Head; Sensation of stiffness
View page in remedy finderHead; sensation of stiffness; canth., ferr., glon., nat-m., nat-s.
Head; sensation of stiffness; evening, in bed; sil.
Head; sensation of stiffness; on movement; nat-s.
Head; sensation of stiffness; worse movement of head; colch.
Head; sensation of stiffness; must bend head back; kali-n.
Head; sensation of stiffness; on waking; anac.
Head; sensation of stiffness; in brain, in open air; phos.
Head; sensation of stiffness; in back of head; anac., calc., ferr., gins., kali-n., phos., sil.
Head; sensation of stiffness; in back of head; extending to nose; lach.