Head; Crackling sensation
View page in remedy finderHead; crackling sensation; acon., ars., calc., carb-v., cham., con., dig., glon., kalm., puls., sep., spig.
Head; crackling sensation; evening; acon.
Head; crackling sensation; as if something broke; sep.
Head; crackling sensation; after blowing nose; hep.
Head; crackling sensation; worse movement; acon.
Head; crackling sensation; with shivering; kalm.
Head; crackling sensation; during siesta; dig.
Head; crackling sensation; while sitting; carb-v., coff.
Head; crackling sensation; better while sitting; acon.
Head; crackling sensation; when turning the head; sep.
Head; crackling sensation; forehead; acon., spig.
Head; crackling sensation; side; acon., arn., calc., cham., coff., 2hep.
Head; crackling sensation; back of head; 2calc., carb-v., 2sep.
Head; crackling sensation; top of head; 2coff., con.