Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; Sparks
View page in remedy finderVision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; acon., am-c., ammc., ant-t., arn., ars-i., ars., 2aur., 2bar-c., 1bell., bufo., 2calc-f., calc., 2camph., 2caust., 2chel., chin-a., 2chin-s., 1chin., chlf., coff., con., cupr-ar., cupr., 2cycl., dulc., ferr-i., 2glon., hyos., iod., kali-ar., 2kali-bi., 2kali-c., kali-s., 2lach., lyc., lyss., mag-p., 2merc., mez., nat-a., nat-c., nat-p., nit-ac., 2nuph., 2nux-v., 2op., petr., phos., pic-ac., 2plat., 2psor., sec., 2sep., 2sil., sol-n., 2spig., staph., stram., stront., stry., 2sulph., thuj., valer., verat., zinc.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; daytime; croc.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; morning; calc., ferr-i.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; morning; after breakfast; ferr-i.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; morning; on waking; 2calc.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; noon; dig., verat.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; evening; ammc.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; evening; like rays; mang.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; night; 2am-c., 2staph.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; night; on falling asleep; 1phos.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; night; on waking; 2am-c., 2calc.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; on going into open air; con., lyc.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; on blowing nose; alum., cod.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; on closing eyes; 2hydr.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; when coughing; bell., kali-c., nuph., par.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; in dark; 2bar-c., calc., lyc., 2phos., thuj., valer.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; during dinner; thuj.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; before an epileptic fit; 2hyos.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; from exertion of mind; 2aur.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; before headache; carb-ac., chin-s., coca., cycl., eug., lach., phos., 2plat., psor., sars., spong., viol-o.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; during headache; am-c., ars., 2chel., 1mag-p.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; outside the field of vision, either side; thuj.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; worse when resting; dulc.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; while sewing; iod.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; while sitting; hura.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; in streaks, after writing; 2carl.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; during vertigo, dizziness; ars., 2camph., psor.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; while walking; hura.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; on winking; 2caust.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; sparks; writing; kali-bi.