The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Is my doctor prescribing the correct potency for me?
Hi my name is Diego and i'm mexican, I came with an homeopath because of chronic and intense eye allergies. The remedie Pulsatilla nigricans worked great! Actually I'm so much like the typical Pulsatilla person type, the point is, I discovered emotional symptoms that Pulsatilla people have, and I don't know if my doctor is threating them because I don't know if the Pulsatilla prescription she is giving me is a high or a low potency.She gives me mensual capsules with globules that I disolve in water and take 2 spoons 3 times a day, till the solution finishes (2 or 3 days aprox)
My prescriptions says 'Puls 0/31 globules'
Please someone tell me if my emotional and mental symptoms are being treated with this prescription.
diegoyogui2 on 2007-01-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do I understand correctly: you are taking medicines that you do not know what they are? Or you do not know what strength they are?
Do I understand correctly: you are taking medicines that you do not know what they are? Or you do not know what strength they are?
ZepOz last decade
Dear ZepOz:
I know that I'm taking pulsatilla nigricans, I'm aware of that, and also I'm convinced that this is the correct prescription for me, I just don't know which potency I'm taking and if this potency is the correct for me, because I think I don't have just physical symptoms.
I repeat: I'm taking mensual capsules of tiny globules disolved in water. My recipe says: 'Puls 0/31 globules'
I know that I'm taking pulsatilla nigricans, I'm aware of that, and also I'm convinced that this is the correct prescription for me, I just don't know which potency I'm taking and if this potency is the correct for me, because I think I don't have just physical symptoms.
I repeat: I'm taking mensual capsules of tiny globules disolved in water. My recipe says: 'Puls 0/31 globules'
diegoyogui2 last decade
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