Head; Empty, hollow sensation
View page in remedy finderHead; empty, hollow sensation; alum., am-c., anac., ant-c., 2arg-m., arn., 2ars., asaf., aster., bar-c., bell., berb., bov., cact., calc., camph., caps., carb-s., 2carb-v., caust., chin-s., 2cina., clem., 2cocc., 2cor-r., 2cupr., cycl., dulc., euphr., ferr-ar., ferr-p., ferr., glon., gran., 2graph., hipp., hyos., ign., jab., lyc., 2manc., mang., myric., naja., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nux-v., ox-ac., 1phos., pic-ac., plan., 2puls., 2sec., 2seneg., sep., spig., staph., stram., 2sulph., zing.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; morning; anac., bov., chin-s., euphr., sulph., verat.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; afternoon; nux-m.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; night; worse lying on back of head; sep.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; night; better pressure of hand; sep.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; in open air; cocc., sulph.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; better on getting warm in bed; cocc.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; after eating; cocc., graph., meny.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; hangover; acon., agar., ambr., spig.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; better pressure of hand; mang., sep.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; better riding; euphr.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; while sitting; spig.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; after restless sleep; hipp.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; vacant feeling; sec., sulph.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; vacant feeling; in forehead, morning, after waking; sulph.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; while talking; lyc., spig., 2sulph.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; better warm bed; cocc.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; in forehead; alum., 1caust., croc., spig., sul-ac., sulph.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; in forehead; as if between forehead and brain; caust.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; back of head; mang., nat-c., sep., 2staph., 2sulph.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; back of head; while brain in front seems too large; hell.
Head; empty, hollow sensation; temple; cycl.