Head; pain, headache; Eyes and vision (affecting or affected by)
View page in remedy finderHead; pain, headache; eyes and vision; blinding; asar., aster., 2bell., 2caust., 1cycl., ferr-p., 2gels., 1iris., lac-d., 2lil-t., 2nat-m., 2petr., 2phos., 2psor., 2sil., 2stram., 2sulph.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; blindness, followed by violent headache, sight returns as headache becomes worse; 2kali-bi.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; on moving eyes; acon., agn., am-c., arn., bad., bapt., bar-c., bar-m., 1bell., 1bry., 2caps., chel., chin-s., 2chin., cinnb., 2colch., 2coloc., con., crot-t., cupr., dig., dros., gels., hell., 2hep., ign., ind., jug-r., kali-c., mag-s., mur-ac., 2nat-m., 1nux-v., 2op., plat., puls., rhus-t., sang., 2sep., 2sil., 2spig., sulph., valer.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; on moving eyelids; 1bell., 2bry., 2chin., 2coff., coloc., 2ign., 2nux-v., rhus-t.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; as if something closed eyes; 2cocc., sulph.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; on closing eyes; 1all-c., aloe., alumn., ant-t., apis., ars., 2chin., ferr-p., ferr., grat., hep., ip., lac-c., lach., nux-v., op., ph-ac., sabin., 2sil., 2ther., thuj.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; better closing eyes; 2acon., agar., aloe., 2bell., 2bry., 2calc., 2chel., coff., con., hell., hyos., ign., iod., ip., nat-m., nux-v., plan., plat., rhus-t., 2sep., 1sil., 2spig., 2sulph., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; forced to close eyes; 2agar., aloe., arn., 2bell., calc., 2carb-v., chin-s., eupho., mez., nat-m., 2sil.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; from straining eyes; 2agar., arg-n., 2aur., bell., 2bor., 2cact., 2calc., 2carb-v., 2caust., 2cimic., 2cina., gels., 2ham., jab., 1kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., 1lyc., mag-p., mur-ac., 2nat-c., 1nat-m., 2nat-p., 2onos., par., 1ph-ac., 2phos., phys., 1rhod., 2rhus-t., 1ruta., sep., 1sil., 2spong., staph., sulph., 2tub., valer., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; better light; lac-c., sil.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; from light in general; acon., agar., aloe., anan., 2ant-t., arg-n., arn., 2ars., 1bell., 2bor., 2bry., bufo., cact., 1calc., 2chin., 2cocc., 2coff., euphr., 2ferr-p., 2gels., 2ign., kali-bi., kali-p., lac-c., 2lac-d., 2lyc., nat-a., 2nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nux-v., 2ph-ac., 2phos., podo., 2sang., sanic., 2sep., 2sil., sol-n., stict., 2stram., 2sulph., tab., 2tarent., ziz.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; from artificial light; bufo., croc., 2glon., mang., nat-c., 2sang., 1sep., 2sil., 2stram., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; from daylight; 2calc., 2hep., nat-m., 1phos., 1sil.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; from working under poor light; bell., 1glon., nat-c., nat-s.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; from looking fixedly at anything; anac., 2aur., cadm., calc., caust., cina., gent-c., glon., helon., 2ign., lac-c., lith., mur-ac., 2nat-m., nux-v., olnd., 1onos., par., 2puls., 2ruta., sabad., sars., 2spig., 2spong., sulph., tarent.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; from looking downward; alum., kalm., nat-m., olnd., phyt., spig., sulph.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; looking out of window causes vertigo, dizziness, anxiety headache and sweat; ox-ac.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; looking sideways; acon., dig., sil.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; looking upward; acon., aeth., arn., arum-t., bapt., bell., calc-s., 2calc., caps., caust., coca., colch., cupr., glon., gran., graph., 2ign., 2lac-c., lach., plat., plb., 1puls., sep., sil., stram., 2sulph., 2thuj.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; better looking fixedly at anything; agn., sabad., sars.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; better looking sideways; olnd.
Head; pain, headache; eyes and vision; better looking upward; thuj.