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Early puberty 1


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early puberty

Can homeopathy be used to try to slow down or stop puberty? My eight year old daughter has developed the first signs of pubic hair but has no other signs of puberty (not even a growth spurt). Is it worth going to see a practitioner?
  Longborough on 2004-10-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am not going to speak homeopathically in this, but advise you use only meat and poutry that has been raised without the use of hormones (and antibiotics). Please check with the health food stores and supermarkets as this shoulc be available. This is indicated as a source of early puberty.
museon 2 decades ago
My daughter is also showing the same signs.but atleast she is 9 yrs old. Still i am worried that it is early.
what is "growth spurt".
anon99 2 decades ago
My daughter started showing signs of early puberty at age 7...she is now age 8.
She has body-odor under her arms when she has been runnning around or sweating a lot, she also has budding, but no hair in private places yet--thank God!
I am so worried, I have started cutting back on how much milk she drinks and how much meat she gets, that seems to have slowed it down a bit. The body odor is much worse when she drinks a lot of milk, so now I only allow a maximum of one glass of milk per day--if that.
I am hoping that she does not bloom too early, I want her to stay a child as long as she can.
Any tips on dietary/homeopathy issues for this would be appreciated.
mayfloweracademy last decade
hormones in food if meat /dairy user of modern world...organic ok--goats better--as lamb meat --less additives--most general get more pasture grazing than beef steers--so less need for chemical intrusion--except possible grassland toxins (sprays and such)...yet if growth like such and good quality food or vegarian..then if familiar with homoeopathy--lok into calcarea phosphoricum....thogh there may be some things need taking care of --such as what effect vaccine have on child---meds used in health history...diet (as mentioned)....
John Stanton last decade
only soy products allowed is traditional fermented and only using soy as condiment --not replacing meat --never soy milk --even bean curb is dubious.....traditional vegetarian cultures--use soy in fermented state
John Stanton last decade

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