Head; pain, headache; As from blows to the head
View page in remedy finderHead; pain, headache; as from blows to the head; aeth., alum., ant-t., arn., bov., caust., chel., hell., indg., led., mang., med., nat-m., nux-v., olnd., ph-ac., plat., ran-b., ruta., sabad., sol-n., spig., sul-ac., valer., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; as from blows to the head; on neck and back of head; cann-i.
Head; pain, headache; as from blows to the head; forehead; wakes up at 1 a.m.; psor.
Head; pain, headache; as from blows to the head; forehead; morning on waking; sol-n.
Head; pain, headache; as from blows to the head; back of head; ., 2lyss., 1naja.
Head; pain, headache; as from blows to the head; back of head; below skull; apis.
Head; pain, headache; as from blows to the head; temple; 2sul-ac.
Head; pain, headache; as from blows to the head; stunning pain, as from a blow on top of head; valer.