Eye; pain; Extending to other parts
View page in remedy finderEye; pain; extending to other parts; to arm; rumx.
Eye; pain; extending to other parts; backward; 2aur., cimic., colch., coloc., 2com., crot-h., hep., lach., lil-t., mez., nat-m., 2par., phos., phys., 2rhus-t., 2spig., tarent., 2thuj.
Eye; pain; extending to other parts; downward; 2aur., bry., cahin., carb-v., coloc., 2gels.
Eye; pain; extending to other parts; to ear; fago., petr.
Eye; pain; extending to other parts; over side of face; lyc., op.
Eye; pain; extending to other parts; across forehead; cedr., lact-ac.
Eye; pain; extending to other parts; to forehead; agar., croc., hura., kalm., ran-b.
Eye; pain; extending to other parts; to frontal sinus; 1spig.
Eye; pain; extending to other parts; to back of head; 2bry., coc-c., colch., com., crot-t., dios., kali-p., lach., 2nat-a., pic-ac., sil.
Eye; pain; extending to other parts; outward; 2asaf., aster., hydr-ac.
Eye; pain; extending to other parts; to temples; anac., bad., chel., coc-c., ip., phys.
Eye; pain; extending to other parts; to top of head; cimic., 2croc., lach., phyt.