The ABC Homeopathy Forum
new to this fourm and some thing to discuss
dear sir,i have some thing to know about the single remedy in my case:
1) hair: dandruff after using warm water hair skin extreme whitness like powder come to wards hair.and falls on to cloths.
2) head : cool.
3) emotions: wants to hurry in all types of works.but at night get worst.
4) respiratory: acute ashtima, bad in morninig and morning i split out blood while washing my mouth.
5)physical situation: 02 years back i was 86 kg but wath a sudeen my wait looses sufficiently and goes to 44 kg. by all my medical reports liver and stomach thyroid all are clears. my blood report is also clear.
6)abdomen: hunger at night .
but while waking up in morning i does not like to stuff.i had a digestion problems.
7) urine: clear as white but came in pain.
8) hand and limbs : chilnees in evening no often.
9) male: good eracion at night.feels something liqiuid dishghare while slipness,in morning no eraction excessive sex desire penis bent left side.use to mastirbute a lot till 02 years back.low testicle.and low sex power.
extremes and good: in morning bad night some time good some time bad.
i think this will carry my case to all homeopahth for great advise .
one more thing i had to share that i use lots of water all day but my thirst does not end.if i not use water or delay when my throats requier i had asthamtic problems imidiate and passing urine colour like dark yellow and hot.
i bought boiron materia medica and the best remedy i thought is lycopodium 200 for i dose daily and nux vomica 30 thrice a day.
one also recomended me neglect nux use asenic album 30 .
or use lyco 200 with bryonia 1m.
i would like to request that whenever i go diffrent homeopath in pak i feel they gave me patent remedy of schawabe or dr reckweg no good homeopath in pakistan once suggested to bring materia medica and check your single remedy buy youreself it again a request to deep look in my case and bring a result as eralier.
thanks .
shahzad36838 on 2006-12-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
the first thing i would advise you to stop taking these high potency remedies on a continuous basis.
what i understand from your post that you have been taking these remedies on a daily basis, which is certainly not recommended.
once you stop taking the remedies, wait for your symptoms to stabilise and then come back here to this thread. I am posting a case taking sheet for you so that you can write down your unadulterated symptoms clearly after 15 days.
Patient ID: Sex: Age:
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
what i understand from your post that you have been taking these remedies on a daily basis, which is certainly not recommended.
once you stop taking the remedies, wait for your symptoms to stabilise and then come back here to this thread. I am posting a case taking sheet for you so that you can write down your unadulterated symptoms clearly after 15 days.
Patient ID: Sex: Age:
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
♡ rishimba last decade
thank you rishimba i'll wait for 15 days and let you know about it i am very much happy whats if that you had answered me in a hour i must say god bless you thanks
shahzad36838 last decade
Patient ID: shahzad36838 Sex: male Age: 30 Status: Unmarried
Thanks rishimba for replying a part is a same as above post. I had tried my level best and well concern of my all symptoms. Hopefully the information will help you out for best of diagnosis. In addition to it that I had avoids all medicine about 01 month. And then find below mention result.
1. Describe your main suffering?
-I eat a lot but my body doesnt get as I am eating i.e. (upset of liver and stomach), indigestion. (Problem for about 2 years).
-constipation.(problem for about 2 years)
-Excessive dandruff causes hair falling. (problem for about 14 years)
-Asthma (acute) in morning and cold weather and surrounding to dust area and in sunlight and when I run...(problem for about 5 years)
-split bloody in morning. (problem for about 5 years)
-excessive shriveling in the body in winter
-Lack of impotence (problem for about 14 years) (due to lot of masturbation)
-dry cough continues.
-passes urine with lots of pain.
-after passes urine a stitches like pain at the tip from where urine start.
-mouth dryness.
-after spicy food or heavily food (like cow meat goat meat, dry fruits), heat in the abdomen, after some while passes urine hot.
-dark circle around eyes (which shows weakness).
-sexual passion increased
-a sticky substance discharge from penis while walking and in urine and by bending the body downwards on regular basis.
-penis became small and flabby and the shape as curved (turn) around toward left side.
-testes balls became small
-after complete discharge of urine it feels some drops are urine is still left in the channel.
-penis color change to dark. During night session fully erected but in morning small and flabby.
-penis half head swollen and downwards thin when ½ erected.
- When I eat any biscuits my tongue get bitter.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
- When I rinse my hair with hot water a dry dandruff on my head.
-congestion in chest.
-pain in back downwards.
-color of tongue look like bad, very thick whiteness seems upper my tongue.
-by eating of spicy food chillness in hand and limbs.
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
- My feeling is that I doesnt like any thing, even reply to any question ask by me I feel ill and lazy at time.
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
-I feel very route and thought table about my disease.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
-I had started my medical treatment 1.5 years back dated 22/07/2005 of genital problems and lack of impotency
-getting the medicine I suddenly observe I continuously decreased my weight from 86kg to 48kg every month 4 to 5kg loss. Then I had stop talking the medicine. And forgot my illness and start eating as it was in daily routine and suddenly it increase my weight and now from 4 month my weight is on 60kg.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
- I can not define you a day but its on regular basis.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
- Aggravate: by eating a lot, while walking, sunlight, after sexual excess ness, spicy food, sugar, constipation
- ameliorate: by drinking lot of water, and by complete sleep.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
-when I am surrounding to air tight room
- I think all this thing is due to sticky substance discharge from penis in urine and by walking and after sleep.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
-hot weather.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
- my mental setup is relaxed.
-mostly nervous but some time moody, lazy and quiet person.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- before or during : feel good
- Do you like being console during your tough times?
- No when some tension surrounded me I cant sleep, if I get sleep my mind doesnt sleep.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
-When I am in tension talking to one itself
-some time I weep but not loudly only internally.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
- I feel very obedient to them in all manners.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
-I fears a lot in all manner, little thing got my mind in tension.
- Sexual dreams mostly.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Crave: rice, low spicy foods, vegetable and fruits.
Aversion : heavy spicy food,
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
- my thirst is excessive
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
-my hunger is excessive.
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
-hot spicy food
-meat of any kind of animal
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
- after illness it became very less and mostly on head
- Before illness on head and on chest.
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
- my bowel movement is very slow its look like that it had stop working
- My stool type is very dry, smell very bad, colour is brownish yellow colour, and I use 3 to 4 glass of water to discharge my stool.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
-I sleep very well, but when I woke up I cant sleep.
-mostly on right side.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
- No not at all.
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
- I never compare my self to other.
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
- I had gone to homeopath doctor to treat my disease of impotence and genital problem he prescribed me the following remedies.
1) Selenium i.e. L99 which the combination remedy as under.
L99(selenium metD3,Aurm Murateicum,D4,Chinum sulfD4,ferrum phosD3,Natrum CrbD3,ginsengD4,KolaD3,Conim MaculationD4,DamianaD4)
2) R41 reckweg: which also the combination remedies as under.
R41(Acidium phosphD8,Agnus CastusD6,ChinaD8,ConimD30,DaminaD6,Glandula Suparveails(suis)D12,Glandula Thymi(suis)D12,Hypohsis(suis)D12,LecethimD6,panax ginsengD6,pancres(suis)D12,phosphoursD8,procanium hydrochloricanD3,sepiaD30,testes(suis)D8,thyerodium(suis)D12,tocopherolD6,Yohimbium hydroD4.
I uses above medicine 06 months
Continues weight lost had change my remedy to
3) L110 : which is also the combination remedy
4) R37 which also the combination remedy
R-37(AluminaD12, BryoniaD4, ColocynthrisD4, LachesisD30, LycopodiumD4, Mercuris Sublimatus CorrosD8, Nux VomicaD6, PlumbumD12, SulphurD12.
I use this remedy for 06 months.
Than I got the book of homeopathy book boreck and get knowledge by different doctors they advise me that as many symptoms you are into you use only 01 medicine.
4) bryonia: 1m (20 doses)
5) lycopodium : 30x (1 bottle of 20ml)
6) lycopodium : 200x(20 doses)
But know you had recommended me to avoid all remedy I had avoid all remedy.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
-my mother is the patient of hernia
-my father was the patient of sugar
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
- I am 60 kg slim body; height is 5.9, white skin, hairy body.
Thanks rishimba for replying a part is a same as above post. I had tried my level best and well concern of my all symptoms. Hopefully the information will help you out for best of diagnosis. In addition to it that I had avoids all medicine about 01 month. And then find below mention result.
1. Describe your main suffering?
-I eat a lot but my body doesnt get as I am eating i.e. (upset of liver and stomach), indigestion. (Problem for about 2 years).
-constipation.(problem for about 2 years)
-Excessive dandruff causes hair falling. (problem for about 14 years)
-Asthma (acute) in morning and cold weather and surrounding to dust area and in sunlight and when I run...(problem for about 5 years)
-split bloody in morning. (problem for about 5 years)
-excessive shriveling in the body in winter
-Lack of impotence (problem for about 14 years) (due to lot of masturbation)
-dry cough continues.
-passes urine with lots of pain.
-after passes urine a stitches like pain at the tip from where urine start.
-mouth dryness.
-after spicy food or heavily food (like cow meat goat meat, dry fruits), heat in the abdomen, after some while passes urine hot.
-dark circle around eyes (which shows weakness).
-sexual passion increased
-a sticky substance discharge from penis while walking and in urine and by bending the body downwards on regular basis.
-penis became small and flabby and the shape as curved (turn) around toward left side.
-testes balls became small
-after complete discharge of urine it feels some drops are urine is still left in the channel.
-penis color change to dark. During night session fully erected but in morning small and flabby.
-penis half head swollen and downwards thin when ½ erected.
- When I eat any biscuits my tongue get bitter.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
- When I rinse my hair with hot water a dry dandruff on my head.
-congestion in chest.
-pain in back downwards.
-color of tongue look like bad, very thick whiteness seems upper my tongue.
-by eating of spicy food chillness in hand and limbs.
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
- My feeling is that I doesnt like any thing, even reply to any question ask by me I feel ill and lazy at time.
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
-I feel very route and thought table about my disease.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
-I had started my medical treatment 1.5 years back dated 22/07/2005 of genital problems and lack of impotency
-getting the medicine I suddenly observe I continuously decreased my weight from 86kg to 48kg every month 4 to 5kg loss. Then I had stop talking the medicine. And forgot my illness and start eating as it was in daily routine and suddenly it increase my weight and now from 4 month my weight is on 60kg.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
- I can not define you a day but its on regular basis.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
- Aggravate: by eating a lot, while walking, sunlight, after sexual excess ness, spicy food, sugar, constipation
- ameliorate: by drinking lot of water, and by complete sleep.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
-when I am surrounding to air tight room
- I think all this thing is due to sticky substance discharge from penis in urine and by walking and after sleep.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
-hot weather.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
- my mental setup is relaxed.
-mostly nervous but some time moody, lazy and quiet person.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- before or during : feel good
- Do you like being console during your tough times?
- No when some tension surrounded me I cant sleep, if I get sleep my mind doesnt sleep.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
-When I am in tension talking to one itself
-some time I weep but not loudly only internally.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
- I feel very obedient to them in all manners.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
-I fears a lot in all manner, little thing got my mind in tension.
- Sexual dreams mostly.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Crave: rice, low spicy foods, vegetable and fruits.
Aversion : heavy spicy food,
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
- my thirst is excessive
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
-my hunger is excessive.
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
-hot spicy food
-meat of any kind of animal
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
- after illness it became very less and mostly on head
- Before illness on head and on chest.
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
- my bowel movement is very slow its look like that it had stop working
- My stool type is very dry, smell very bad, colour is brownish yellow colour, and I use 3 to 4 glass of water to discharge my stool.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
-I sleep very well, but when I woke up I cant sleep.
-mostly on right side.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
- No not at all.
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
- I never compare my self to other.
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
- I had gone to homeopath doctor to treat my disease of impotence and genital problem he prescribed me the following remedies.
1) Selenium i.e. L99 which the combination remedy as under.
L99(selenium metD3,Aurm Murateicum,D4,Chinum sulfD4,ferrum phosD3,Natrum CrbD3,ginsengD4,KolaD3,Conim MaculationD4,DamianaD4)
2) R41 reckweg: which also the combination remedies as under.
R41(Acidium phosphD8,Agnus CastusD6,ChinaD8,ConimD30,DaminaD6,Glandula Suparveails(suis)D12,Glandula Thymi(suis)D12,Hypohsis(suis)D12,LecethimD6,panax ginsengD6,pancres(suis)D12,phosphoursD8,procanium hydrochloricanD3,sepiaD30,testes(suis)D8,thyerodium(suis)D12,tocopherolD6,Yohimbium hydroD4.
I uses above medicine 06 months
Continues weight lost had change my remedy to
3) L110 : which is also the combination remedy
4) R37 which also the combination remedy
R-37(AluminaD12, BryoniaD4, ColocynthrisD4, LachesisD30, LycopodiumD4, Mercuris Sublimatus CorrosD8, Nux VomicaD6, PlumbumD12, SulphurD12.
I use this remedy for 06 months.
Than I got the book of homeopathy book boreck and get knowledge by different doctors they advise me that as many symptoms you are into you use only 01 medicine.
4) bryonia: 1m (20 doses)
5) lycopodium : 30x (1 bottle of 20ml)
6) lycopodium : 200x(20 doses)
But know you had recommended me to avoid all remedy I had avoid all remedy.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
-my mother is the patient of hernia
-my father was the patient of sugar
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
- I am 60 kg slim body; height is 5.9, white skin, hairy body.
shahzad36838 last decade
your constitutional remedy is PHOSPHORUS and thus i would suggest you to go for a constitutional treatment. i believe all your variuos ailments would be set right once you give yourself a few doses of phosphorus.
take PHOSPHORUS 200C three doses at 4 hours interval on any one day in empty stomach.
you will not take any remedy for the next 3 to 4 weeks. there will be a phase of ' healing crisis' for the first 1 or 2 weeks and you should not panic.
after 1 month, based on your symptoms a follow up dose of PHOSPHORUS 1M may be required. come back after 1 month with your symptoms.
take PHOSPHORUS 200C three doses at 4 hours interval on any one day in empty stomach.
you will not take any remedy for the next 3 to 4 weeks. there will be a phase of ' healing crisis' for the first 1 or 2 weeks and you should not panic.
after 1 month, based on your symptoms a follow up dose of PHOSPHORUS 1M may be required. come back after 1 month with your symptoms.
♡ rishimba last decade
hi dr rishimba.
its about 3 weeks i would like to share some guidence of my sypmtons .
bowel movement getting better.
constipation getting better.
spliting bloody in morninig getting better.
no sign of worse is been seen yet other than above mention is still on the same track as define above.
awaiting for helling crisis.
new symptoms:
stickness of body which was not normaly before.
more an more increased in sexual desire.
excessive thirst.
old symptons forgot to descrinbe you before :
1) after awake i had to drink on every hour a glass of water, if i donot do this i had a asthamtic cough and urine bladder geting to dry and if i urinate chilnees start with yellow urine.
2) if i kept my palm on any table or stucking any thing tightly after some while i saw that on that particular area getting complete red and for quite a long time, i think thats define a low blood circulation.
3) chilness in day time and in eveninig in hands and limbs.
4) throat dry and damage.
some reports done before :
esr,cbc,albuim,ft4+tsh : all in normal range
ultra sound of whole abdomen : nothing found in final conclusion .
stool test: normal
urine test: sp gravity= 1.010, leukocytes= 04/hpf, protein= trace, hemoglobin=large(+3),red blood cells=12/hpf
and other time to time reports.
well i think that decressing weight is some thing relate to my chest and throat area.thats why i am not getting cured.
would you describe any other remedy on this issue or i would go on for further doses of phosphorus 200 .
waiting for your reply with furhter instruction.
thanking you!
its about 3 weeks i would like to share some guidence of my sypmtons .
bowel movement getting better.
constipation getting better.
spliting bloody in morninig getting better.
no sign of worse is been seen yet other than above mention is still on the same track as define above.
awaiting for helling crisis.
new symptoms:
stickness of body which was not normaly before.
more an more increased in sexual desire.
excessive thirst.
old symptons forgot to descrinbe you before :
1) after awake i had to drink on every hour a glass of water, if i donot do this i had a asthamtic cough and urine bladder geting to dry and if i urinate chilnees start with yellow urine.
2) if i kept my palm on any table or stucking any thing tightly after some while i saw that on that particular area getting complete red and for quite a long time, i think thats define a low blood circulation.
3) chilness in day time and in eveninig in hands and limbs.
4) throat dry and damage.
some reports done before :
esr,cbc,albuim,ft4+tsh : all in normal range
ultra sound of whole abdomen : nothing found in final conclusion .
stool test: normal
urine test: sp gravity= 1.010, leukocytes= 04/hpf, protein= trace, hemoglobin=large(+3),red blood cells=12/hpf
and other time to time reports.
well i think that decressing weight is some thing relate to my chest and throat area.thats why i am not getting cured.
would you describe any other remedy on this issue or i would go on for further doses of phosphorus 200 .
waiting for your reply with furhter instruction.
thanking you!
shahzad36838 last decade
please wait for a few weeks more. do not take any remedies during these weeks.
you will come back with all the symptoms after that.
you will come back with all the symptoms after that.
♡ rishimba last decade
hi dr rishimba.
its about 5 weeks i would like to share some more guidence of my sypmtons .
as i wrote in my last post of getting improvement of bowel,costipation and splitting blood but it remains only for cuouple of weeks its again return in the same manner as it was before?
i had still use four glass of water on early morning to remove my costipation. once it clears from the body i feel very relaxed and very much energetic whole day.
i had also notice that my chest area also squezzed its size and easily count my ribcage bones.
no sign of worse is been seen yet other than above mention is still on the same track.
awaiting for helling crisis.
new symptoms:
stickness of body which was not normaly before.
more an more increased in sexual desire.
excessive thirst.
old symptons forgot to descrinbe you before :
1) after awake i had to drink on every hour a glass of water, if i donot do this i had a asthamtic cough and urine bladder geting to dry and if i urinate chilnees start with yellow urine.
2) if i kept my palm on any table or stucking any thing tightly after some while i saw that on that particular area getting complete red and for quite a long time, i think thats define a low blood circulation.
3) chilness in day time and in eveninig in hands and limbs.
4) throat dry and swolling tonsils for long time.
some reports done before :
esr,cbc,albuim,ft4+tsh : all in normal range
ultra sound of whole abdomen : nothing found in final conclusion .
stool test: normal
urine test: sp gravity= 1.010, leukocytes= 04/hpf, protein= trace, hemoglobin=large(+3),red blood cells=12/hpf
and other time to time reports.
well i think that decressing weight is some thing relate to my chest and throat area.thats why i am not getting cured.
would you describe any other remedy on this issue or i would go on for further doses of phosphorus 200 .
waiting for your reply with furhter instruction.
thanking you!
its about 5 weeks i would like to share some more guidence of my sypmtons .
as i wrote in my last post of getting improvement of bowel,costipation and splitting blood but it remains only for cuouple of weeks its again return in the same manner as it was before?
i had still use four glass of water on early morning to remove my costipation. once it clears from the body i feel very relaxed and very much energetic whole day.
i had also notice that my chest area also squezzed its size and easily count my ribcage bones.
no sign of worse is been seen yet other than above mention is still on the same track.
awaiting for helling crisis.
new symptoms:
stickness of body which was not normaly before.
more an more increased in sexual desire.
excessive thirst.
old symptons forgot to descrinbe you before :
1) after awake i had to drink on every hour a glass of water, if i donot do this i had a asthamtic cough and urine bladder geting to dry and if i urinate chilnees start with yellow urine.
2) if i kept my palm on any table or stucking any thing tightly after some while i saw that on that particular area getting complete red and for quite a long time, i think thats define a low blood circulation.
3) chilness in day time and in eveninig in hands and limbs.
4) throat dry and swolling tonsils for long time.
some reports done before :
esr,cbc,albuim,ft4+tsh : all in normal range
ultra sound of whole abdomen : nothing found in final conclusion .
stool test: normal
urine test: sp gravity= 1.010, leukocytes= 04/hpf, protein= trace, hemoglobin=large(+3),red blood cells=12/hpf
and other time to time reports.
well i think that decressing weight is some thing relate to my chest and throat area.thats why i am not getting cured.
would you describe any other remedy on this issue or i would go on for further doses of phosphorus 200 .
waiting for your reply with furhter instruction.
thanking you!
shahzad36838 last decade
you need to find out first as to why your weight is decreasing despite good eating habits.
please go to a test lab and carry out all tests required to find out why the assimilation is not adequate.
you can take ALFALFA-Q as a tonic to improve the assimilation but first you have to find out what is wrong with you in this regard.
from your side, you have to have good eating habits and regular exercises.
take phosphorus 200c one dose after a week for some weeks.
please go to a test lab and carry out all tests required to find out why the assimilation is not adequate.
you can take ALFALFA-Q as a tonic to improve the assimilation but first you have to find out what is wrong with you in this regard.
from your side, you have to have good eating habits and regular exercises.
take phosphorus 200c one dose after a week for some weeks.
♡ rishimba last decade
hi again
sorry i misguide you in your treatment . i want to explain that i had boundle of reports around me non give any satisfaction to docotors , but it was 2 years back. my weight was 86kg that was reduce upto 44 kg a year back, then i forgot all medicine and make my mind that i am not ill. i use all the food which i had left due to my ilnees , suddenly after a month i had increase my weight upto 16kg i.e. i became 60kg .
i want to say that it had stop for about 05 month at 60kg despite eating lots of food.
i had reports like sugar,thyroid , chest xray and full abdomen ultra sound but all reports are clear.
i had also took some medicine of hikamt by checking my nerves he told me that you are not getting due to your full energy what you get is loosing in urine.
than i had my urine test check and proves right it was dignosed that protiens is shows in urine.
after couple of week of his medcine. i checked my urine test its shows no sign of proteins at all.
when i urinate my penis eracted to full leangth and after discharging it get small now a days.
one more thing to forgot that i had also become very forgotful person as i was not before.
i am sorry for that much brief reply but i think that way you will be able to dignosed me more.
sorry i misguide you in your treatment . i want to explain that i had boundle of reports around me non give any satisfaction to docotors , but it was 2 years back. my weight was 86kg that was reduce upto 44 kg a year back, then i forgot all medicine and make my mind that i am not ill. i use all the food which i had left due to my ilnees , suddenly after a month i had increase my weight upto 16kg i.e. i became 60kg .
i want to say that it had stop for about 05 month at 60kg despite eating lots of food.
i had reports like sugar,thyroid , chest xray and full abdomen ultra sound but all reports are clear.
i had also took some medicine of hikamt by checking my nerves he told me that you are not getting due to your full energy what you get is loosing in urine.
than i had my urine test check and proves right it was dignosed that protiens is shows in urine.
after couple of week of his medcine. i checked my urine test its shows no sign of proteins at all.
when i urinate my penis eracted to full leangth and after discharging it get small now a days.
one more thing to forgot that i had also become very forgotful person as i was not before.
i am sorry for that much brief reply but i think that way you will be able to dignosed me more.
shahzad36838 last decade
hi once again
kindly see last post?
i had taken 1 dose last sunday on empty stomach and tried alflafa along with it from monday to saturday 'q' form as your suggestion, it seems that after taking alfalfa my bowl movement getting better.
one effect i had happening that i get night fall once a week, i feel congestion on my chest area.
one more thing i will add i had a honey last week i feel anger in my behaviour and chilnees in my body.
what do i do further i had allready taken one more dose of phos today and what i do further kindly reply me
thanking you
kindly see last post?
i had taken 1 dose last sunday on empty stomach and tried alflafa along with it from monday to saturday 'q' form as your suggestion, it seems that after taking alfalfa my bowl movement getting better.
one effect i had happening that i get night fall once a week, i feel congestion on my chest area.
one more thing i will add i had a honey last week i feel anger in my behaviour and chilnees in my body.
what do i do further i had allready taken one more dose of phos today and what i do further kindly reply me
thanking you
shahzad36838 last decade
hi again
sorry i misguide you in your treatment . i want to explain that i had boundle of reports around me non give any satisfaction to docotors , but it was 2 years back. my weight was 86kg that was reduce upto 44 kg a year back, then i forgot all medicine and make my mind that i am not ill. i use all the food which i had left due to my ilnees , suddenly after a month i had increase my weight upto 16kg i.e. i became 60kg .
i want to say that it had stop for about 05 month at 60kg despite eating lots of food.
i had reports like sugar,thyroid , chest xray and full abdomen ultra sound but all reports are clear.
well regarding doses you had advise me is still in routine 1 doz of phos200 weekly empty stomach and 3 doz of alfalfa a week its allmost a month now i feel more convenient as before.
additional problem after taking your advise:
problem is that my body became more stifness i dont want to do any thing physically and mentally, i became forgotful person as i was not before, my throat get dryness, i have pain in my teeth,more dandruff
after taking doz of phos on that particular day my gential area get more attractive that goes only for 2 days but after wards it is the same as i had mention above.
one more thing i had to ask that i had visited to ent physcian yesterday to check wheter all this is not happening due to my throat he told me after seeing all my reports that you are not ill the only problem you are having in throat are is that your vocal cord area have a swollen that why you had throat problem and you had a allergy thats why you get some time asthmatic cough.
he had advise me to take medicine like niflam mouth wash(for gargle), syrup proser(for throat), and cap encid in 20mg. i havent purchase yet do i allow to use these remedy along with your prescription.
secondly one of my friend told me to ask your homeopahty doctor is he allow ars alb or belledona for your throat problem he told me that it work great along with phos. if yes how many doz in which potency please write in detial.
or not what is the advise after having my addiitional information.
hope you want mind for so much big detail.
thanking you in advance!
sorry i misguide you in your treatment . i want to explain that i had boundle of reports around me non give any satisfaction to docotors , but it was 2 years back. my weight was 86kg that was reduce upto 44 kg a year back, then i forgot all medicine and make my mind that i am not ill. i use all the food which i had left due to my ilnees , suddenly after a month i had increase my weight upto 16kg i.e. i became 60kg .
i want to say that it had stop for about 05 month at 60kg despite eating lots of food.
i had reports like sugar,thyroid , chest xray and full abdomen ultra sound but all reports are clear.
well regarding doses you had advise me is still in routine 1 doz of phos200 weekly empty stomach and 3 doz of alfalfa a week its allmost a month now i feel more convenient as before.
additional problem after taking your advise:
problem is that my body became more stifness i dont want to do any thing physically and mentally, i became forgotful person as i was not before, my throat get dryness, i have pain in my teeth,more dandruff
after taking doz of phos on that particular day my gential area get more attractive that goes only for 2 days but after wards it is the same as i had mention above.
one more thing i had to ask that i had visited to ent physcian yesterday to check wheter all this is not happening due to my throat he told me after seeing all my reports that you are not ill the only problem you are having in throat are is that your vocal cord area have a swollen that why you had throat problem and you had a allergy thats why you get some time asthmatic cough.
he had advise me to take medicine like niflam mouth wash(for gargle), syrup proser(for throat), and cap encid in 20mg. i havent purchase yet do i allow to use these remedy along with your prescription.
secondly one of my friend told me to ask your homeopahty doctor is he allow ars alb or belledona for your throat problem he told me that it work great along with phos. if yes how many doz in which potency please write in detial.
or not what is the advise after having my addiitional information.
hope you want mind for so much big detail.
thanking you in advance!
shahzad36838 last decade
waiting for your reply!
i also email you several times about reply but i think now a days you are much busy
to day is saturday and kindly let me know would i go for further doz of phos or would i go for 1m in potency.
i had several post about my progress if you had to ask any about my progress kindly wrote me down your questioner.
thanking in advance
waiting for your reply!
i also email you several times about reply but i think now a days you are much busy
to day is saturday and kindly let me know would i go for further doz of phos or would i go for 1m in potency.
i had several post about my progress if you had to ask any about my progress kindly wrote me down your questioner.
thanking in advance
khurramkausar last decade
please describe your present symptoms.
it seems that some new symptoms have come up which may be connected to phos. in this case, it is advisable to stop taking phos for a few weeks and let the symptoms subside by themselves. if the symptoms are new, we can take a fresh case and suggest remedy accordingly.
it seems that some new symptoms have come up which may be connected to phos. in this case, it is advisable to stop taking phos for a few weeks and let the symptoms subside by themselves. if the symptoms are new, we can take a fresh case and suggest remedy accordingly.
♡ rishimba last decade
hi again
phos help me lot
some of the below symptoms are solved:
1) -after passes urine a stitches like pain at the tip from where urine start.
* problem solve
2)-after spicy food or heavily food (like cow meat goat meat, dry fruits), heat in the abdomen, after some while passes urine hot.
* now i can eat meat and spicy food and i dont have any burning in stomach and urine but only a problem occur that my urine passes late.
3) -after complete discharge of urine it feels some drops are urine is still left in the channel.
* problem solved 80%
4) -split bloody in morning. (problem for about 5 years)
* problem was solved but return back.
new symptoms
chilness in hand starting more often in day time like 2:00 pm and when i stuck some thing hot in my hand.
i stay off by the medicine.
i want to let you know in my previouse post that i had lost my weight hugely like 86 to now 61 due to my stomach problem.
i just want to ask you that additional to phos do i try any other remedy which will help my digstive function well or do i continue the same remedy phos 200c.
i had tried alfalfa ';q' for almost 2 month but it want help me more but gave and additinal symptoms of lots of hunger.
i think this time i did'nt misguide you and hope for quick response as ever.
thanking you
phos help me lot
some of the below symptoms are solved:
1) -after passes urine a stitches like pain at the tip from where urine start.
* problem solve
2)-after spicy food or heavily food (like cow meat goat meat, dry fruits), heat in the abdomen, after some while passes urine hot.
* now i can eat meat and spicy food and i dont have any burning in stomach and urine but only a problem occur that my urine passes late.
3) -after complete discharge of urine it feels some drops are urine is still left in the channel.
* problem solved 80%
4) -split bloody in morning. (problem for about 5 years)
* problem was solved but return back.
new symptoms
chilness in hand starting more often in day time like 2:00 pm and when i stuck some thing hot in my hand.
i stay off by the medicine.
i want to let you know in my previouse post that i had lost my weight hugely like 86 to now 61 due to my stomach problem.
i just want to ask you that additional to phos do i try any other remedy which will help my digstive function well or do i continue the same remedy phos 200c.
i had tried alfalfa ';q' for almost 2 month but it want help me more but gave and additinal symptoms of lots of hunger.
i think this time i did'nt misguide you and hope for quick response as ever.
thanking you
shahzad36838 last decade
please reduce the frequency of phos as most of your symptoms have been cured to a great extent.
take phos once in 3 days for some weeks.
one thing which is bothering is your 'blood stained phlegm'
i would advise you to go for a check up and find the cause of this.
now, regarding alfalfa-q, it will regulate your assimilation and you should eat well if you are hungry. you said you need to get back the weight you have lost.
thats why alfalfa is being suggested which would regulate your hunger and improve the assimilation.
take phos once in 3 days for some weeks.
one thing which is bothering is your 'blood stained phlegm'
i would advise you to go for a check up and find the cause of this.
now, regarding alfalfa-q, it will regulate your assimilation and you should eat well if you are hungry. you said you need to get back the weight you have lost.
thats why alfalfa is being suggested which would regulate your hunger and improve the assimilation.
♡ rishimba last decade
hi rishi
you had advice about to reduce the frequency of phos.
you mean to reduce the doz or potency, i had taken 2 week one doz is that you mean?
i had a query about that i have not feel any particular change on my gential area which was define above, would you suggest any other remedy along with it?
and i had second query that now i am eating all thing which is been made for every body at home as told you before but for quite some time i usually found when i eat heavy thing in vegetable or meat i got constipated and when i urinate my penis get full eracted, after urination i got my leg had a pain and i feel very lazy, and my penis got shrivilling and had a pain on my penis.
thing to bring in your knoweldge that once i had a report of urine and proteins is shown positive in the summary?
is that the main symptons you feel that i had got all about the problem?
kindly reply all query?
one more personal question may i know who is rishi by the way and what his or her age? only just for my knowledge. i like you way of treating the patient and brief look.
with warm thanking you.
you had advice about to reduce the frequency of phos.
you mean to reduce the doz or potency, i had taken 2 week one doz is that you mean?
i had a query about that i have not feel any particular change on my gential area which was define above, would you suggest any other remedy along with it?
and i had second query that now i am eating all thing which is been made for every body at home as told you before but for quite some time i usually found when i eat heavy thing in vegetable or meat i got constipated and when i urinate my penis get full eracted, after urination i got my leg had a pain and i feel very lazy, and my penis got shrivilling and had a pain on my penis.
thing to bring in your knoweldge that once i had a report of urine and proteins is shown positive in the summary?
is that the main symptons you feel that i had got all about the problem?
kindly reply all query?
one more personal question may i know who is rishi by the way and what his or her age? only just for my knowledge. i like you way of treating the patient and brief look.
with warm thanking you.
shahzad36838 last decade
dear rishi
kindly let me know that reducing the frequency do i take this phos 200 in split dose method.
droping one drop of phos 200 in 400 ml spring water.
and banging ten time daily.
reply as earliest.
kindly give reply for previouse post also.
kindly let me know that reducing the frequency do i take this phos 200 in split dose method.
droping one drop of phos 200 in 400 ml spring water.
and banging ten time daily.
reply as earliest.
kindly give reply for previouse post also.
shahzad36838 last decade
please take phosphorus 200c once in two weeks and continue for some two to three months.
just take one dose in the morning empty stomach after every 15 days.
you got to take a lot of water at least 2 hours after taking a heavy meal with animal proteins. better would be to take animal protiens as less as possible. even if you take it occasionally, ensure that its boiled properly.
this will reduce constipation and other problems while urinating.
just take one dose in the morning empty stomach after every 15 days.
you got to take a lot of water at least 2 hours after taking a heavy meal with animal proteins. better would be to take animal protiens as less as possible. even if you take it occasionally, ensure that its boiled properly.
this will reduce constipation and other problems while urinating.
♡ rishimba last decade
hi dr rishsi
i had lots of pain in my lower jaw.
i was out of city where no connection of internet well i had taken 1 doz of phos 1 m.
my pain in jaw is vanished after attempt of 1m doz but its seems to bring my above problem back like now a days its seems that my bowel system is not working, constipation came back and gential hang down again as i told you on my above post.
its about 15 days back when i take the doz of 1m doz.
what further i must do.
i do have second query that on of my friend is also a homeopath and after reviewing my full case history he had suggested me nuxvomica 'Q' start with 2 drops at night before sleep, and then after some time go to 30 potency for a week daily one doz. and then after one weekly doz.
i am much puzzle kindly help me out.
i had lots of pain in my lower jaw.
i was out of city where no connection of internet well i had taken 1 doz of phos 1 m.
my pain in jaw is vanished after attempt of 1m doz but its seems to bring my above problem back like now a days its seems that my bowel system is not working, constipation came back and gential hang down again as i told you on my above post.
its about 15 days back when i take the doz of 1m doz.
what further i must do.
i do have second query that on of my friend is also a homeopath and after reviewing my full case history he had suggested me nuxvomica 'Q' start with 2 drops at night before sleep, and then after some time go to 30 potency for a week daily one doz. and then after one weekly doz.
i am much puzzle kindly help me out.
shahzad36838 last decade
shahzad36838 last decade
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