Head; Skin and scalp
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Head; skin and scalp; adhesion of skin of forehead; sabin.
Head; skin and scalp; sensation of scalp contracting; aeth., 2carb-v., lyc., lyss., merc., par., plat., ran-s., rhus-t., sanic., spig., stann.
Head; skin and scalp; sensation of forehead contracting; 2cycl., lyc., 2sanic.
Head; skin and scalp; powdery flaking skin; all-s., alum., 2am-m., 2ars., bad., 2bry., 2calc-s., 2calc., 1canth., 1carb-s., 2dulc., 1graph., kali-c., kali-chl., kali-p., 2kali-s., lac-c., 2lyc., mag-c., 2med., 2mez., 1nat-m., 2olnd., 1phos., 2psor., sanic., 2sep., 2staph., 1sulph., 2thuj.
Head; skin and scalp; powdery flaking skin; white; 2kali-chl., 2mez., 1nat-m., 2phos., 1thuj.
Head; skin and scalp; powdery flaking skin; yellow; 1kali-s.
Head; skin and scalp; Out-break on skin
Head; skin and scalp; Erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour)
Head; skin and scalp; Like insects crawling on skin
Head; skin and scalp; fungal infection; 2apis., 2calc-p., 2phos.
Head; skin and scalp; Itching
Head; skin and scalp; perspiration; Scalp
Head; skin and scalp; perspiration; Forehead
Head; skin and scalp; perspiration; back of head; anac., ars., 2calc., chin., ferr., mag-c., mosch., nit-ac., nux-v., 1ph-ac., 2sanic., 2sep., 2sil., spig., stann., 1sulph.
Head; skin and scalp; perspiration; back of head; during sleep; 2sanic.
Head; skin and scalp; perspiration; back of head; while walking; sulph.
Head; skin and scalp; lice; am-c., apis., ars., 2carb-ac., lach., lyc., 2merc., nit-ac., olnd., 2psor., sulph., tub., vinc.
Head; skin and scalp; lump; ant-t., arn., cham., chel., 2con., staph.
Head; skin and scalp; lump; in forehead; cham., pip-m., staph.
Head; skin and scalp; ulcer like lesions, leaving scars, spread over body; calc., lyc.
Head; skin and scalp; accumulation of fluid; under scalp; 2apis., 2ars.
Head; skin and scalp; accumulation of fluid; between eyebrows; kali-c.
Head; skin and scalp; oily forehead; 2hydr., 2psor.
Head; skin and scalp; tension pulling upward of skin of forehead; carb-an.
Head; skin and scalp; ulcers; 2anan., 2ars., 2bar-m., 2calc-p., chel., nit-ac., 2phos., ruta., 2sil., tarent., thuj.
Head; skin and scalp; ulcers; on back of head; 1sil.
Head; skin and scalp; wens; agar., bar-c., calc., 1graph., hep., 2kali-c., lob., lyc., nat-c., sil.