Head; Movements of head
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Head; movements of head; backward and forward; agar., aur., 2cham., 2cina., lam., 2lyc., 2nux-m., 2ph-ac., sep., 2verat-v.
Head; movements of head; constant; ars., cocc., op.
Head; movements of head; convulsive; 1agar., 2calc., 2camph., 2caust., 2cocc., 2cupr., 2nux-m., stram., tarent.
Head; movements of head; convulsive; so that talking and swallowing are impossible; nux-m.
Head; movements of head; difficult; colch., hipp., kali-i., stann.
Head; movements of head; Falling (see heaviness)
Head; movements of head; forward; merc., nat-m., sep., stry.
Head; movements of head; here and there; ars., op., 2stram.
Head; movements of head; Jerking of the head
Head; movements of head; impossible; spig., tarent., zinc.
Head; movements of head; involuntary; agar., alum., caust., hell., lyc., merc., nat-m., zinc.
Head; movements of head; nodding; aur-m., aur-s., calc., caust., cham., kali-bi., lyc., 2mosch., 2nat-m., ph-ac., 2verat-v.
Head; movements of head; nodding; while writing; 2caust., ph-ac.
Head; movements of head; moves head to relieve pains; chin., 2kali-i., sec.
Head; movements of head; pendulum-like; cann-i., sec.
Head; movements of head; difficult to raise the head, night; chel.
Head; movements of head; Unable to raise the head
Head; movements of head; raises the head frequently from pillow; stram.
Head; movements of head; raises the head frequently from pillow; spasmodic; bell., stram.
Head; movements of head; as if pushed forward; 2canth., ferr-p., grat., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., rhus-t.
Head; movements of head; Rolling head
Head; movements of head; rubs against something; tarent.
Head; movements of head; shaking the head, involuntarily, so gets dizzy; 1lyc.
Head; movements of head; sideways; aur., bell., caust., clem., hell., lyc., 2med., nat-s., nux-m., tarent.
Head; movements of head; rocks head from side to side to relieve pain; kali-i., 2med., tarent.
Head; movements of head; throwing head about; 2bell., caust., merc., phos., 2tarent.
Head; movements of head; throwing head backward; acet-ac., camph., cina., 2glon., hell., kali-n., lob., merc., mygal., phyt., 2stram., tab., tanac.
Head; movements of head; tosses head; 2acon., 2cocc., 2cupr., ign., ph-ac., 2tarent.
Head; movements of head; Trembling
Head; movements of head; turning; backward; laur.
Head; movements of head; turning; to side; op.
Head; movements of head; turning; to side; right; plb.
Head; movements of head; turning; to side; left; lyc., tarent.
Head; movements of head; turning to wrong side, when spoken to; 2atro.
Head; movements of head; wagging; bell., cham.