Head; skin and scalp; Erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour)
View page in remedy finderHead; skin and scalp; erysipelas; ant-t., 2anthr., 1apis., apoc., 2ars., carb-s., 2chel., 2chin., cupr., dor., 2eupho., 1graph., 2lach., 2ph-ac., 2phyt., 2rhus-t., 2ruta., sulph., ter., verat-v.
Head; skin and scalp; erysipelas; left; samb.
Head; skin and scalp; erysipelas; left to right; 2rhus-t.
Head; skin and scalp; erysipelas; extending to face; 2apis.
Head; skin and scalp; erysipelas; forehead; apis., kali-i., ruta., sulph.
Head; skin and scalp; erysipelas; forehead; spots; kali-i., sulph.
Head; skin and scalp; erysipelas; back of head; 2ph-ac., rhus-t.