Eye; pain; Pulling
View page in remedy finderEye; pain; pulling; 2agar., apis., arn., 2ars., bell., bov., calc-p., 2camph., cann-s., canth., carb-s., carb-v., 2caust., cham., 2chel., cic., 2colch., con., cop., crot-c., 2cur., 2glon., 2graph., hell., 2hep., hyos., jug-c., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-p., 1kalm., kreos., lac-d., lach., lil-t., lith., lyc., lyss., med., 2naja., 1nat-m., oena., petr., 2phys., plat., podo., ran-s., 1ruta., 2seneg., sep., sil., 2spig., stront., sulph., tab., thuj., til., 2zinc., zing.
Eye; pain; pulling; daytime only; 2kalm.
Eye; pain; pulling; morning; grat., sep.
Eye; pain; pulling; late morning; podo.
Eye; pain; pulling; afternoon; phys.
Eye; pain; pulling; evening; bov., phys.
Eye; pain; pulling; night; lyc.
Eye; pain; pulling; pulling the eyeball backward; agar., aster., aur-m., bov., carb-s., cham., 2crot-t., cupr., 2graph., 2hep., 2lach., 2mez., 1par., plb., 2puls., rhod., sep., sil., stry., sulph., zinc.
Eye; pain; pulling; worse closing eyes; carb-v.
Eye; pain; pulling; after dinner; agar.
Eye; pain; pulling; worse lamplight; syph.
Eye; pain; pulling; on movement; 1kalm., 2nat-m., 2puls.
Eye; pain; pulling; better open air; sep.
Eye; pain; pulling; outward; cop., crot-c., med.
Eye; pain; pulling; during pain in back of head; 2carb-v.
Eye; pain; pulling; while sitting; merc.
Eye; pain; pulling; while standing; merc-sul.
Eye; pain; pulling; sticking; 2lach.
Eye; pain; pulling; stiff sensation, in muscles; 1nat-m.
Eye; pain; pulling; as with a string, into the brain or to back of head; 2crot-t., hep., 2lach., 1par., sil.
Eye; pain; pulling; together; 1nat-m., sep., 2sulph., 2zinc.
Eye; pain; pulling; toward the temple; crot-c.
Eye; pain; pulling; turning sideways; 1kalm.
Eye; pain; pulling; while walking; merc-sul.
Eye; pain; pulling; Extending to other parts
Eye; pain; pulling; in corner; 2aur., 1sep.