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Naveed - Wrist / arm pain

I am 32 Yrs old and engage in computer related job. I have startd feel pain in my wrist/forearm/right shoulder. After having massage of "Arnica oil", & "Ruta graveolens 30" the pain is reduced but i still feel pain & uncomfortable feeling in the upper side on my wrist upon bending which also propegates towards my thumb (right hand). My right hand get tired upon working little hard.

Now, I am told to use "Rhus Tox 30X" remedy....i just want make it confirmed that should i start this remedy? or any other remedy will be useful in my case???

  nahmed69 on 2003-09-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Naveed,
You could be suffering from Cervical Spondylosis. Though there could be no changes in the cervical bones, you could have pain because of muscular affectations. Homoeopathy can cure your condition. One would need more symptoms to suggest the better remedy for you.
Dr.Venugopal Gouri
drvenugopal 2 decades ago

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