Head; Constriction, tension (see also pulling, pressing)
View page in remedy finderHead; constriction, tension; 2acon., aesc., 2aeth., agar., agn., aloe., alum., am-br., am-c., 2anac., ang., 2ant-t., 1apis., arg-m., 2arg-n., 2arn., ars., 2asaf., 2asar., bapt., bar-c., bar-m., bell., berb., bov., 2bry., bufo., calc-s., calc., 2camph., cann-i., cann-s., carb-ac., carb-an., 2carb-s., 1carb-v., card-m., 1caust., cham., 2chel., chin-a., 2chin-s., chin., cic., cimic., cina., clem., coc-c., 2cocc., coff., colch., coloc., 2con., croc., 2crot-c., crot-h., 2cycl., daph., dig., dios., dulc., eug., ferr-ar., ferr-p., ferr., fl-ac., gamb., 1gels., gent-c., glon., 2graph., 2grat., guare., 2hell., helon., hep., hydrc., hyos., hyper., ign., indg., 2ip., iris., kali-ar., kali-bi., 2kali-br., kali-c., kali-i., kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., kreos., lach., lact-ac., laur., lob., 2lyc., 2lyss., mag-c., mag-m., mag-s., manc., mang., med., 2meny., merc-i-f., 2merc., merl., 2mosch., mur-ac., nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., 1nit-ac., nux-m., 2nux-v., olnd., op., 2par., 2petr., ph-ac., phel., 2phos., phys., pip-m., 2plat., plb., prun-s., psor., puls., ran-b., rhod., rhus-t., ruta., sabad., sabin., samb., sel., sep., 2sil., 2spig., spong., stann., staph., 2stront., sul-ac., 1sulph., tab., tarax., tarent., ther., thuj., valer., verat., verb., viol-o., vip., 2zinc.
Head; constriction, tension; morning; agar., bry., cham., con., gamb., graph., kali-bi., nat-m., nux-m., sulph., sumb., tarax.
Head; constriction, tension; morning; after rising; lyc.
Head; constriction, tension; better morning; glon.
Head; constriction, tension; afternoon; graph., mag-c., naja., nit-ac., phos.
Head; constriction, tension; evening; anac., asaf., hyper., kali-bi., merc., mur-ac., murx., phos., 2rhus-t., sep., stront., sulph., tab., tarent., valer.
Head; constriction, tension; evening; in bed; asaf., merc., ol-an.
Head; constriction, tension; night; merc., mez., nux-v.
Head; constriction, tension; worse open air; mang., merc., nat-m., valer.
Head; constriction, tension; better open air; berb., coloc., kali-i., lach., lyc.
Head; constriction, tension; alternating with relaxation; calc., lac-c.
Head; constriction, tension; as if in love; apis., 2arg-n., cann-i., 1carb-v., clem., coc-c., 2crot-c., 2graph., nat-m.
Head; constriction, tension; like band or hoop; 2acon., aeth., all-c., 2am-br., anac., ant-t., arg-m., 2arg-n., asaf., bapt., bell., brom., camph., cann-s., 1carb-ac., carb-an., carb-s., 2carb-v., card-m., 2chel., clem., 2cocc., crot-h., 2cycl., dios., 1gels., glon., 2graph., guai., 2hep., hyos., indg., 2iod., ip., iris., kali-c., kali-s., laur., med., 2merc., nat-m., 1nit-ac., op., osm., petr., phys., plat., rhus-v., sabin., sang., sars., 2spig., stann., sul-ac., 1sulph., 2ter., teucr., ther., verat., ziz.
Head; constriction, tension; like band or hoop; after dinner; kali-c.
Head; constriction, tension; like band or hoop; hot; acon., coc-c.
Head; constriction, tension; better bending backward; thuj.
Head; constriction, tension; better breakfast; bov.
Head; constriction, tension; during chill; tarent.
Head; constriction, tension; better closing eyes; 2chel., sulph.
Head; constriction, tension; on coughing; ferr., iris., petr.
Head; constriction, tension; after dinner; bar-c.
Head; constriction, tension; worse drinking; merc.
Head; constriction, tension; after eating; con., dios., kali-c., lyc., nat-m., sep.
Head; constriction, tension; as of a tight hat; phys.
Head; constriction, tension; worse pressure of hat; 1carb-v.
Head; constriction, tension; better heat of sun; stront.
Head; constriction, tension; when heated; 1carb-v.
Head; constriction, tension; when laughing; iris.
Head; constriction, tension; light from candle; cann-i.
Head; constriction, tension; worse looking steadily; par., 2puls.
Head; constriction, tension; worse looking steadily; sideways; dig.
Head; constriction, tension; better lying down; nat-m.
Head; constriction, tension; while lying on back; mez.
Head; constriction, tension; before period; hep., nat-c., sil.
Head; constriction, tension; during period; gels., helon., iod., lyc., merc., plat., sulph.
Head; constriction, tension; from mental exertion; iris., par., 2sulph.
Head; constriction, tension; from movement; asar., 2bry., carb-v., hipp., ir-foe., mez., par., valer.
Head; constriction, tension; better movement; op., sulph., valer.
Head; constriction, tension; better movement in open air; acon.
Head; constriction, tension; as if in a net; apis., nat-m.
Head; constriction, tension; comes on suddenly; crot-c.
Head; constriction, tension; periodic; phos.
Head; constriction, tension; better pressure; aeth., anac., lach., meny., thuj.
Head; constriction, tension; while reading; agn.
Head; constriction, tension; better rising; dig., laur., merc.
Head; constriction, tension; on entering room; bov.
Head; constriction, tension; better entering a room; hep., valer., verb.
Head; constriction, tension; worse sitting; fl-ac.
Head; constriction, tension; better sitting; asar., nat-m.
Head; constriction, tension; worse sitting bent forward; asaf.
Head; constriction, tension; like wearing a skull cap; apis., 2arg-n., asaf., 2berb., 1carb-v., chin-a., coc-c., 2crot-c., 1cycl., 1graph., hell., ip., 2lil-t., 2lyss., petr., pyrog., stry., sulph., zinc.
Head; constriction, tension; like wearing a skull cap; 4 p.m.; calc-s.
Head; constriction, tension; feels as though tied; colch.
Head; constriction, tension; worse sleeping; graph., merc.
Head; constriction, tension; worse sleeping on affected side; caust.
Head; constriction, tension; on sneezing; kali-chl.
Head; constriction, tension; worse standing; mag-c.
Head; constriction, tension; during stool; coloc.
Head; constriction, tension; worse stooping; berb., coloc., dig., med., thuj.
Head; constriction, tension; as if by string; anac., asaf., bell., chin., cycl., 1gels., graph., hell., iod., lach., merc-i-r., merc., mosch., nat-c., 2nat-m., nit-ac., plat., psor., 1sulph.
Head; constriction, tension; as if by string; from nape to ears; anac.
Head; constriction, tension; on swallowing; mag-c.
Head; constriction, tension; talking; nat-m.
Head; constriction, tension; as if thread were stretched from nape to eyes; lach.
Head; constriction, tension; better uncovering head; 2carb-v.
Head; constriction, tension; better vomiting; stann.
Head; constriction, tension; on waking; anac., 2ant-t., bry., graph., naja., nux-v., tarent.
Head; constriction, tension; while walking; ang., 2asar., 2chin., hipp., thea.
Head; constriction, tension; better walking in open air; ox-ac.
Head; constriction, tension; warm room; acon., 2bry., cann-i., 2carb-v., plat.
Head; constriction, tension; better warmth; stront.
Head; constriction, tension; after washing; 2ant-t.
Head; constriction, tension; worse wet weather; sulph.
Head; constriction, tension; while writing; gent-l., 2lyc.
Head; constriction, tension; extending to eyes and nose; nit-ac.
Head; constriction, tension; Forehead
Head; constriction, tension; Back of head (occiput)
Head; constriction, tension; side; ant-t., apis., asaf., bar-c., calc., caust., chin-s., clem., coloc., dig., fl-ac., 2stront.
Head; constriction, tension; side; extending into eye sockets and teeth; crot-h.
Head; constriction, tension; side; extending to left upper teeth, stitch-like in spots, on stooping; relieved on rising; dig.
Head; constriction, tension; Temples
Head; constriction, tension; Top of head (vertex)