Vision; Colours and shapes in front of eyes
View page in remedy finderVision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; balls; of fire; stram.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; balls; floating; kali-c.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; balls; luminous; cycl.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; ciphers; ph-ac., phos., sulph.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; balls, zigzags, and other shapes; verat-v.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; Circles
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; Colours
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; Fiery
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; a sea of fire, on closing the eyes; 1phos., spig.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; flames; 1bell., calc., cann-s., 2carb-v., 2chin-s., cinch-b., cycl., dulc., myric., 2puls., sant., spong., staph., ther., 2thuj.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; flames; night in bed; spong., staph.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; flames; night in bed; on waking; cycl.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; flames; various coloured flames; 2crot-h., 2phos., thuj.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; Flashes
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; Light
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; lightning; 2bell., brom., 2caust., croc., cycl., dig., fl-ac., 2glon., 2kali-c., 2nat-c., 2nux-v., olnd., op., 2phos., phys., 2puls., sant., sec., sep., 2sil., 2spig., staph., stram., valer., zinc.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; large flame of light; dig., osm.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; net before eyes; 2carb-an., 2chin-s., hyos.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; net before eyes; moving around; 2carb-an.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; round objects pass before eyes while lying; caust.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; snow; falling; plb.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; snow; flakes; bell., jab.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; Sparks
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; Spots
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; Stars
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; stripes; 1con., 2sep., 2sulph., thuj.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; snake before the vision; arg-n., 2gels.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; Zigzags