Head; Pain, headache
View page in remedy finderHead; pain, headache; abrot., absin., acet-ac., acon., act-sp., aesc., aeth., agar., ail., all-c., aloe., 2alum., 2alumn., 2am-c., am-m., ambr., ammc., anac., ang., 2ant-c., ant-t., 1anthr., ap-g., 1apis., apoc., 1arg-m., 2arg-n., 2arn., ars-i., 1ars., arum-t., asaf., asar., 2aur., bad., 2bapt., bar-c., bar-m., 1bell., benz-ac., berb., bism-ox., 2bor., bov., brom., 1bry., bufo., 2cact., calad., calc-p., 1calc-s., 1calc., camph., cann-i., cann-s., canth., carb-an., carb-s., 2carb-v., cast., caul., 2caust., 2cham., chel., chin-a., 1chin-s., 1chin., 2cimic., cina., 2cinnb., clem., cob., coc-c., coca., 1cocc., 2coff., colch., 2coloc., com., con., conv., corn., croc., 1crot-c., 2crot-h., crot-t., cond., cupr-ar., 2cupr., cur., cycl., daph., 2dig., 2dios., 2dros., 2dulc., elaps., elat., eug., eup-per., eupho., euphr., eupi., ferr-ar., 2ferr-i., 2ferr-p., 2ferr., fl-ac., gamb., 1gels., gent-c., gins., 1glon., gran., 2graph., grat., guai., gymn., ham., 2hell., 2hep., hipp., hura., hydr-ac., hydr., 2hyos., hyper., 2ign., ind., indg., 2iod., ip., 1iris., jal., jatr., jug-r., 2kali-ar., 2kali-bi., 2kali-c., kali-chl., 1kali-i., 2kali-n., 2kali-p., 2kali-s., 2kalm., 2kreos., 2lac-d., 1lach., lachn., lact-ac., lact., laur., 2lec., 2led., lil-t., lob., 2lyc., lyss., mag-c., 2mag-m., 1mag-p., mag-s., 2manc., mang., 2med., 2meli., meph., merc-c., merc-i-f., 1merc., merl., 2mez., mill., morph., mosch., mur-ac., murx., naja., 2nat-a., 2nat-c., 1nat-m., nat-p., 2nat-s., nicc., 1nit-ac., 2nux-m., 1nux-v., oena., ol-j., osm., ox-ac., pall., 2par., 2petr., 2ph-ac., phel., 1phos., phys., phyt., pic-ac., plan., plat., 2plb., 2podo., poth., prun-s., 1psor., ptel., 1puls., ran-b., ran-s., raph., rheum., rhod., 2rhus-t., rhus-v., rumx., sabad., sang., sec., sel., seneg., 1sep., 1sil., sol-n., 2spig., spong., stann., 2staph., stram., stry., sul-ac., 1sulph., tab., tanac., tarax., tarent., tax., tell., 2ter., thea., 2ther., 2thuj., til., tril., trom., urt-u., ust., valer., verat., viol-o., viol-t., vip., xan., zinc-s., 2zinc., zing., ziz.
Head; pain, headache; daytime; agar., am-c., aur., bry., calc., cann-s., caust., chel., chin-s., cina., cist., cob., coca., crot-t., eup-per., ferr., fl-ac., ham., jac., kali-c., lyc., lyss., merc-i-r., 2nat-m., nicc., petr., phos., rumx., sep., stann., staph.
Head; pain, headache; Morning
Head; pain, headache; better morning; bov., caust., kreos., nat-m., verat.
Head; pain, headache; Late morning
Head; pain, headache; noon; aeth., agar., alum., ant-c., arg-m., arg-n., asar., bell., bov., calc-ar., calc-p., cann-i., carb-v., 2cedr., cham., chel., chin-s., cic., cob., graph., gymn., ign., indg., jab., kali-bi., kali-n., kalm., lyc., lycps., lyss., mag-c., mang., merc., mur-ac., 2naja., nat-c., 2nat-m., phos., puls., rhus-t., spong., 2sulph., 2zinc., zing.
Head; pain, headache; noon; until evening; sil.
Head; pain, headache; noon; until midnight; 2caul., 2sulph.
Head; pain, headache; Afternoon
Head; pain, headache; better afternoon; ip., ol-an.
Head; pain, headache; Evening
Head; pain, headache; better evening; 2bry., calc-f., ham., kali-bi., lach., mang., nat-a., 2nat-m., phys., pic-ac., sang., spig., ter.
Head; pain, headache; Night
Head; pain, headache; better night; bufo., ham., mag-c., sol-t-ae., spira.
Head; pain, headache; from open air; alum., ang., 2arg-n., bar-c., bar-m., 2bell., bov., bry., cadm., calc-ar., calc-p., 2calc., 2carb-an., 2caust., cedr., cham., 2chel., 1chin., cimic., cina., 2cocc., coff., colch., 2con., cycl., eup-per., euphr., ferr., glon., grat., 2hep., hipp., ign., iod., ip., 2kali-c., kalm., lach., laur., 2lil-t., lyc., 2mang., meny., 1merc., 2mez., mur-ac., nat-m., 2nux-v., petr., phos., ran-b., rhus-t., spig., staph., sulph., valer., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; better air; better cold air; aloe., arg-n., ars., bufo., caust., cimic., croc., dros., euphr., ferr-p., 2glon., iod., kali-s., 2lyc., lyss., 1phos., 2puls., seneg., sin-n.
Head; pain, headache; better air; better open; acon., all-c., aloe., 2alum., am-c., ambr., ang., 2ant-c., ap-g., 2apis., 2aran., arg-n., arn., ars-i., 2ars., asar., aur., bar-c., bell., berb., bov., calc-s., calc., camph., cann-i., cann-s., 2carb-ac., carb-s., 2carb-v., caust., 2cimic., clem., cob., coc-c., 2coff., coloc., com., con., croc., dulc., fago., ferr-ar., ferr-i., 2ferr., 2glon., grat., ham., 2hell., hydr-ac., hydr., hyos., iod., jatr., 2kali-bi., kali-c., 2kali-i., kali-n., 2kali-p., 2kali-s., lac-c., lach., laur., 2led., lith., 1lyc., lyss., 2mag-m., mag-s., 1mang., meny., merc-i-f., mez., mosch., nat-a., nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., 2nicc., olnd., op., petr., ph-ac., phel., 1phos., pic-ac., plat., 1puls., ran-b., rhod., sang., sars., sel., 1seneg., 1sep., sin-n., sol-n., spong., stann., sul-ac., sulph., 2tab., tarent., thuj., viol-t., 1zinc.
Head; pain, headache; Alternating with other symptoms
Head; pain, headache; better pressing back up against something hard; sang.
Head; pain, headache; as if ball were beating against the skull on beginning to walk; plat.
Head; pain, headache; pain as if knocked in the head; mosch.
Head; pain, headache; from sea bathing; 2ars., 2rhus-t., sep.
Head; pain, headache; Affected by certain foods and drinks (improved, brought on or aggravated)
Head; pain, headache; on breathing deeply; anac., rat.
Head; pain, headache; when holding the breath; agar.
Head; pain, headache; with catarrh; acon., aesc., 2all-c., 2alum., am-m., ambr., 2ars-i., 2ars., 2aur., bell., 2bry., 1calc-s., 2calc., camph., carb-s., 2carb-v., caul., cham., chin-a., chin., 2chlor., cic., cimic., cina., 1dulc., 1euphr., 2ferr-ar., ferr-p., 2ferr., 2gels., 1graph., gymn., hell., 1hep., 2hydr., ign., 2iod., 2kali-ar., 2kali-bi., 2kali-c., 1kali-i., 2kali-s., kalm., 2lach., laur., 2lyc., 2mang., merc-i-f., 1merc., mez., nat-a., 2nat-m., 1nux-v., 2phos., 2puls., ran-b., rumx., sabad., samb., sang., sil., staph., 2stict., still., 2sulph., teucr.
Head; pain, headache; with chilliness; 2sil.
Head; pain, headache; with chorea; 2agar.
Head; pain, headache; chronic; am-c., 2ars., 2caust., con., 2sil., 2sulph.
Head; pain, headache; chronic; aged people; iod.
Head; pain, headache; at peak of other symptoms; 2carb-v., croc., glon., 1lach., 2sang., 2sep., 2ther., ust.
Head; pain, headache; Eyes and vision (affecting or affected by)
Head; pain, headache; worse clothing about the neck; arg-n., 2bell., crot-c., 2glon., 2lach., sep.
Head; pain, headache; better cold applications; 2acon., 1aloe., alumn., 2am-c., 2ant-c., ant-t., 2ars., asar., aur-m., 2bell., bism-ox., 2bry., bufo., 2calc-p., 2calc., caust., cedr., cham., chin-s., cinnb., cycl., 2eupho., euphr., ferr-ar., ferr-p., ferr., 2glon., ind., iod., kali-bi., kalm., lac-c., 2lac-d., 2lach., 2led., meny., merc-c., merl., mosch., myric., 2nat-m., 2phos., plan., 2psor., 2puls., seneg., 2spig., 2stram., 2sulph., 2zinc.
Head; pain, headache; From cold (including cold parts)
Head; pain, headache; from catching cold; 2acon., ant-c., arn., 2bell., 2bry., 2calc., carb-s., 2carb-v., caust., 2cham., chin., coff., coloc., con., dulc., graph., hep., hyos., 2kali-bi., 2kali-c., 2kali-p., kali-s., lach., merc., 2nit-ac., nit-m-ac., 2nux-v., petr., 2phos., 2puls., rhus-t., samb., sep., 2sil., 2sulph., verat.
Head; pain, headache; from combing or binding hair; when combing the hair; ars., 2bry., carb-v., chin-a., chin., cina., hell., ign., kreos., lac-c., 2mez., sel., sep.
Head; pain, headache; from combing or binding hair; when combing the hair; backward; puls., rhus-t.
Head; pain, headache; from combing or binding hair; from binding hair; acon., alum., am-c., ambr., 2arg-n., arn., ars., aur., bar-c., bar-m., 1bell., bry., calc., canth., carb-an., carb-s., 2carb-v., carl., chel., chin-a., 2chin., 2cina., cinnb., coloc., 2glon., 2hep., indg., iod., kali-c., 2kali-n., kali-p., kreos., lach., laur., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., 2mez., mosch., mur-ac., nat-c., nat-p., 2nit-ac., 2nux-v., petr., ph-ac., 2phos., psor., 2puls., rhus-t., sep., 2sil., stann., 2sulph., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; better combing the hair; form.
Head; pain, headache; while in company or crowd; mag-c., plat., 2plb., staph.
Head; pain, headache; constant; arg-m., cann-s., carb-v., 2chin-s., 2cimic., cupr., dulc., 1ferr., 2gels., 2glon., hep., hydr., indg., lept., lob., nat-m., phos., rhod., rhus-r., sep., still., ter.
Head; pain, headache; constant; lasts for weeks, months, even years, with rare intermission; ter.
Head; pain, headache; constant; two or three days; croc., 1ferr.
Head; pain, headache; while constipated; 2aloe., alum., 1bry., 2calc-p., coff., 2coll., con., crot-h., ign., 2lac-d., lach., mag-c., merc., 2nat-m., 2nat-s., 2nux-v., op., petr., 2plb., 2podo., 2puls., verat., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; With runny or blocked nose
Head; pain, headache; on coughing; acon., aeth., alum., am-c., ambr., 2anac., ang., ant-t., apis., 2arn., ars., asim., aur., bad., bar-c., 1bell., brom., 1bry., cact., 2calc-s., 2calc., 1caps., 2carb-v., caust., 2chel., chin-a., 2chin., chion., cimx., 2cina., coc-c., 2coloc., 1con., 2cupr., dios., eup-per., ferr-ar., ferr-i., ferr-p., ferr., ham., hep., hydr., hyos., ign., 2ip., 2iris., 2kali-ar., kali-bi., 2kali-c., kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., 1lac-d., 2lach., lact-ac., led., 2lob., 2lyc., mag-s., mang., med., 2merc., mez., mur-ac., naja., 1nat-m., 2nicc., 2nit-ac., 2nux-v., oena., ol-an., ol-j., 2petr., 2ph-ac., 1phos., 1psor., 2puls., rhus-t., rumx., ruta., 2sabad., 2sang., sars., seneg., 2sep., sil., 2spig., 2spong., 1squil., 2stann., staph., stict., sul-ac., 1sulph., tarent., tax., tril., verat., zinc., ziz.
Head; pain, headache; better coughing; arg-mur.
Head; pain, headache; pains compel one to cry out; anac., 2ars., bov., cact., 2coloc., cupr., kali-c., lyss., mag-m., petr., 2sep., sil., stann., stram., tarent.
Head; pain, headache; after cutting hair; 1bell., glon., led., puls., sabad., 2sep.
Head; pain, headache; living in a damp house; 2ars., calc., 2carb-v., 2dulc., nat-s., phys., puls., rhod., 2rhus-t., 2sil., 2verat.
Head; pain, headache; from dancing; 2arg-n.
Head; pain, headache; worse darkness; aloe., carb-an., 2carb-v., lac-c., onos., 2sil.
Head; pain, headache; better darkness; acon., arn., 2bell., brom., chin., hipp., lac-d., mag-p., mez., 2sang., sep., 2sil., 2stram., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; with delirium; chin-s., sil., stram.
Head; pain, headache; while teething; 2acon., bell., calc-p., 2cham., 2cocc., coff., hep., hyos., ign., merc., nit-ac., nux-v., rhus-t., sil.
Head; pain, headache; after epileptic attacks; 2caust., cina., cupr.
Head; pain, headache; after a nose bleed; 2bor.
Head; pain, headache; better nose bleed; ant-c., bufo., carb-an., cham., dig., ferr-p., ham., hyos., kali-bi., mag-s., 2meli., mill., petr., 2psor., tab.
Head; pain, headache; better burping, belching; bry., cinnb., gent-c., lach., sang.
Head; pain, headache; From emotions
Head; pain, headache; better physical exertion; agar., apis., mag-m., merc-i-f., 2rhod., rhus-g., 2sep.
Head; pain, headache; from exertion; Physical exertion
Head; pain, headache; from exertion; mental exertion; acon., agar., agn., am-c., ambr., 2anac., apis., aran., arg-m., 2arg-n., arn., ars-i., asaf., asar., 1aur., bell., benz-ac., 2bry., cadm., cahin., calc-ar., 1calc-p., calc-s., 1calc., 2carb-ac., carb-an., carb-s., 2carb-v., cham., chin-a., 2chin., cimic., cina., cinnb., 2cist., coc-c., 2cocc., coff., 2colch., coloc., 2con., crot-h., daph., 2dig., elaps., fago., 2gels., gins., 1glon., graph., hell., hipp., 2ign., 2iris., kali-ar., 2kali-p., kalm., 2lac-c., 2lach., lact., 1lyc., 2lyss., 2mag-c., 2mag-m., merc., morph., naja., 2nat-a., 1nat-c., 1nat-m., 1nat-p., 2nat-s., 2nit-ac., 2nux-m., 1nux-v., ol-an., olnd., op., ox-ac., 2par., 2petr., 1ph-ac., 2phos., 1pic-ac., plat., 2psor., ptel., 1puls., 2sabad., sel., 2sep., 1sil., 2spig., 2staph., stram., 2sulph., ter., ther., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; from exertion; mental exertion; from eager attention; anac., 2ign., nux-v., sabad.
Head; pain, headache; from exertion; when trying to keep awake; phys.
Head; pain, headache; as if eyebrows pressing down; carb-an.
Head; pain, headache; after fainting; mosch.
Head; pain, headache; as if head fell forward and came up again; sul-ac.
Head; pain, headache; When hungry
Head; pain, headache; better flatulence; aeth., cic.
Head; pain, headache; With stomach complaints
Head; pain, headache; Hammering pain
Head; pain, headache; while letting feet hang down; 2puls.
Head; pain, headache; With high or low temperature
Head; pain, headache; in high altitudes; 2coca.
Head; pain, headache; must hold head and eyes down; apis.
Head; pain, headache; while holding head straight; bar-c.
Head; pain, headache; hysterical headache; 2arg-n., arn., 1asaf., 2aur., bell., bry., cann-s., caps., cham., cimic., 2cocc., 2coff., gels., hell., hep., hyos., 2ign., iris., kali-bi., lach., lact., mag-c., mag-m., 2mosch., nit-ac., 2nux-m., nux-v., ph-ac., phos., 2plat., rhus-t., ruta., scut., 2sep., stict., stram., tarent., valer., verat.
Head; pain, headache; Increasing gradually
Head; pain, headache; After physical injuries
Head; pain, headache; when breathing in; 2anac., brom., carb-v., rat.
Head; pain, headache; when breathing in; deep; 2cact.
Head; pain, headache; intermittent; agar., alumn., anac., arg-m., 2ars., cann-i., caul., cina., cupr., ferr., 2gels., ign., iod., iris., kalm., mill., nit-ac., plan., plat., psor., sang., sep., stann., ter., valer., verat.
Head; pain, headache; from hangover; 2ant-c., bell., 2bry., 2carb-v., cocc., coff., glon., laur., 1nux-v., 2puls., spong., stram., sulph., tarax.
Head; pain, headache; from ironing; 1bry.
Head; pain, headache; from any jar; am-c., am-m., arn., bar-c., 1bell., 1bry., calc-s., 2calc., 2carb-s., 2carb-v., chel., chin-a., 2chin., cina., cob., 2cocc., con., crot-h., 2ferr-p., 2gels., 1glon., grat., 2hep., ind., 2kali-c., kali-p., 2kali-s., lac-c., lac-d., lach., 1led., 2lyc., 2mag-m., mang., merc., nat-a., 2nat-m., 1nit-ac., 2nux-v., onos., petr., 2ph-ac., 2phos., phyt., 2psor., 2rhus-t., sabad., sang., 2sep., 1sil., 2spig., 2sulph., 2ther., 2thuj., vib.
Head; pain, headache; from laughing; ars., chion., cocc., ip., iris., mang., 2nat-m., phos., ther., zinc., zing.
Head; pain, headache; while leaning against something; ang., bell., cycl., nat-m.
Head; pain, headache; better while leaning against something; anac., aral., aran., arn., 1bell., brom., cann-s., con., dros., gels., gymn., kali-bi., meny., merc., nux-v., rhod., sabad., sabin., sang., seneg., spig., sulph.
Head; pain, headache; while listening to reading and talking; 2mag-m.
Head; pain, headache; must lie down; alum., am-c., anac., bell., 2bry., calc-p., calc-s., 2calc., chin., 2con., croc., crot-h., euphr., ferr-ac., ferr-i., 1ferr., gels., graph., iod., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., lach., lyc., mag-m., mosch., nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., 2nux-v., olnd., op., petr., ph-ac., phos., psor., puls., 2rhus-t., sang., sars., 2sel., 2sep., sil., stann., stict., sulph., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; While lying down
Head; pain, headache; Lying down
Head; pain, headache; Lying down
Head; pain, headache; worse lying down in a dark room; onos.
Head; pain, headache; Maddening
Head; pain, headache; after measles; bell., 2carb-v., dulc., hell., hyos., 2puls., rhus-t., 2sulph.
Head; pain, headache; In women
Head; pain, headache; better mental exertion; am-c., ars., calc-ac., calc-p., ham., helon., ign., merc-i-f., nat-m., nit-ac., par., phos., phys., pip-m., psor., sabad.
Head; pain, headache; from necrosis; lyc., op.
Head; pain, headache; Certain movements
Head; pain, headache; From certain movements
Head; pain, headache; pains compel one to move; chin., ph-ac.
Head; pain, headache; From noises
Head; pain, headache; From certain odours
Head; pain, headache; aged people; am-c., ambr., iod.
Head; pain, headache; With other pains
Head; pain, headache; Recurring headache
Head; pain, headache; Perspiration
Head; pain, headache; better perspiration; bov., carb-s., chin-a., clem., graph., mag-m., 2nat-m., nat-s., nux-v., psor., spong., 2sulph., tarent., thuj.
Head; pain, headache; from suppressed perspiration; 2ars., 2bell., bry., 2calc., 1carb-v., 2cham., 2chin., lyc., merc., 2nux-v., phos., 2puls., rhus-t., sep., 2sulph.
Head; pain, headache; From poisoning
Head; pain, headache; Pressure
Head; pain, headache; Pressure
Head; pain, headache; pulsating; 2acon., aeth., alum., 2am-c., am-m., anac., ang., 2apis., 2ars., 2asar., aur-m., 1bell., 2bor., bry., bufo., 2calc-p., 2calc-s., 2calc., camph., canth., caps., carb-an., 1carb-s., 1carb-v., caust., 2cham., 2chel., chin-a., 1chin-s., 1chin., clem., cob., cocc., cupr-s., cupr., eug., 2eup-per., 2euphr., 2ferr-ar., 2ferr-i., ferr-m., ferr-p., 1ferr., 2gels., 1glon., ham., 2hep., hydr., hyos., hyper., 2ign., indg., 2ip., kali-ar., kali-bi., 2kali-c., kali-i., kali-p., kali-s., 2lach., 2led., 1lyc., 2lyss., manc., meli., mez., 2morph., nat-a., 1nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nicc., nit-ac., nux-m., 2nux-v., 2op., petr., ph-ac., 2phos., plat., 1psor., ptel., 1puls., rhod., 2rhus-t., 2ruta., 2sang., sec., 2sep., 2sil., sol-n., 2stram., stry., 1sulph., tarent., upa., verat., xan.
Head; pain, headache; better rain; cham.
Head; pain, headache; worse when reading; agn., apis., arg-m., arn., asaf., aur., bor., bov., bry., calc-s., 2calc., carb-s., carb-v., caust., cham., chel., chin-s., cimic., cina., cinnb., clem., coca., cocc., coff., crot-t., ery-a., ferr-i., glon., helon., ign., lach., lyc., lyss., merc., mez., 1nat-m., nat-s., nux-v., olnd., op., par., ph-ac., 2plat., ptel., ruta., sabad., 2sep., sil., sulph., 2tub.
Head; pain, headache; better when reading; ham., ign.
Head; pain, headache; better resting head; better quietly on a cushion; alum.
Head; pain, headache; better resting head; better on arm; dros., seneg., staph.
Head; pain, headache; while resting head; on arm; nat-m.
Head; pain, headache; while resting head; on hand; bell., chin.
Head; pain, headache; rheumatic; acon., am-m., 2ars., 2asar., asc-t., 2aur., 2bell., benz-ac., berb., 1bry., cact., 2calc-p., 2caps., 2carb-s., caul., 2caust., cham., chin., 2cimic., 1coloc., cycl., 1dulc., 2eug., graph., 2guai., ign., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-s., 2kalm., 2lach., led., lyc., mag-m., mang., 1merc., 2nat-m., 2nit-ac., nux-v., petr., 2phos., 2phyt., plat., podo., 2puls., 2ran-b., 1rhus-r., 1rhus-t., 2sang., 1sep., 2sil., spig., stict., stram., sulph., 2verat.
Head; pain, headache; Travelling
Head; pain, headache; better travelling; brom., graph., kali-n., merc., 2nit-ac., 2sanic.
Head; pain, headache; better travelling; better by train or underground; 2nit-ac.
Head; pain, headache; better travelling; better riding horseback; calc.
Head; pain, headache; indoors; in crowded room; 2lyc., mag-c., 1plat., plb.
Head; pain, headache; indoors; on entering a room; caust., chel., laur., mez., nat-m., 2nicc., 2ran-b., ran-s., rhus-t., sabad., spong.
Head; pain, headache; indoors; on coming in from cold air; colch., con., puls.
Head; pain, headache; pains coming on indoors are relieved outdoors and vice versa; mang., ran-b.
Head; pain, headache; when rubbing head; alum., calc-p., caust., dios., nit-ac.
Head; pain, headache; better rubbing head; ars., canth., carb-ac., chin-a., form., ham., indg., laur., ol-an., op., phos., phys.
Head; pain, headache; after scarlet fever; am-c., bell., 2bry., carb-v., cham., dulc., hell., hep., lach., 2merc., rhus-t.
Head; pain, headache; school girls; acon., bell., 1calc-p., 2calc., 2lac-c., 2nat-m., 1ph-ac., 2puls.
Head; pain, headache; better scratching; mang.
Head; pain, headache; sewing; lac-c.
Head; pain, headache; from repression of sexual desire; 2con., 2puls.
Head; pain, headache; From sex
Head; pain, headache; from singing; alum., ptel.
Head; pain, headache; sitting; 2agar., alum., am-m., ang., aral., arn., ars., asaf., asar., bism-ox., bor., bry., bufo., 2calc., canth., carb-an., 2caust., cham., 2chin., cic., coff., con., cycl., dros., eupho., ferr-ar., ferr-p., ferr., gent-c., grat., guai., indg., lac-d., lach., led., lyc., mag-c., meny., merc-i-r., merc., mez., 2mosch., mur-ac., nat-a., 2nat-c., 2phos., plat., puls., ran-b., rat., rhod., rhus-t., ruta., sabad., seneg., sil., spong., squil., 2staph., 2sul-ac., sulph., tarax., verat., zing.
Head; pain, headache; sitting; better sitting straight; ant-t., 2cic., 2gels., kali-c., merc., phos.
Head; pain, headache; better sitting; ant-t., arn., ars., asar., 2bell., calad., calc., cic., cocc., coff., 2con., gels., glon., 2guai., hipp., ign., kali-ar., kali-c., 2kreos., lam., lith., mag-c., mag-m., mang., merc., nat-m., nux-v., phos., rhus-t., sep., sulph., verat.
Head; pain, headache; better sitting; better sitting straight; ant-t., 2cic., 2gels., kali-c., merc., phos.
Head; pain, headache; during sleep; agn., ars., camph., cham., colch., dig., ferr., graph., hyos., led., mag-c., petr., thuj.
Head; pain, headache; After sleep
Head; pain, headache; from loss of sleep; from staying up late; ant-c., arg-m., 2carb-v., 2cocc., coff., colch., 2laur., 2nux-v., rhus-t., sulph.
Head; pain, headache; from loss of sleep; from working at night; ambr., bry., carb-v., 1cocc., colch., 2nux-v., 2puls., sulph.
Head; pain, headache; Sleep
Head; pain, headache; sneezing; am-m., apis., arn., 2bell., benz-ac., bor., 2bry., 2carb-v., cina., grat., hydr., 2kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., 2nat-m., 2nit-ac., nux-v., 1phos., sabad., 2spig., 1sulph.
Head; pain, headache; better sneezing; calc., lil-t., mur-ac.
Head; pain, headache; pain in small spot; bor., carb-v., caust., colch., eupi., ferr-ma., graph., helon., hep., hydr-ac., 2kali-bi., 2kalm., lach., lact., lith., nux-m., ox-ac., phos., plan., psor., ran-s., rat., sang., sol-n., spig., sul-ac., sulph., tell., thuj., vinc., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; while standing; agar., alum., arg-m., arn., ars., calc-s., calc., canth., chin., dig., guai., ip., kali-ar., kali-c., kali-s., 2mag-c., mang., 2nat-m., 1puls., ran-b., rheum., rhus-t., spong., staph., 2sulph., tarax., verat., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; better while standing; calc., camph., ran-b., tarax.
Head; pain, headache; from stool; from pressing at stool; bell., 2bry., calc-p., cob., coloc., 2con., glon., ham., hell., ign., 2ind., iod., 2lyc., nat-m., 2nux-m., ox-ac., phos., psor., 2puls., rat., 2sil., spig., 2sulph., thuj., vib.
Head; pain, headache; from stool; before stool; aloe., merc., ox-ac., 2puls.
Head; pain, headache; from stool; after stool; am-c., ambr., apoc., bell., bufo., carb-an., 2carb-s., caust., chel., cupr., ign., lach., lyc., nat-c., ox-ac., petr., phos., podo., sabad., sep., sil., spig., ther., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; better after stool; aeth., agar., aloe., apis., asaf., bor., corn., cupr., lachn., ox-ac., ptel., thuj., verat-v.
Head; pain, headache; better from stooping; ang., bar-c., caust., 2cina., con., dig., elaps., fago., 2hyos., ign., indg., laur., mang., mez., nux-v., phos., tarax., verb., viol-t.
Head; pain, headache; Sudden pain or sudden increase of pain
Head; pain, headache; better sun; graph., stront.
Head; pain, headache; from suppressed out-breaks on skin; 2ant-c., bry., lyc., 2mez., nux-m., 2psor., sulph.
Head; pain, headache; when swallowing; gels., kali-c., mag-c.
Head; pain, headache; syphilitic; asaf., 2aur., fl-ac., hep., 2kali-i., led., 2merc., mez., 2nit-ac., phyt., 2syph., 1thuj.
Head; pain, headache; while talking; 2acon., agar., 2aran., arg-n., 2aur., 2bell., bry., cact., 2calc-s., 2calc., canth., chin., cic., 2cocc., coff., con., dros., dulc., euphr., fl-ac., 2gels., glon., hyos., 2ign., iod., jug-r., 2lac-c., lac-d., led., 2mag-m., meli., merc., 2mez., 1nat-m., nux-v., par., ph-ac., phos., psor., puls., rhus-t., sang., sars., 2sil., spig., spong., 1sulph., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; better while talking; dulc., eup-per., ham., lac-d., sil.
Head; pain, headache; when thinking of pain; ant-c., calc-p., cham., chin., con., ferr-p., 2hell., helon., hydr., ign., nat-s., ol-an., ox-ac., pip-m., sabad., sin-n., staph.
Head; pain, headache; better thinking of pain; agar., camph., 2cic., pall., prun-s.
Head; pain, headache; before thunderstorms; bry., lach., 2nat-c., 1phos., 2rhod., 2sep., 2sil.
Head; pain, headache; during thunderstorms; 2nat-p.
Head; pain, headache; from smoking tobacco; acet-ac., acon., alum., 2ant-t., 2bell., brom., calad., calc., caust., clem., coc-c., cocc., ferr-i., ferr., 2gels., glon., 2ign., 2lob., mag-c., 1nat-a., nat-m., nux-v., op., par., petr., plan., 2puls., sil., spig., thuj., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; better from smoking tobacco; am-c., 2aran., calc-p., 2carb-ac., naja.
Head; pain, headache; From touch
Head; pain, headache; better touch; ars., asaf., bell., bry., 2calc., coloc., con., cycl., kali-n., 2mang., meny., 2mur-ac., 2phos., sars., thuj., viol-t.
Head; pain, headache; Twitching
Head; pain, headache; with fading consciousness; acon., aeth., agar., ambr., arg-n., arn., aur., bell., 2bov., cann-i., carb-v., cast., cocc., 2crot-h., cycl., ferr., glon., hep., iod., kali-c., laur., mag-c., mang., 2mosch., 1nat-m., nux-m., 2nux-v., 2petr., phos., prun-s., puls., rhus-t., sabin., 2sil., stann., stram., tarax., 2verat.
Head; pain, headache; with fading consciousness; and after unconsciousness; bov.
Head; pain, headache; with fading consciousness; on moving; calc., carb-an., rhus-t.
Head; pain, headache; better uncovering body; cor-r.
Head; pain, headache; before urination, if the call not attended to; fl-ac., sep.
Head; pain, headache; while urinating; acon., coloc., 2tab.
Head; pain, headache; after urinating; caust.
Head; pain, headache; better urination; better after urinating; fl-ac.
Head; pain, headache; better urination; better profuse; 2acon., ferr-p., 1gels., 2ign., 2kalm., 2meli., sang., 2sil., ter., verat.
Head; pain, headache; from being in vaults, cellars, etc.; 1ars., bry., carb-an., 1puls., 2sep., 2stram.
Head; pain, headache; after vertigo, dizziness; 2calc.
Head; pain, headache; better applying vinegar; meli., op.
Head; pain, headache; violent pains; acon., aeth., am-m., 2apis., 2arg-n., 2ars., 2bar-c., 1bell., 1bry., 1cact., cann-s., canth., 1carb-s., cimx., cina., cinnb., coc-c., 2cocc., 2coff., colch., coloc., croc., 2crot-h., cupr., euphr., 2gels., 1glon., grat., 2hell., 2hyos., 2ip., kali-ar., kali-bi., 2kali-br., kali-c., 2kali-i., kali-p., kali-s., lac-d., 1lach., laur., led., 1lil-t., 2lyc., lyss., mag-c., manc., 1meli., 2merc., 2mez., 2morph., mosch., 2nat-m., 2op., 2phos., plb., 2rhus-t., 2sang., 2sep., 1sil., 2sol-n., 2stram., 2sulph., tarax., ther., thuj.
Head; pain, headache; violent pains; at the peak of the headache; ther.
Head; pain, headache; violent pains; with red face, vomiting and diarrhoea; 1bell.
Head; pain, headache; while vomiting; ars., asar., bar-m., con., eug., ferr-p., glon., 1iris., lach., lyc., mez., nux-v., phyt., sec., sep., verat.
Head; pain, headache; better vomiting; arg-n., asar., calc., cycl., gels., glon., kali-bi., lac-d., lach., manc., op., raph., 2sang., sep., sil., stann., sul-ac., tab.
Head; pain, headache; after vomiting; cham., cocc., ferr., nat-c., nux-v.
Head; pain, headache; Walking
Head; pain, headache; worse walking; lyc.
Head; pain, headache; worse walking; worse stepping heavily; aloe., alum., am-c., ambr., 2ant-c., bar-c., 1bell., 1bry., calc-p., 2calc., 2carb-s., 2caust., chel., 2chin., coc-c., cocc., coloc., 1con., dros., 1glon., hell., hydr., ign., kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., 2lach., 2led., 2lyc., 2mag-m., meny., mez., nat-a., 2nat-m., 1nit-ac., nuph., 2nux-v., ph-ac., 2phos., 2phyt., 2psor., 1rhus-t., 2sep., 1sil., 2spig., spong., sulph., thuj.
Head; pain, headache; Walking
Head; pain, headache; wandering pains; alumn., am-c., calc., chin., colch., kali-bi., led., lyc., mag-p., nat-s., plan., podo., 2puls., 2sang., 2spig.
Head; pain, headache; wandering pains; mist before eyes; then fleeting pains, worse at back of head; podo.
Head; pain, headache; From warmth
Head; pain, headache; worse warm room; acon., aeth., 1all-c., aloe., 2alum., am-m., ant-c., 1apis., 2arn., ars-i., 2ars., 2arum-t., asaf., bar-c., 2bell., 2bov., bry., bufo., calc., cann-i., 2carb-s., 1carb-v., 2caust., cham., 2chel., 2cimic., cob., coc-c., coca., coff., colch., com., 2croc., eupho., ferr-i., ham., hydr., hyos., 2iod., ip., kali-i., 2kali-n., 1kali-s., lact., laur., 2led., lil-t., 2lyc., 2lyss., mag-c., mag-m., 2mang., mez., 2mosch., 2nat-a., nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., nicc., ph-ac., 1phos., 1plat., plb., 1puls., ran-s., rhod., sang., sel., 1seneg., sep., sin-n., sol-n., 2spong., 2stram., 2sulph., tab., tell., 2verat., verb., 2zinc.
Head; pain, headache; Warmth
Head; pain, headache; from washing; washing head; 2am-c., 2ant-c., bar-c., bell., bry., calc-s., 2calc., canth., carb-v., cham., glon., lyc., merc., nit-ac., 2nux-m., phos., puls., 2rhus-t., 2sep., spig., stront., 2sulph.
Head; pain, headache; from washing; washing hands; rhus-r.
Head; pain, headache; from washing; after bathing; 1ant-c., 2bell., 2calc., canth., caust., kreos., 2nit-ac., puls., 2rhus-t., sep., sil.
Head; pain, headache; better washing; better washing head in cold water; acon., aloe., ant-t., 2ars., asar., aur-m., 2bry., calc-p., calc., caust., cham., cinnb., cycl., eupho., 2glon., ind., iod., kalm., lac-c., myric., nat-s., 2phos., plan., psor., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; better washing; better washing feet; nat-s.
Head; pain, headache; better washing; better bathing; lact-ac.
Head; pain, headache; from changes of weather; 2ars., 2bry., 2calc-p., 2calc., 2carb-v., lach., mez., 2nux-m., 2ph-ac., 2phos., 2psor., 2ran-b., 2rhod., 1rhus-t., 2sil., verb., vip.
Head; pain, headache; cloudy weather; bry., 2calc., 2cham., 2chin., 2dulc., 2mang., merc., 2nux-m., 1rhus-t., 2sep., sulph.
Head; pain, headache; cold weather; acon., 2agar., 2am-c., 2ars., 2aur., 2bell., 1bry., calc-s., 2calc., 2camph., 2caps., carb-v., 2caust., cocc., 2colch., con., 1dulc., 2hell., 1hep., hyos., ign., kali-c., 2kali-i., lyc., 2merc., 2mosch., nat-m., 2nux-m., 1nux-v., 2ph-ac., phos., rhod., 1rhus-t., 2sabad., sep., 2spig., 2stront., 2sulph., verat.
Head; pain, headache; cold weather; damp; 2am-c., ars., brom., 1bry., 1calc., carb-an., 2carb-v., cimic., colch., 1dulc., 1glon., 2lach., 2lyc., 2mang., 1merc., 2mez., mosch., nat-c., 1nux-m., 1nux-v., phyt., 1rhod., 1rhus-t., 1sil., 2spig., stront., 1sulph., tub., 2verat., zing.
Head; pain, headache; cold weather; dry; acon., 2asar., bry., 2caust., 1hep., 2nux-v., sabad., 2spong.
Head; pain, headache; begins with the warm weather; glon., 1nat-c., nat-s.
Head; pain, headache; better warm weather; calc.
Head; pain, headache; from windy, stormy weather; asar., 2aur., bry., cham., chin., lach., mur-ac., 2nux-m., nux-v., phos., puls., 2rhod., 2rhus-t., 2spig.
Head; pain, headache; From getting wet
Head; pain, headache; From exposure to wind
Head; pain, headache; when winking; 2all-c.
Head; pain, headache; winter headaches; 2aur-m-n., 2bism-ox., 2sil., 1sulph.
Head; pain, headache; from working; anac., bufo.
Head; pain, headache; from working; while doing some disagreeable work; chin.
Head; pain, headache; better work; merc-i-f.
Head; pain, headache; worm complaints; 2calc., chin., 2cina., graph., nux-v., plat., sabad., 2sil., spig., 2sulph.
Head; pain, headache; from wrapping up head; 2acon., 2apis., 2arum-t., 2bor., bry., 2calc., 2carb-v., cham., 2cob., 2ferr-i., ferr-p., ferr., gels., 2glon., ign., 1iod., lach., 2led., 1lyc., merc., nit-ac., op., 1phos., plat., 1puls., sec., seneg., sep., 2spig., staph., 2sulph., thuj., 2verat.
Head; pain, headache; better wrapping up head; agar., apis., arg-m., 2arg-n., 2ars., 2aur., 2bell., benz-ac., bry., 2colch., 2con., 2cupr., 2gels., 1hep., hyos., kali-ar., kali-c., kali-i., kali-p., 2lach., mag-c., 2mag-m., 2mag-p., meny., mez., mur-ac., nat-m., 2nit-ac., 2nux-m., 1nux-v., ph-ac., 2phos., pic-ac., 2psor., 1rhod., 1rhus-t., 2sanic., 2sep., 1sil., 2squil., 2stront., 2thuj.
Head; pain, headache; worse wrinkling forehead; nat-m.
Head; pain, headache; from writing; aran., arg-n., ars., asaf., 2aur., bor., 2calc., carb-an., caust., clem., dros., ferr-i., 2ferr., gent-l., glon., ign., 2kali-c., kali-p., lyc., 2lyss., manc., meph., 1nat-m., phos., ran-b., rhus-r., 2rhus-t., 2sil.
Head; pain, headache; when yawning; agar., bar-c., chin., cycl., mag-c., nux-v., phyt.
Head; pain, headache; better yawning; mur-ac., nat-m., staph.
Head; pain, headache; Extending to other parts
Head; pain, headache; bones; 2ant-c., 2arg-m., 1aur., bar-c., 2bell., bry., 2calc., canth., carb-v., caust., cham., 1chin., cocc., cupr., graph., guai., 1hep., ign., ip., lyc., mang., 1merc., 2mez., nat-c., 1nit-ac., nux-v., 2ph-ac., 2phos., puls., rhod., rhus-t., 2ruta., sabad., sabin., samb., 1sep., 2sil., spig., staph., sulph., verat., viol-t., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; Aching deep in brain
Head; pain, headache; In forehead
Head; pain, headache; Back of head (occiput)
Head; pain, headache; forehead and back of head; aeth., 2alum., ambr., anac., aphis., arn., asaf., aur., bell., bry., calc., camph., cann-i., canth., caps., carb-v., chel., chin-s., chin., cimic., cina., clem., colch., con., corn., dig., dios., eup-per., ferr., gels., glon., graph., grat., guai., hydr-ac., hyos., ign., iod., iris., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-n., lach., lachn., laur., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., mang., merc., mez., mosch., mur-ac., nat-m., ol-j., onos., op., petr., ph-ac., prun-s., ptel., raph., rhus-t., sabad., sabin., sars., seneg., sep., serp., spig., spong., squil., stry., sul-ac., sulph., tab., thuj.
Head; pain, headache; forehead and back of head; morning, on waking; kali-bi., 2lach., 1onos.
Head; pain, headache; Sides
Head; pain, headache; Temples
Head; pain, headache; temples and forehead; agar., agn., ant-c., ant-t., aran., arn., 2ars., arum-t., atro., aur., bar-c., 2bell., berb., bov., bry., 2camph., canth., cedr., chel., chin-a., chin-s., chin., clem., coloc., cor-r., crot-t., cycl., dig., dios., dulc., elat., ferr-ar., ferr., fl-ac., gels., glon., gran., hell., hipp., hura., hydr-ac., ind., iris., kali-bi., kalm., lachn., lil-t., lyc., lycps., mag-m., mag-s., mang., merc-i-f., merl., mez., mur-ac., myric., naja., nat-a., nat-m., nat-p., op., ph-ac., phos., phys., phyt., pip-m., psor., rhod., sabad., sabin., sel., seneg., 1sep., spig., stann., sulph., tab., tanac., verat., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; temples and back of head; acon., aesc., 2alum., bov., cann-s., nux-v., rhus-r., spig.
Head; pain, headache; Top of head (vertex)
Head; pain, headache; forehead and top of head; acet-ac., acon., all-c., aloe., ambr., anac., ant-c., ant-t., arg-n., bar-c., bell., berb., bor., bry., bufo., calc., cann-i., carb-an., cast., caust., cinnb., corn., crot-t., dig., dios., glon., graph., grat., helon., hura., hydr-ac., ign., indg., kali-bi., laur., lyss., mag-c., mang., meny., merc., mez., mosch., mur-ac., myric., naja., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nux-v., ol-an., ol-j., ox-ac., phel., ptel., puls., rhus-r., 2sep., sil., sol-n., stann., valer., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; biting; arg-m., bar-c., carb-v., cham., grat., kali-bi., kali-i., lyc., mez., phel., ran-s., rhod., sec.
Head; pain, headache; biting; worse rubbing; staph.
Head; pain, headache; biting; better scratching; grat.
Head; pain, headache; As from blows to the head
Head; pain, headache; Boring, digging, screwing
Head; pain, headache; Burning
Head; pain, headache; Burrowing
Head; pain, headache; Bursting
Head; pain, headache; Cramping
Head; pain, headache; as if crushed shattered, beaten to pieces; acon., aeth., alum., anan., 1arg-m., ars., aur., bar-c., bell., bov., calc., camph., caust., cham., 2chin., 2cocc., coff., 2con., eupho., graph., hell., hyos., 1ign., iod., 2ip., kali-c., 2lach., lyss., mang., merc., mur-ac., nat-m., nat-s., nux-v., ph-ac., 1phos., puls., rhus-t., 1ruta., 2sep., 2sil., stann., stront., sul-ac., verat.
Head; pain, headache; Cutting, darting, stabbing
Head; pain, headache; Pulling
Head; pain, headache; Dull pain
Head; pain, headache; as if foreign body in head; 2con., fl-ac., rhod.
Head; pain, headache; Gnawing
Head; pain, headache; grasping; arg-n., ars., con., hell., mag-m., nat-s.
Head; pain, headache; grasping; in forehead, relieved by cold bath; nat-s.
Head; pain, headache; Grinding
Head; pain, headache; griping; con., mag-m., mag-s., sep.
Head; pain, headache; grumbling; hep., indg., sul-ac.
Head; pain, headache; hacking; am-c., ars., aur., kali-n., lyc., ph-ac.
Head; pain, headache; Jerking
Head; pain, headache; Piercing, stabbing (see cutting)
Head; pain, headache; as if head were open; 2carb-an., 2cimic., guano., sil.
Head; pain, headache; opening and shutting; 1cann-i., 2cann-s., 2cimic., 2cocc., lyc.
Head; pain, headache; opening and shutting; on moving head or turning eyes; 2cimic.
Head; pain, headache; opening and shutting; back of head; 2cocc., sep.
Head; pain, headache; opening and shutting; back of head; better open air; sep.
Head; pain, headache; opening and shutting; back of head; better cold application; sep.
Head; pain, headache; pecking; carb-an., mosch., nux-v., rhus-t., ruta.
Head; pain, headache; pecking; forehead; carb-an.
Head; pain, headache; Pinching
Head; pain, headache; As from a plug, peg or wedge (see nail)
Head; pain, headache; Pressing (see bursting, pulling)
Head; pain, headache; Sensation as if hair were pulled
Head; pain, headache; scraped feel, feels better on movement; while lying the pain shifts to side lain on; 2ph-ac.
Head; pain, headache; Shooting (see cutting, piercing, stabbing, shocks, stitches, etc.)
Head; pain, headache; Sore bruised, sensitive to pressure
Head; pain, headache; Stitching, sudden, sharp
Head; pain, headache; Stunning
Head; pain, headache; Tearing, rending
Head; pain, headache; As if torn
Head; pain, headache; twanging, as from breaking a piano string; lyc.
Head; pain, headache; Ulcerative