The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hydrocele on both testicles
i am having hydrocele on both testicles for the last 3 years. the volume of serem is very low.ravi_pydimarri1969 on 2006-11-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Every remedy is suitable for this complaint if the other symptoms agree.Please post the details for selection of the proper remedy.
Boericke ] [Male Sexual System]Hydrocele:Oedema:
Total Drugs : 31
Drug Mark Remedy Remedy Full Name
3 Apis Apis mellifica
3 Aur Aurum metallicum
3 Calc Calcarea carbonica Hahnemanii
3 Con Conium maculatum
3 Fl-ac Fluoricum acidum
3 Graph Graphites
3 Iod Iodium
3 Kali-i Kali iodatum
3 Puls Pulsatilla nigricans; Anemone pratensis
3 Rhod Rhododendron chrysanthum
3 Sel Selenium
3 Sil Silicea; Silica terra
3 Spong Spongia tosta
2 Abrot Abrotanum; Artemesia abrotanum
2 Ampe-qu Ampelopsis quinquefolia
2 Ars Arsenicum album
2 Bry Bryonia alba
2 Calad Caladium seguinum
2 Calc-f Calcarea fluorata
2 Calc-p Calcarea phosphorica
2 Canth Cantharis vesicatoria; Meloe vesicatorius
2 Chel Chelidonium majus
2 Cinch Cinchoninum sulphuricum
2 Dig Digitalis purpurea
2 Dulc Dulcamara
2 Hell Helleborus niger
2 Merc Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni
2 Rhus-t Rhus toxicodendron
2 Samb Sambucus nigra
2 Squil Squilla maritima; Scilla
2 Sulph Sulphur
Boericke ] [Male Sexual System]Hydrocele:Oedema:
Total Drugs : 31
Drug Mark Remedy Remedy Full Name
3 Apis Apis mellifica
3 Aur Aurum metallicum
3 Calc Calcarea carbonica Hahnemanii
3 Con Conium maculatum
3 Fl-ac Fluoricum acidum
3 Graph Graphites
3 Iod Iodium
3 Kali-i Kali iodatum
3 Puls Pulsatilla nigricans; Anemone pratensis
3 Rhod Rhododendron chrysanthum
3 Sel Selenium
3 Sil Silicea; Silica terra
3 Spong Spongia tosta
2 Abrot Abrotanum; Artemesia abrotanum
2 Ampe-qu Ampelopsis quinquefolia
2 Ars Arsenicum album
2 Bry Bryonia alba
2 Calad Caladium seguinum
2 Calc-f Calcarea fluorata
2 Calc-p Calcarea phosphorica
2 Canth Cantharis vesicatoria; Meloe vesicatorius
2 Chel Chelidonium majus
2 Cinch Cinchoninum sulphuricum
2 Dig Digitalis purpurea
2 Dulc Dulcamara
2 Hell Helleborus niger
2 Merc Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni
2 Rhus-t Rhus toxicodendron
2 Samb Sambucus nigra
2 Squil Squilla maritima; Scilla
2 Sulph Sulphur
sajjadakram635 last decade
Please read this.
What the doctor needs to know in order to make a successful prescription
Answer all the questions, which are approppriate for you.
I know, it is tedious, but, you have to take this trouble, if you need permanent cure.
All the best.
What the doctor needs to know in order to make a successful prescription
Answer all the questions, which are approppriate for you.
I know, it is tedious, but, you have to take this trouble, if you need permanent cure.
All the best.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
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Please fill out the homeopathic intake form for new patients. The more information you can give us, the more accurate our homeopathic recommendations can be. Hopefully someone here will help you begin real homeopathic treatment to resolve your issues.
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
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