Head; pain, headache; Ulcerative
View page in remedy finderHead; pain, headache; ulcerative; acon., 1am-c., ant-t., bor., 2bov., bufo., carb-v., cast., caust., 2hep., kali-c., kreos., mag-c., mang., merc., nux-v., petr., puls., rhod., sep., stann., stront., 2sul-ac., sulph.
Head; pain, headache; ulcerative; forehead; hep., mur-ac., nux-v.
Head; pain, headache; ulcerative; forehead; periodical, with constipation; nux-v.
Head; pain, headache; ulcerative; back of head; am-c., kreos., mang., nux-v., sep.
Head; pain, headache; ulcerative; back of head; left side; mag-c.
Head; pain, headache; ulcerative; temples; mur-ac., 2puls.
Head; pain, headache; ulcerative; top of head; cast., kreos., zinc.