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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Alopecia breakin my soul....pls help !

I am a 25year old guy, who is dying...but very slowly..very very slowly... out of embarassment and humiliation. I am afraid of the sun, i love darknes..because it hides my ugliness to some extent.
Reason: Alopecia

Until i was 16, i used to be a vibrant guy with me being schooled at one of the most premier institutes in an Indian metro.
Now, my condition is such, i've lost most of my confidence...am afraid of the mirror, afraid to attend parties, to visit friends or relatives
I dont go out except for work, i dont want to visit my native because am afraid of facing ppl with this state of mine...i dont party..when most do...but you know what...i have had big dreams to be a successful man..do an MBA...earn bigtime...keep my parents happy. ...i think am breaking into pieces...am lost..i am no entity !
There have been friends at my workplace who tried to counsel me..to come out of this state of mind...but am too weak
I know am talented, i can sing well..am a great orator..thanks again to my parents for i got suchha wonderful schooling.....but then i shirk from every party every event be it a social gathering or at my workplace...apprehending some remark from someone..
When i go to malls or outside my room...or wherever...i don a cap, to hide my ugliness....

I ask for death if not cure...God cant be so merciless...
  shekhar on 2006-12-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Shekhar ,
I been through the same situation long time ago , i,m still not out of it I can really feel Your pain , Watever you posted I been through same exactly 99% .. but never loose hope .. I know how a person feels when we don,t have any control and we cant even find cure .. I asked for death too long time ago ..I couldn,t do coz of my family ..means parents , little brother and sister .. as a matter of fact i also have seen lot of people get cured ..lost their all hair and came back .. Its just a matter of time which medicine going to work ... never never loose hope ..even the medicines didn,t work on me had cured some of my friends .. I,m looking forward to write some more details about you ..and the medicines you tried .. Be happy ..

Vijay , Virginia USA
Vijayee last decade
Please read 'developing a bald patch? could be a hidden tooth infection'.ALOPECIA Found this article when I googled Alopecia. (Science news. Science daily nov 28 2007)

Something to consider.

Homeopathy is a good way to go! HANG IN THERE!
lakemee last decade
Please try

girilal last decade

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