Eye; Pain
View page in remedy finderEye; pain; absin., 2acon., aeth., agar., 2all-c., 2aloe., 2alum., 2am-c., am-m., 2ambr., 2anac., anan., ant-t., 2apis., 2arg-n., 2arn., ars-i., 2ars., 2asaf., asar., asc-t., aspar., 2atro., aur-m., 1aur., bad., bapt., 2bar-c., bar-m., 1bell., 2berb., 2bor., bov., brom., 1bry., bufo., calad., 2calc-p., 2calc-s., 2calc., 2carb-ac., carb-an., 2carb-s., carb-v., card-m., 2carl., 2caust., 2cedr., 1cham., 2chel., 2chen-a., chin-a., 1chin., chlor., cic., 2cimic., cina., 2cinnb., 2clem., 2cocc., 2colch., 2coloc., 2com., 2con., cop., cor-r., 2croc., crot-c., 2crot-h., 2crot-t., 2cupr., daph., 2dig., echi., 2elaps., eup-per., 2euphr., 2ferr-ar., ferr-i., 2ferr-p., ferr., fl-ac., gamb., 2gels., 2glon., 2graph., 2guar., gymn., 2ham., hell., 2hep., 2hydr., hydrc., hyos., hyper., 2ign., iod., ip., jab., 2kali-ar., kali-bi., 2kali-c., kali-i., 2kali-p., kali-s., 1kalm., kreos., 2lac-c., 2lach., 2lact-ac., led., lil-t., lith., lob., 1lyc., 2lyss., mag-c., mag-m., 2mag-p., manc., mang., 2med., meph., 2merc-c., merc-i-f., merc-i-r., 1merc., 2merl., 2mez., naja., nat-a., 1nat-m., nat-p., 1nit-ac., 2nux-v., osm., ox-ac., pall., par., 2petr., 2ph-ac., phel., 2phos., 2phys., 2phyt., pic-ac., 2plan., 2plat., 2plb., podo., 2prun-s., 2psor., 2ptel., 2puls., 1ran-b., 2rhod., 2rhus-t., rhus-v., rumx., 1ruta., sabad., 1sang., sant., 2sars., sec., 2sel., 1seneg., 2sep., 2sil., 1spig., 2spong., 2stann., 2staph., stram., stry., 2sulph., tab., tarax., 2tarent., 2ter., 2ther., 2thuj., tub., urt-u., ust., valer., verat., vesp., 2zinc., zing.
Eye; pain; Right
Eye; pain; left; agar., 2anac., 2ars., 2asar., asc-t., aur-m., 2aur., 2caust., 2elaps., 2hep., lac-f., 2lach., mag-m., naja., onos., pic-ac., 2sulph., zinc.
Eye; pain; daytime only; ammc., caust., cob., 2hep., 1kalm., lyc., mang., phos., 1sang., sep.
Eye; pain; Morning
Eye; pain; Late morning
Eye; pain; noon, daily; cham., 2chin-s., ign., sulph., valer., verat.
Eye; pain; Afternoon
Eye; pain; Evening
Eye; pain; better evening; chel.
Eye; pain; Night
Eye; pain; worse cold air; 2acon., chel., cinnb., 2clem., cob., 1hep., 1sil., 2spig.
Eye; pain; better cold air; 2arg-n., asar.
Eye; pain; worse open air; aur-m., benz-ac., berb., clem., glon., kali-bi., 2kalm., merc-c., seneg., 2spig.
Eye; pain; better open air; 1arg-n., ars., 1asaf., 2lil-t., nat-m., 2phos., 2puls., sep.
Eye; pain; alternates with pain in abdomen; 2euphr.
Eye; pain; alternates with pain in left arm; plb.
Eye; pain; alternates with pain in ovary; sulph.
Eye; pain; worse bathing eye; 2sulph.
Eye; pain; better bathing eye; aur., mur-ac., nicc., thuj.
Eye; pain; better bathing eye in cold water; 2apis., 2asar., 2phos., 2puls.
Eye; pain; worse bending forward; 2coloc.
Eye; pain; better blowing nose; aur.
Eye; pain; from a blow; 1arn., 1symph.
Eye; pain; centre of eyeballs; cimic.
Eye; pain; when changing from dark to light and light to dark; 2stram.
Eye; pain; during chill; seneg.
Eye; pain; must close; 2aur., bar-c., 2calc.
Eye; pain; worse closing; bell., 2canth., 2carb-v., cimic., clem., con., fago., lact-ac., sil., staph., sumb.
Eye; pain; better closing; 2chel., 2lac-d., nit-ac., ph-ac., pic-ac., plat., sin-n.
Eye; pain; after sexual intercourse; bart.
Eye; pain; better cold water; acon., 2apis., 2asar., 2aur., 2form., lac-d., nat-a., nit-ac., 2phos., pic-ac., 2puls.
Eye; pain; on coughing; seneg., sul-ac.
Eye; pain; better covering eyes with hand; 2aur-m., 2thuj.
Eye; pain; better dark; bell., 2chin., 2euphr., 2nux-m., staph.
Eye; pain; after dinner; agar., mez., phos., seneg.
Eye; pain; with dryness of eyeballs; 1sulph.
Eye; pain; after eating; dig., sulph.
Eye; pain; from exertion of vision; bar-c., 1bry., calc., canth., carb-v., 2chel., ign., 2mang., mur-ac., naja., 1nat-m., 2nux-m., 2phyt., plat., 2psor., 2puls., 2rhus-t., 1ruta., sil., 2spig., 2staph.
Eye; pain; from exertion of vision; in detailed work; 2carb-v., coloc., 2con., 2jab., merc., mur-ac., 2nat-m., 1ruta., seneg., sulph.
Eye; pain; in glare of fire; 1merc.
Eye; pain; with glaucoma; mez., 2phos.
Eye; pain; during headache; 2agar., 2apis., 1bell., con., seneg., sep., stict.
Eye; pain; during headache; in back of head; 1nux-v.
Eye; pain; at each beat of heart; atro.
Eye; pain; during heat; 2guar., hep., kali-c., 2led., 1lyc., 2nat-m., 2nux-v., ph-ac., puls., rhod., rhus-t., 2sep., 2stram., thuj., 1valer.
Eye; pain; increasing until noon; 1kalm., 2nat-m., 2puls., 2stann.
Eye; pain; light; 2apis., 2ars., asc-t., atro., 2aur-m., 1bar-c., 2bell., 2calc., 2chel., 1chin., cob., 1con., 2cupr., euphr., ferr-i., 2hep., iod., 2lac-d., mang., 2merc., nat-a., 2nat-m., 2nux-m., 2nux-v., petr., 2phos., 2phyt., sep., 2sil., 2staph., sulph., syph., thuj.
Eye; pain; in artificial light; 2calc-p., 2calc., carb-an., 2chel., cina., croc., ip., 2lith., lyc., mang., nat-a., 2nat-m., nux-v., petr., pic-ac., plat., sars., 2seneg., sep., staph.
Eye; pain; from daylight; am-c., hell., hep., lact-ac., 2merc., sars., 2sil.
Eye; pain; worse dim light; am-m., 2apis., sars., 2stram.
Eye; pain; strong light; 2asar., com., 2hep., 2mang., nat-a., petr., phos., pic-ac., ruta., 2sil., 2sulph., thuj.
Eye; pain; When looking
Eye; pain; while lying; 2carb-v., cedr., 2gels., nux-v., 2phos.
Eye; pain; better lying down; chel., 2cimic.
Eye; pain; better lying on left side; nat-a.
Eye; pain; better lying on painful side; lach., zinc.
Eye; pain; after masturbation; 2cina.
Eye; pain; during period; carb-an., 2coloc., croc.
Eye; pain; On movement of eyes
Eye; pain; better movement of eyes; dulc., op.
Eye; pain; on opening lids; ars., croc., 2hydr., kali-bi., 2led., ph-ac., upa.
Eye; pain; comes on suddenly; ars., 1bad., 2chin-s., 2chin., nicc., plat., puls., sil.
Eye; pain; periodic; aur-m., 2cedr., 2chin-s., 2chin., 2coloc., 2euphr., 2gels., 2nat-m., 1prun-s.
Eye; pain; worse pressure; brom., dros., ham., plan., sars.
Eye; pain; after pressure; bar-ac.
Eye; pain; better pressure; 2asaf., bapt., bry., 2calc., 2caust., chel., chin-s., cimic., coloc., con., ham., mag-m., 2mag-p., mur-ac., pic-ac.
Eye; pain; pulsating; 2ars., 2asaf., 2chel., petr., rhus-t.
Eye; pain; raising lids; 2nat-m.
Eye; pain; when using eyes; 2arg-n., 2arn., 2calc., carb-v., con., 2lach., 2merl., 1nat-m., 2nux-v., phos., 1ruta., staph.
Eye; pain; when using eyes; when reading; 2agar., alum., ammc., 2apis., 2arg-n., 2arn., 2ars-i., ars-m., 2ars., asar., aur., bapt., 2bry., calc-p., 2calc., cann-i., caust., cic., 1con., 1dulc., 2echi., ign., 2jab., kali-ar., 2kali-c., 2kali-p., 2lac-c., 2lac-d., 2lach., lact-ac., 2lith., 2mang., merc., 2merl., mur-ac., 2nat-a., nat-c., 1nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nit-ac., 2nux-v., ol-j., olnd., 2onos., petr., phel., 2phos., phys., phyt., pic-ac., 2puls., 2rhod., 1ruta., sars., 2seneg., 1sep., 2staph., sulph., thuj.
Eye; pain; when using eyes; when reading; in dim light; benz-ac., 2cina., lach., mang., nat-m., nux-v., staph.
Eye; pain; when using eyes; while sewing; apis., ars-m., 2cina., dig., mez.
Eye; pain; when using eyes; while sewing; on fine work; carb-v., coloc., 2con., merc., 2nat-m., 1ruta.
Eye; pain; when resting; 2coloc., dros., dulc., merc-i-f., mur-ac., thuj.
Eye; pain; better rest; berb., pic-ac.
Eye; pain; rheumatic; 2apis., clem., 2dulc., kali-c., 2led., 2mez., 2phyt.
Eye; pain; as from a ring; sep.
Eye; pain; when rising; ars., cere-b., fago.
Eye; pain; worse rubbing; carb-v., euphr., kali-c., sep.
Eye; pain; better rubbing; 2caust., 2ran-b., zinc.
Eye; pain; while sitting; chin-s., merc., phos.
Eye; pain; before sleep; 2con., 1phos.
Eye; pain; better sleep; am-c., chel., 1phos.
Eye; pain; after sleep; canth., euphr., gels.
Eye; pain; from smoking; calad.
Eye; pain; as from a spark; tarent.
Eye; pain; at each step; hep.
Eye; pain; during stool; 2crot-t.
Eye; pain; after stool; nat-c.
Eye; pain; when stooping; berb., bov., 2coloc., fl-ac., merc., seneg., spig.
Eye; pain; before a storm; 2cedr., 1rhod., 2sil.
Eye; pain; during a storm; 1rhod., sep., 2sil.
Eye; pain; as if strained; 2mez., 1ruta.
Eye; pain; worse sunlight; aml-n., calc., 2clem., 2hep., 2kali-p., 2mang., 2nat-a., 2nat-m., sulph.
Eye; pain; from sunrise until sunset; 2kalm.
Eye; pain; when swallowing; tarent.
Eye; pain; during a thunder storm; sep.
Eye; pain; worse thinking of the pain; 2lach., 2spig.
Eye; pain; worse touch; 2agar., arg-n., asaf., aur., 2bell., 2bry., 2caust., chin., cupr., dig., 1hep., mag-p., 2merc., psor., thuj.
Eye; pain; better profuse urination; acon., ferr-p., 2gels., 2ign., 2kalm., sang., sil., ter., verat.
Eye; pain; after walking; anac., bell., con., euphr., pall., puls., sep.
Eye; pain; while walking; anac., puls.
Eye; pain; while walking; in open air; benz-ac., plan., sulph., zinc.
Eye; pain; better walking in open air; arn., carb-v., nat-m.
Eye; pain; better walking in warm room; 2coloc.
Eye; pain; worse warmth; arn., 2chel., merc., mez., nat-m., 2puls.
Eye; pain; better warmth; 1ars., 2aur-m., 2dulc., ery-a., 1hep., kali-ar., 2lac-d., 2mag-p., 2nat-a., nat-c., seneg., 2sil., spig., 2thuj.
Eye; pain; worse warm room; 2apis., 1arg-n., 2con., 2puls.
Eye; pain; worse warm heater; 2apis., 2com.
Eye; pain; worse warm, weather; sulph.
Eye; pain; after crying; berb., tab.
Eye; pain; worse wet weather; 2calc., 2dulc., 2merc., 2rhus-t., 2spig.
Eye; pain; after drinking a glass of wine; zinc.
Eye; pain; worse wind; ars-m., asar.
Eye; pain; while writing; 2calc-f., coff., con., euphr., 2merl., 2nat-a., nat-c., 1nat-m., phyt., sep.
Eye; pain; yawning; agar.
Eye; pain; Extending to other parts
Eye; pain; around the eyes; 2cinnb., 2gels., 2ign., 1mag-m., merc-c., merc., nit-ac., pall., phyt., puls., 1spig., sulph., ter.
Eye; pain; between eyes; asc-c., carb-h., caust., dios., gymn.
Eye; pain; between eye and nose; mang.
Eye; pain; Corner
Eye; pain; Eyebrows
Eye; pain; between eye and nose, in the afternoon; kalm.
Eye; pain; tear duct; all-c.
Eye; pain; Lids
Eye; pain; Aching
Eye; pain; boring; apis., arg-n., asaf., aur-m., 2aur., bism-ox., chin-s., coff., 2crot-h., elaps., form., hell., kali-c., merc-i-f., 2merc., nat-m., 2nux-m., puls., spig., stry., thuj.
Eye; pain; Burning, smarting, gnawing, biting
Eye; pain; Bursting
Eye; pain; clawing; am-m.
Eye; pain; constricting; acon., amph., cham., chlor., elaps., lyc., naja., nit-ac.
Eye; pain; constricting; evening; rat.
Eye; pain; Contracting
Eye; pain; crushing; 1bry., 1prun-s.
Eye; pain; Cutting
Eye; pain; digging; bell., bism-ox., colch., sep., spig.
Eye; pain; digging; corner; anan.
Eye; pain; dragging; apis., 2caust., sep.
Eye; pain; Pulling
Eye; pain; As from something in eye
Eye; pain; gnawing, biting; agn., ars., berb., ox-ac., 2plat.
Eye; pain; grinding; xan.
Eye; pain; jerking; agar., 2asar., lac-f.
Eye; pain; jerking; left; agar., lac-f.
Eye; pain; like a nail; hell.
Eye; pain; pinching; arn., kali-c., nit-ac.
Eye; pain; Pressing
Eye; pain; Sore, bruised, tender
Eye; pain; Stitching, sudden, sharp
Eye; pain; Stinging
Eye; pain; Tearing
Eye; pain; Stinging