it does n hw i shud take it. I have mild acne,frequent migranes and very weak hair. i was wondering if the silicea 30x cud help me wid my shallow indented marks and my weak hair?? Is it of any use?
  clearance_wanted2 on 2006-11-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
someone plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz replyyyyyyy
clearance_wanted2 last decade
Go ahead and start taking Silicea 30x.

In these days all good vitamin suppliments add Silica/Silicea into it. You can read the label of Centrum.
kuldeep last decade
thank u soo much. i thot i would end up getting more indented scars and acne. becuz i read sumwhere tht silicea 30x doesnt affect scars. is THT true?
clearance_wanted2 last decade
Dear Clearance

I am not a homeopathic doctor, but this is what i read about Silicia under Clarke Materia Medica

Silicea. will set up suppuration in the vicinity and bring about their expulsion. (It is this property which makes it necessary sometimes to use Silicea. with caution; if there are deposits which have became encysted and so far rendered harmless, the administration of Silicea. might set up suppurative action, to the risk of the patient's life


With respect to your experience and knowledge kuldeep, i think you should be little cautious in prescribing homeopathic remedies.

What are added in vitamin suppliments ? are homeopathic Silicia ??

What is the difference between biochemic and homeopathic silicia

please respond


sazim last decade
Dear Sazim

What you said is valid.

Patient said:
I have mild acne,frequent migranes and very weak hair.

Silica 30x is a medium potency, Not really a high or low.
kuldeep last decade
Dear Kuldeep

But you didnt check whether patient has an artificial element in her body, which Silicia can react with, for example Silicia is not prescribed to a patient with a pacemaker.

I believe, sometimes it become necessary to get as much info as possible before prescribing.

Still no disrespect to your experience and knowledge, and let the helping spirit kindle as bright as possible


sazim last decade
thanks for replying all of you. I dont have any artificial stuff inside me. i was just making sure about the silicea because i didnt want to end up getting more problems
clearance_wanted2 last decade
Some philosophial different is opinions here. Silicea is good for health.
kuldeep last decade
Don' take more than three doses consecutively.

Give a gap of atleast a week and try again three doses.

Stop taking the medicine, if you get any new symptoms.

Stop in case you get aggravated/appreciable relief.

If you take it non stop,months together, you will land into trouble.

gavinimurthy last decade
i was advised to take three times daily. i take 3 tablets 3 times everyday.Is that alright?
clearance_wanted2 last decade
You can take 3 tablets 3 times in a single day and then STOP.(no medicine on the second day onwards)

Give a gap of one week,and observe response.

gavinimurthy last decade
oh i took it for 3 days already i'll stop now and start next week if there's nothing to worry about.
clearance_wanted2 last decade
No need to worry. post feed back after a week.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr Murthy

I only got a few spots. Infact i got less spots than i usually get when i near my periods. but my cheeks got teeny tiny bumps which dried up. Would this silicea 30x cause any trouble?
clearance_wanted2 last decade
I m greatly inspired by the discussions about Silicea. I undersand that Sil. & heper sulf r reversly identical to each-only potency makes the difference. Sil may be use to increase the supperation aswell as drying process respectively. comments invited.
Santosh44 last decade
I couldn't understand clarly.

are the bumps you got on your cheecks ,something like pimples?

Is it the first time you got them?

Do you mean to say some of the shalloe indented marks are gone, but you got pimples on your cheeks?

Please clarify.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Clearance Silicea 30x is not a food supplement, it is a Homoeopathic remedy, and contains none of the original substance which would be the case for vitamin supplements such as Centrium. There is therefore no logic to this comparison.

Murthy's advice is sound on this.

Best wishes.

Hahnemania last decade
Dear Santosh.

Whilst Silicea and Hepar Sulph do posess some similar features, they are two completely different remedies, and have some great differences also, especially mentally.

As with all remedies, the one will not do for the other.

Hahnemania last decade
Hi mR murthy
thanks for replying
no no not like pimples but little bumps n i did get them for the first time but i did get a few pimples too but only like 2 to 3.
only thing im concerned about is whether this silicea will cause me any health problems and please advise about how long should i take it and how many times per day.
clearance_wanted2 last decade
No. Don't take anything now. Wait for a week more, and come back.

Silecia is a very long acting medicine, ad its action should not be disturbed, by taking a fresh dose.

gavinimurthy last decade
alright thanks
clearance_wanted2 last decade
i am breaking out!! now wat??
clearance_wanted2 last decade

Try to be more detailed.

what is the problem?

are you getting the first time?

gavinimurthy last decade
no no not the first time but they are worse than i usually get. the cysts are big and really red. that is the problem. and my red marks arent fading.
clearance_wanted2 last decade
forget about Silecia, for the time being.

Wait for two weeks, and come back.

gavinimurthy last decade

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