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Dear Rajiv, agreed. Anything is superior to dry dosing, heh. I haven't used this since first starting out, and it amazes me people still do.
JCS2006 last decade
WHEN 'in context' to the current 'DISCUSSION' :
Personally, I think the 'Split dose', is really a immaterial potency as far as the Homeopathic potencisation theory goes. I would brand it as a 'nuisance potency' or 'a make-believe potency'.
A current purport'edly famous Homeopath who propogates the 'Split method', is no better than self-glorifying the 'so-called' cause for creating a self-identify (A.D.D.)
- the 6th Organon is always suspect among the veterans of Homeopathy and hence was never really accepted, one among them is in context to the Wet dose treatment regime, which was really there for everyone to follow for the last 200 years (the 6th Organon), but it was never followed, duly to the highly suspicious conditions that prevailed around Dr. Hahnemann expiry.
Even Boenninghausen, Hering, Kent, Lippe & others hardly followed the 6th organon and 'SPECIFICALLY' the wet dose treatment regime.
(above reproduced from :
Re: an article by Dr Luc De Schepper on selecting a Homeopath From Nesha-India on 2006-10-30 )
A hint of the 'Split dose' nuisance is high-lighted in the play on this link :
CONSIDER THIS QUOTE : (when relating to most self-glorifying medicos) :
'A baby is an alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no responsibility at the other'.
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Personally, I think the 'Split dose', is really a immaterial potency as far as the Homeopathic potencisation theory goes. I would brand it as a 'nuisance potency' or 'a make-believe potency'.
A current purport'edly famous Homeopath who propogates the 'Split method', is no better than self-glorifying the 'so-called' cause for creating a self-identify (A.D.D.)
- the 6th Organon is always suspect among the veterans of Homeopathy and hence was never really accepted, one among them is in context to the Wet dose treatment regime, which was really there for everyone to follow for the last 200 years (the 6th Organon), but it was never followed, duly to the highly suspicious conditions that prevailed around Dr. Hahnemann expiry.
Even Boenninghausen, Hering, Kent, Lippe & others hardly followed the 6th organon and 'SPECIFICALLY' the wet dose treatment regime.
(above reproduced from :
Re: an article by Dr Luc De Schepper on selecting a Homeopath From Nesha-India on 2006-10-30 )
A hint of the 'Split dose' nuisance is high-lighted in the play on this link :
CONSIDER THIS QUOTE : (when relating to most self-glorifying medicos) :
'A baby is an alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no responsibility at the other'.
Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
Dear friends,
Split dose potency is not 'nuisance potency'.It is a valid potency developed by Hahnemann quite a long time before his death in the 5th Organon itself.A number of masters such as Lippe, Nash, H.C.Allen ued split dose method.There are hundreds of cases recorded in literature.When discussing serious homeopathy where Organons and different methods of posologies are concerned and where 'fellow homeopaths' are mentioning their own experience, it is best to adopt a 'respectful' attitude.Strong language will only provoke anger and resentment among colleagues.This forum has seen enough of that.Lets avoid it any more and talk respectfully with one another.
Split dose potency is not 'nuisance potency'.It is a valid potency developed by Hahnemann quite a long time before his death in the 5th Organon itself.A number of masters such as Lippe, Nash, H.C.Allen ued split dose method.There are hundreds of cases recorded in literature.When discussing serious homeopathy where Organons and different methods of posologies are concerned and where 'fellow homeopaths' are mentioning their own experience, it is best to adopt a 'respectful' attitude.Strong language will only provoke anger and resentment among colleagues.This forum has seen enough of that.Lets avoid it any more and talk respectfully with one another.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Dear all
Just an input here. Strict Kentians call wet-dose adherents as half-water half-milk man or Psuedo Homeopaths. Calling names of other methods is directly proportionate to their strict interpretation.
Apart from the late publication of Organon 6, there's also said to be 2 reasons for less popularity of LM potencies. First one being some renowned homeopaths consider Hahnemann himself experimented with LM's for relatively less time period unlike Centesimals(1841-1843)so he couldn't have been in the position to ascertain the efficacy of LMs.
Another reason is some notable homeopaths(Kunzli, P. Sankaran to note a few)have experimented with LMs and have rejected these methods as inefficient.
Convictions are based on knowledge and experience. But remaining closed may deprive people from getting valuable inputs from other sources.
Just an input here. Strict Kentians call wet-dose adherents as half-water half-milk man or Psuedo Homeopaths. Calling names of other methods is directly proportionate to their strict interpretation.
Apart from the late publication of Organon 6, there's also said to be 2 reasons for less popularity of LM potencies. First one being some renowned homeopaths consider Hahnemann himself experimented with LM's for relatively less time period unlike Centesimals(1841-1843)so he couldn't have been in the position to ascertain the efficacy of LMs.
Another reason is some notable homeopaths(Kunzli, P. Sankaran to note a few)have experimented with LMs and have rejected these methods as inefficient.
Convictions are based on knowledge and experience. But remaining closed may deprive people from getting valuable inputs from other sources.
♡ maheeru last decade
I am copying my post on the Split Dose which may be of interest.
Preparing the Liquid and Split Dose From Joe De Livera on 2006-01-21
I was converted to the Liquid Dose which is also referred to as the Wet or Water dose by Dr Luc de Schepper who was here in Sri Lanka last April to help the survivors of the Tsunami. He referred me to Hahnemann's Sixth edition where he has recorded this method of using a remedy.
Up to that time I had, in common with other homeopaths throughout the world used the dry globules which are activated by using a few drops of the liquid remedy that you get from the Homeopathic Pharmacies, usually in 10ml plastic bottles with dropper caps.
The liquid dose is made by getting a 500ml bottle of Spring water from a supermarket and it is recommended that the fine type is read to check if the water is from deep bore wells to ensure purity. The water must be free of chlorine.
2 drops of the liquid remedy or 3 globules which are already activated are then inserted into the bottle from which about 50ml has been decanted to provide some air space on top just under the lid.
The bottle is then subjected to violent agitation either by twirling in the hand clockwise and anti c, or the bottle can be banged on the open palm or a cushion to ensure the the water produces bubbles like when opening a bottle of soda. This bubbling is succussion which is the secret of HOmeopathy and raises the potency of the water which is now the liquid remedy every so slightly thereby making the remedy to help cure the ailment better that with the dry dose.
The split dose is used when the trace of the remedy should be very subtle and just sufficient to prod the body to accept it and help cure the ailment like Asthma. The method of using the split dose is to succuss the bottle and take a teaspoonful of the remedy from the bottle and put it into half cup of water from another bottle which is reserved for this purpose. The water is stirred gently and a teaspoonful from the cup is sipped.
I was at first very skeptical about the effect of any remedy which I had been dispensing to patients in the dry dose which was usually 2 gobules taken twice or thrice daily, being powerful enough to help cure anyone when used in the liquid dose and even less in the split dose.
However I must record for the benefit of anyone who reads this post that I have discovered that the Liquid Dose is far more potent than the dry globules to cure any ailment. It is the succussion that makes the liquid remedy to help cure the ailment faster.
I must admit that succussion is mind boggling in its concept but the fact is that it works and the patient is cured.
This is the Miracle of Homeopathy.
Preparing the Liquid and Split Dose From Joe De Livera on 2006-01-21
I was converted to the Liquid Dose which is also referred to as the Wet or Water dose by Dr Luc de Schepper who was here in Sri Lanka last April to help the survivors of the Tsunami. He referred me to Hahnemann's Sixth edition where he has recorded this method of using a remedy.
Up to that time I had, in common with other homeopaths throughout the world used the dry globules which are activated by using a few drops of the liquid remedy that you get from the Homeopathic Pharmacies, usually in 10ml plastic bottles with dropper caps.
The liquid dose is made by getting a 500ml bottle of Spring water from a supermarket and it is recommended that the fine type is read to check if the water is from deep bore wells to ensure purity. The water must be free of chlorine.
2 drops of the liquid remedy or 3 globules which are already activated are then inserted into the bottle from which about 50ml has been decanted to provide some air space on top just under the lid.
The bottle is then subjected to violent agitation either by twirling in the hand clockwise and anti c, or the bottle can be banged on the open palm or a cushion to ensure the the water produces bubbles like when opening a bottle of soda. This bubbling is succussion which is the secret of HOmeopathy and raises the potency of the water which is now the liquid remedy every so slightly thereby making the remedy to help cure the ailment better that with the dry dose.
The split dose is used when the trace of the remedy should be very subtle and just sufficient to prod the body to accept it and help cure the ailment like Asthma. The method of using the split dose is to succuss the bottle and take a teaspoonful of the remedy from the bottle and put it into half cup of water from another bottle which is reserved for this purpose. The water is stirred gently and a teaspoonful from the cup is sipped.
I was at first very skeptical about the effect of any remedy which I had been dispensing to patients in the dry dose which was usually 2 gobules taken twice or thrice daily, being powerful enough to help cure anyone when used in the liquid dose and even less in the split dose.
However I must record for the benefit of anyone who reads this post that I have discovered that the Liquid Dose is far more potent than the dry globules to cure any ailment. It is the succussion that makes the liquid remedy to help cure the ailment faster.
I must admit that succussion is mind boggling in its concept but the fact is that it works and the patient is cured.
This is the Miracle of Homeopathy.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Maheeru,
It is so very easy to call names and use harsh words.But then i always wonder why is that so?What does it achieve except spreading bitterness and hate?This world has enough of hate and violence going around.Homeopaths try to heal people of their illnesses.So, it is important that they display that they are in control of their emotions and insulting others by calling names and using harsh language does not display 'mental/emotional health'.Now, those who are themselves not healthy (mentally and emotionally), they are hardly qualified to practice homeopathy no matter what their formal qualifications.This is my personal opinion only.
Now, once the basic respect and decorum is maintained, discussions can take place in a healthy environment.People can focus on the 'content' rather than on 'personal slurs'.
I have said enough number of times what i believe and know to be true.I have used LMs and they work.I use 5th Organon wet split dose method regularly now and it works wonderfully for me.Others if they wish, can try and see if they wish or can stick to their dry dose method.I don't see what is there to fight or quarrell about.
It is so very easy to call names and use harsh words.But then i always wonder why is that so?What does it achieve except spreading bitterness and hate?This world has enough of hate and violence going around.Homeopaths try to heal people of their illnesses.So, it is important that they display that they are in control of their emotions and insulting others by calling names and using harsh language does not display 'mental/emotional health'.Now, those who are themselves not healthy (mentally and emotionally), they are hardly qualified to practice homeopathy no matter what their formal qualifications.This is my personal opinion only.
Now, once the basic respect and decorum is maintained, discussions can take place in a healthy environment.People can focus on the 'content' rather than on 'personal slurs'.
I have said enough number of times what i believe and know to be true.I have used LMs and they work.I use 5th Organon wet split dose method regularly now and it works wonderfully for me.Others if they wish, can try and see if they wish or can stick to their dry dose method.I don't see what is there to fight or quarrell about.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
To Maheeru
I had posted just before or after you did and I did not see your post till now.
I am in complete agreement with your statement:
'Convictions are based on knowledge and experience. But remaining closed may deprive people from getting valuable inputs from other sources.'
I too agree that there is nothing to be gained by refusing to accept using the wet and the split dose merely because one has not used it in the past. As homeopaths I believe that it is our duty to at least consider the vast possibilities that exist in using the methods that others have discovered and used successfully. I was associated with Luc de Schepper when he was here in Sri Lanka last year and I must admit that I too was very skeptical about his use of just 3 pellets or 2 drops or the remedy into a 500ml bottle of water which we got from the nearest source selling this water. When we had exhausted the stocks of the water we encouraged the people to bring water from shallow wells in bottles into which Luc would insert the remedy.
I must admit that the results were more positive in comparison to the dry pellets that the group of homeopaths used before Luc and his student arrived. I must mention here that we had 4 groups of 2-3 members of Homeopaths who were members of Homeopaths Without Borders who were sent for about 2 weeks per batch to help the survivors of the Tsunami. When the first batch arrived within about 6 weeks after the tragedy the acute condition of the survivors had passed and it was the chronic cases that required attention from the homeopaths. These survivors had harrowing tales to relate of their experiences in the Tsunami and their treatment in the government hospitals where the survivors all had been treated with antibiotics and analgesics which were the usual drugs dispensed to them. They all complained of other even more serious reactions to these drugs which they stated were too potent for their needs. The gentle healing action of the Homeopathic remedies was soon established and passed by word of mouth in this area and we had hundreds of patients flocking to the clinics that were opened where Luc and the other homeopaths were able to treat the survivors.
I can personally vouch for the efficacy of the wet dose in the use of Homeopathic remedies and I have been successful in promoting this method to other homeopaths who are in practice in Sri Lanka in the regular meetings that we organize here. I am glad to report that the majority of these homeopaths who had not heard of this method of dispensing remedies now do so as they too have discovered that the wet dose produces better results than the standard dry pellets.
I believe that the science of Homeopathy is a life long process of learning and it is important that any knowledge that one observes in one's practice should be shared with others so that they too can benefit from discoveries of using existing remedies for ailments that are not recorded in the classical texts.
I have often been criticized for using a few remedies like Arnica and Nat Phos to name only two for ailments that have not been recorded in these texts. It seems a shame that instead of using them even on an experimental basis, that I have been at the receiving end of much criticism which can better be described as vilification merely because I have dared to use remedies successfully, in the treatment of ailments that are not listed for them. I believe that the homeopaths on this forum who are like me do not have any formal degree in the science, owe it to themselves to also experiment in the use of various remedies for ailments that they have never used them for, and see for themselves whether or not they can replicate my own records of success.
I believe that this is how Homeopathy should progress into the future, not governed by the narrow confines of the classical system, which in any case the large majority of homeopaths are disillusioned with, and which they do not always use.
I had posted just before or after you did and I did not see your post till now.
I am in complete agreement with your statement:
'Convictions are based on knowledge and experience. But remaining closed may deprive people from getting valuable inputs from other sources.'
I too agree that there is nothing to be gained by refusing to accept using the wet and the split dose merely because one has not used it in the past. As homeopaths I believe that it is our duty to at least consider the vast possibilities that exist in using the methods that others have discovered and used successfully. I was associated with Luc de Schepper when he was here in Sri Lanka last year and I must admit that I too was very skeptical about his use of just 3 pellets or 2 drops or the remedy into a 500ml bottle of water which we got from the nearest source selling this water. When we had exhausted the stocks of the water we encouraged the people to bring water from shallow wells in bottles into which Luc would insert the remedy.
I must admit that the results were more positive in comparison to the dry pellets that the group of homeopaths used before Luc and his student arrived. I must mention here that we had 4 groups of 2-3 members of Homeopaths who were members of Homeopaths Without Borders who were sent for about 2 weeks per batch to help the survivors of the Tsunami. When the first batch arrived within about 6 weeks after the tragedy the acute condition of the survivors had passed and it was the chronic cases that required attention from the homeopaths. These survivors had harrowing tales to relate of their experiences in the Tsunami and their treatment in the government hospitals where the survivors all had been treated with antibiotics and analgesics which were the usual drugs dispensed to them. They all complained of other even more serious reactions to these drugs which they stated were too potent for their needs. The gentle healing action of the Homeopathic remedies was soon established and passed by word of mouth in this area and we had hundreds of patients flocking to the clinics that were opened where Luc and the other homeopaths were able to treat the survivors.
I can personally vouch for the efficacy of the wet dose in the use of Homeopathic remedies and I have been successful in promoting this method to other homeopaths who are in practice in Sri Lanka in the regular meetings that we organize here. I am glad to report that the majority of these homeopaths who had not heard of this method of dispensing remedies now do so as they too have discovered that the wet dose produces better results than the standard dry pellets.
I believe that the science of Homeopathy is a life long process of learning and it is important that any knowledge that one observes in one's practice should be shared with others so that they too can benefit from discoveries of using existing remedies for ailments that are not recorded in the classical texts.
I have often been criticized for using a few remedies like Arnica and Nat Phos to name only two for ailments that have not been recorded in these texts. It seems a shame that instead of using them even on an experimental basis, that I have been at the receiving end of much criticism which can better be described as vilification merely because I have dared to use remedies successfully, in the treatment of ailments that are not listed for them. I believe that the homeopaths on this forum who are like me do not have any formal degree in the science, owe it to themselves to also experiment in the use of various remedies for ailments that they have never used them for, and see for themselves whether or not they can replicate my own records of success.
I believe that this is how Homeopathy should progress into the future, not governed by the narrow confines of the classical system, which in any case the large majority of homeopaths are disillusioned with, and which they do not always use.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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