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Hair Loss



Posts about Hair Loss

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Complex scalp condition and hair loss (combination) Page 2 of 2

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and now i'm confused...anyone else have any suggestions? Joe, how about you?
avid123 last decade
alrite so now its between nat mur 200 and psorinum 1m...

whats the final verdict?

anyone else want to jump in here?
avid123 last decade
there has to be another homeopath on here...PLEASE!!
avid123 last decade
you might want to read the thread to figure out what kinds of a person Murthy is.

collegestudent last decade
yeah avid the thing you have that making ur hair drop off i have da same bs too... with d ichin and it droppin off when u dry it an ting an all dat anyway i went to the doc earlier this week and he told me its an infection of the hair root (root infection) and it practically spreads... cuz its a fungus and he gave me some pills for it but i have to wait 6 weeks to see if it would work though...
nicktrin last decade
I have been experiencing hairloss for the last 2 years. It was very minor but i started taking treatment for androgenic alopecia(my biggest mistake) i.e finasteride orally and topical application of minoxidil. Results were very good but when i came to know about the side effects i quit it. But after quitting i started experiencing severe hairloss on the back of my head. I am almost balding now.. my scalp is clearly visible now. I hav re-started only topical application of minoxidil but the hairloss is still very high. If i stop it it gets even worse. Wish i had not started it my condition would have been much better. Someone pls help me... can i get my hair back or atleast prevent my hairloss. I am very tensed and do not get proper sleep now.
Pundalik last decade
Phytolacca 30 taken once a day for a month will do magic to you.

Believe me, you will come back to say Thank-you.
girilal last decade

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